Industry 4.1: Robot Ownership, Neural Networks, and Open Source Monetization

- Ok Google. What is robotic mastery?
- Perhaps you mean "slavery"?

The capitalism was preceded by slavery. Slaves for the owners were only means of production, hired workers controlled them. Then came the work of free artisans, who themselves mastered the craft, used their own tools and did not need supervision.

Supervisors do not need modern robots at all. Soon it will be enough to give a command to the computer, and the robots will begin to produce products. What exactly is not so important. The main question is what will be the profit. Let the robots produce what is in demand, and the business owner will only have to count the money.

World of ideas and modern business

Plato wrote that there is a world of ideas containing images of all possible things that are waiting for their material embodiment. He called each such idea an eidos. In the world of computer programming, eidos-robotics is developing today. Everything that can be created alone has already been created. Global projects require global effort and resources.

How does a modern business function? - The customer chooses the company, guided by their own considerations. Then he needs to draw up a competent technical task, which is not an easy task. A business plan, schedule is drawn up, and the human factor is taken into account, because someone can get sick, be late, make a mistake. We need a complex production system, and above it another system that controls it. The hierarchy of overseers (sorry, managers).

In this case, two interrelated processes should be considered. The first is the selection and rotation of personnel. The remuneration of employees is the cost of production, therefore, we need the lowest paid, but at the same time well-working personnel. The worker is the gear of the capitalist mechanism, when it wears out, it is replaced. The second process is the law of capitalist development. Everything that does not develop dies. So, for the development of the business you need more and more gears, they will wear out faster and be cheaper.
We will not talk about the humanism of such a model. But is it really efficient to spend half the salary fund and the most qualified personnel on the supervision of those who are directly involved in the work?

What to do now?

The problem has a solution! The World of Eidos of Plato will help us.

Each item goes through a chain of improvements. For example, the fork gradually received an ergonomic bend, additional teeth and became not just a tool for stringing food, but a stylish and functional cutlery. A similar evolutionary way will develop and information products. Everyone can add micro-updates or patches to the open source code. Unsuccessful updates will be discarded, and innovative and useful ones will take root. You will also need advertising promotion, some quality marks, for example, “community choice”, or digital signatures of authoritative users.

For the sale of information products will need a site. On it, the user will be able to buy the product, modify it and put it up for sale again. However, minor improvements to the end user are not interesting. To interest him, updates must gain a certain weight. Therefore, the information product will be used for further improvement. The competition will be won by simpler and more convenient products, and the new modifications that come to replace them will inherit these properties. So de facto standards will be formed.

The finer the refinement, the lower the requirement for developer qualifications. Naturally, you can not do without errors, but in the development process they will be eliminated.

With a large number of product developers, authorship is eroded. A kind of virtual company is being formed. However, centrally managed firms will live for a long time. Two systems will exist in parallel and interact. The result of work performed at the direction of the authorities, or its individual components can be laid out by the contractor for sale if the development is not the know-how of the company.

If for some reason the employee cannot complete the task, he will be entitled to forward the order. The order itself will constitute a non-binding wish at a regular conference. If such work has already been done by someone, this will push him to put his development on sale. If not, it stimulates someone to do it. In a similar way, it will be possible to order components of complex work requiring the participation of several performers.

In fact, file stores already exist. Today, the problem is rather ideological. However, with the development of this system will reveal its potential.
Currently, most stores are inconvenient for the quick sale of cheap files. The proposed system is free from the disadvantages characteristic of these stores, and is able to provide a higher level of interaction to its users. In it, the purchase procedure will be similar to a free download, and payment can be made automatically. The store will present a kind of file server that runs easily on a personal computer.

Since it is not known in advance to whom and what information may be needed, everything that can be sold should be put up for sale without breaking the law. Fortunately, it does not cost anything.
Organizing a sale for fiat money is problematic, and the slow passage of the cryptocurrency is due to the requirements of reliability. For the sake of speeding up small payments, you can sacrifice the reliability of operations and reduce these requirements.

Neural network of the future?

The main feature of the neural network is that it is not known in advance what function one or another of its nodes will take upon itself. This is determined in the learning process. In the proposed system, the seller of information, when choosing a field of activity, is guided by the income received. He can take on any function in a spontaneously formed chain. Subsequently, this function can be automated, including using cloud computing.

With such an organization of the system, new opportunities open up for its user to realize their creative ideas, taking into account his individual desires and preferences.

The revolution of the new system is that it will provide an opportunity to profit from the sale of files with speed, simplicity and efficiency that is unattainable to date. This is a new round of online business development and open source software development.

PS - Visualized the idea through the video, for those who are too lazy to read

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