School 21 for the applicant


There was somewhere here an article about School 21 from a person who was to visit the selected "Pool". Now get a note from the person who swam before quarantine. Very briefly for prospective students.

« 21» — , « », «Ecole 42» 2013 . « 21» (IT) : , , . peer-to-peer (« »), . 21 . — . . , .

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  • Do not require medical certificates for the pool. You don’t know, suddenly your feast is contagious. Especially now. However, even having arrived healthy, you can pick up anything at the hostel. Half will be found there.
  • Feature size limits are terribly annoying.
  • Winery is burning with the inconvenience of Mac OS.
  • Static electricity. Now you do not believe that this is a problem, but at the pool you will sometimes be afraid of the keyboard. An instinct will be developed like Pavlov’s dogs: The keyboard is shocking. Painfully. The feasts also hit, but weaker.
  • Mouse inversion gets confused after customization. It's easier to get used to. Well, or I did not understand.

What should I do to avoid cheating while peeking at the github (don’t go there, anyway, don’t parse someone else’s code without comment), but simplify my life at school a little?

Bottom-up Tips

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  • SIC! All tasks require pre-registration. I forgot to register on time - decide something else.
  • Do not be afraid that you appear in School 21 as Akhmed Petrovna. They so ensure the safety of your personal data. For a month you are Petrovna, humble yourself. Introduce yourself in the slack.

And so you did all this, but there is nothing to do in quarantine. Not familiar with programming at all? You can, for example, Timofey Kharyanov on YouTube look. C course. You can also make an antistatic ring - you will become the king of the party.

He wrote that no one is hiding, I hope there will be no complaints from the school.

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