As part of import substitution, Moscow buys Microsoft software for 90 million rubles

I read a funny note on Cnews today - the developers of Russian software complained about the purchase of Microsoft solutions by the Moscow Department of Information Technologies for 90 million rubles. As an administrator, this event is interesting to me not so much with the amount of the contract or the complaint, but with its mechanics - how do they do it? To us, ordinary people in the regions, the administration is twisting our hands - and in Moscow, please - take Microsoft and this is normal. Therefore, I got confused and went to look for a purchase. The found justification surprised me so much that I urge the habro-community to answer the question - what could have been so?

So, we discard the lyrics and go straight to the point. Buying DIT Moscow is not difficult to find on the public procurement website . Procurement is carried out in accordance with 44-FZ, respectively, it is subject to Resolution 1236 , which imposes a ban on the acquisition of foreign software for the needs of government agencies. Many are familiar with this document, and I think it is not necessary to explain its essence in detail. In fairness, I’ll say that the law provides for the possibility of purchasing foreign software in the event that there are no Russian analogues. The logic is simple - if you need some kind of superspecific software from highly complex equipment, then it can be purchased, because Obviously, there is simply nothing to replace this with. However, in order to make a purchase, it needs to be justified.

And Microsoft's OSes - so there is definitely something to replace in our country.

We study the documentation

On the public procurement website, we are interested in the “ Investments ” tab , which presents all the documents in the current edition. Let's download them and see. We are interested in the file Rationale for Impossibility__1236.pdf , which for some reason is called the Explanatory Note on the public procurement website  . The most important part of the document is below: From here we find out that GKU Infogorod (they became famous a week ago with an application for tracking Muscovites) prepared a separate file - an application with a list of software requirements and operational characteristics. It is called Pril to ONSSZ 1236.xlsx , and lies there in the procurement documents.

Immediately we see an unrealistic size table of 16 tabs, which lists the requirements for a particular software. In each tab we see such a structure - column A contains the requirements, column B and C contain the word “yes”, and in all other columns it says either “Not documented” or “No”. Now let's look at the header of this table. It’s clear - column B says what is required, column C - shows whether the Microsoft solution meets one criterion or another. Next is a list of many Russian programs that do not meet any criteria. Let's look at Russian software and the criteria for comparison more closely.

So, the creators of Microsoft Windows 10 are compared with the Scanner-VS security analysis complex, the virtualized EcoRouter, the Aurora mobile operating system, the embedded OS (U) SIM ITT 3G / LTE SIM card operating system, NAVITEL Embedded Linux and more similar developments. Why was it compared with them? I do not understand. But, the truth is, the list also contains real OSes - Alt, AstraLinux, RED OS. Obviously, these operating systems may well compete with Windows 10 - I wonder what they did not please DIT Moscow? A careful study of the table with the criteria shows that among all “no” and “not documented” Russian software has only one “yes”. This is x64 platform support

the operating system Alt 8 SP. I'm not talking about everyone else, but I'm sorry, but what about  AstraLinux ? Other criteria do not stand up to criticism either - domestic OSes, it turns out, do not work with JAVA, OpenGL and do not support Plug & Play. How so?

Now let's take a quick look at the Microsoft Office tab. We see the same picture - not one of the criteria for 208 units of a similar Russian software is suitable, because the specified criteria are “not documented”. MS Office is compared with 1C Bitrix, ABBYY Screenshot Reader, VideoMost Server, Comindware Business Application Platform and many other similar solutions, which in my opinion are not very similar to their analogues. It’s the same as buying irons if you need refrigerators, since both are household appliances, and it doesn’t matter what it is for.

There is an ideological abyss in the list of criteria. The first criterion for selecting office software claims compliance with RF Government Decree No. 325. And from the table it follows that only Microsoft Office corresponds to it. DIT Moscow, are you kidding or pretending to be? Open the document and read at least its title - it establishes additional requirements for programs from the Russian software registry. Microsoft Office - Russian software? And how long has it become them? And the registry is, right?


Dear habravchane. Do you think this is normal or profanity? And someone did it like that? The case is real, can I put it into practice? I can also buy Microsoft, because if Moscow can, then it will take a ride on our banks of the Yenisei? What do regulatory authorities think about this? Let us discuss, please, your opinion is important to me.

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