Online hackathon of projects for self-employed: 500 thousand rubles for their ideas and support from the Federal Tax Service

On April 23-26, Wallet One, the Federal Tax Service of Russia and Russian Hackers hold an online hackathon for developers, students, fintech specialists, startups and anyone who wants to offer the idea of ​​a service for the self-employed.

The hackathon is called SMZ Hack, both teams and individual developers are invited to participate. Well, under the cut - details that are needed for those who are interested. And by the way, in this post you can ask questions to representatives of the Federal Tax Service on the topic of self-employment, reporting, etc.

When, where and why is a hackathon held?

Let's start answering from the end.

Why is the SMZ Hack done?

In 2019, the Russian Federation adopted a law on self-employed. To date, 400,000 people have registered as such. But the problem is that doing business for many of them is new, lacking tools, experience and knowledge.

The goal of the hackathon is to develop and offer several services that will simplify the conduct of business for this category of entrepreneurs. Now the boom of remote work, therefore, the popularity of services that help in this work, including business management, is increasing. Having implemented a successful idea, you can very quickly go through the initial development stage, becoming a popular service.

Currently, the list of self-employed professions is 115 points. But applications and services that facilitate their work have been developed for a maximum of 20 professions. Most solutions for taxi drivers, there are no solutions, for example, for electricians, plumbers, business trainers, etc. Therefore, priority will be given to projects that allow you to cover those areas where there are no solutions, or if there are, then they are few.

The organizers are the Federal Tax Service of Russia, the Wallet One service and Russian Hackers.

Where is the hackathon held?

Online, there are no more options - quarantine after all.


From 23 (start at 10:00) to April 26 (completion - at 20:00). Registration of participants is open until April 14. Time zone - Moscow.

β†’ Application can be submitted here

Hackathon conditions

  • The main thing is to offer a thoughtful service for the self-employed and describe user stories and features (at least the basic ones).
  • Formulate key service metrics.
  • The solution should use any type of payment for the self-employed, including p2p, b2c, c2b.
  • The solution needs to be divided into two parts, including the prototype and the product. The prototype needs to be implemented to show how it all works.

Participants get these opportunities:

  • Offer the idea of ​​a service to the managers of Wallet One and the Federal Tax Service of Russia. The prize fund is 500,000 rubles.
  • Realization of the idea, bringing it to the working draft. In this case, the developers will join the Wallet One team.
  • Consulting and expert support during the work.
  • Media support from a hackathon information partner - RBC.

Well, plus another varied merch (sending by mail) and delicious food during the hackathon (home delivery). These are trifles, but pleasant.

Team work at the hackathon consists of three stages:

  • The final idea, the presentation of the implementation plan.
  • Draft version of the prototype.
  • Correction of problems and discussion of the presentation.

Can I have an example?

Yes, of course, here are a couple of ideas.

Web-solution for freelancers in the provision of services online

Web-service that allows you to simplify and speed up the payment of goods and services of self-employed. Possibility of self-employed invoice by sending email or SMS. The ability to accept payment and send a fiscal check. A variety of payment methods. Convenience to customers self-employed. History of accounts, payments. CRM functions (clients, tasks, work, etc.). Integrations with classified sites (Avito, Youdo,, etc.) *

Self-employed application for self-service payment terminals

An application for terminals that allows you to log into your personal account and deposit cash received from the client onto your card and send the check to the client via SMS. This method can be used in the absence of a self-employed smartphone for one reason or another and to ensure that the law is self-employed.

The above is just ideas that will help you get an idea of ​​what the organizers of the hackathon expect.

How will ideas be evaluated?

The assessment will be carried out according to these criteria:

  • Technical implementation of the prototype 30%. How well did your team handle prototype implementation?
  • Realistic product 25%. How much did the team get the complete prototype and how much effort will it take to launch the product?
  • Business value 25%. How well developed are User Story products and how deep is the business idea tested?
  • Demo 10%. How well do you work with a mentor? How well do you talk about the product?
  • Originality 10%. How original is the solution?

After reviewing the projects, 20 teams (or individual developers, as mentioned above) will be able to take part in the hackathon.

What about technical capabilities?

Winning services will be connected to the Wallet One platform API, due to which they will be able to interact with the Federal Tax Service and perform a wide range of work in terms of paperwork, payments, etc.

Wallet One has three kinds of APIs:

In general, all the features of the API can be divided into two parts.

FTS . Thanks to the API, all the features that are in the My Tax application are available to Wallet One partners. Third-party services, platforms - all of them can use these functions.

The interaction algorithm with the Federal Tax Service is simple. The partner service user provides the service, generates a check. When it is paid, the Federal Tax Service receives payment information, income is recorded in accordance with all the rules. Accordingly, the Federal Tax Service sends a receipt to pay tax. Everything is automated.

Wallet One. It contains all the functions that are related to payments. There are classic acquiring for legal entities or sites. There is a mechanics of both depositing money and withdrawing it.

The interaction algorithm in this case is also simple. Jurlitso, a Wallet One user, acts as an intermediary between the self-employed and their customers.

An example is the interaction of a platform, a service for the provision of tutoring services, with users of the service and the tutors themselves.


Service users select a tutor (self-employed), make a payment and engage. The payment platform does the rest - generates documentation, distributes user payments between the service, which charges a fee for its services and tutors. For the latter, reporting documentation is automatically generated.

If you are interested in participating in the hackathon, we recall that applications can be submitted before April 14 here at this link. And forget it - in the comments to the post you can ask questions to the representatives of the Federal Tax Service.

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