We study the Mediastreamer2 VoIP engine. Part 7

Article material taken from my zen channel .

Using TShark to analyze RTP packets

View of the captured RTP packet

In the last article, we assembled a remote control circuit from a generator and a detector of tonal signals, the communication between which was carried out using an RTP stream.

In this article, we continue to study audio transmission using the RTP protocol. First, we will divide our test application into a transmitter and a receiver and learn how to explore the RTP stream using a network traffic analyzer.

So, to make it clearer for us which elements of the program are responsible for transmitting RTP and which are for receiving, we split our mstest6.c file into two separate transmitter and receiver programs, common functions that we use both of them we will put into the third file , which we will call mstest_common.c , it will be connected by the transmitter and receiver using the include directive:

/*  mstest_common.c      . */
#include <mediastreamer2/msfilter.h>
#include <mediastreamer2/msticker.h>
#include <mediastreamer2/msrtp.h>
#include <ortp/rtpsession.h>
#include <ortp/payloadtype.h>

define PCMU 0

/*     . */
void register_payloads(void)
 /*      . ,       
     ,     . */
  rtp_profile_set_payload (&av_profile, PCMU, &payload_type_pcm8000);

/*      create_duplex_rtpsession()  audiostream.c   2. */
 static RtpSession *create_rtpsession (int loc_rtp_port, int loc_rtcp_port,  bool_t ipv6, RtpSessionMode mode)
  RtpSession *rtpr;  rtpr = rtp_session_new ((int) mode);  
  rtp_session_set_scheduling_mode (rtpr, 0);  
  rtp_session_set_blocking_mode (rtpr, 0);
  rtp_session_enable_adaptive_jitter_compensation (rtpr, TRUE);
  rtp_session_set_symmetric_rtp (rtpr, TRUE); 
  rtp_session_set_local_addr (rtpr, ipv6 ? "::" : "", loc_rtp_port,  loc_rtcp_port); 
  rtp_session_signal_connect (rtpr, "timestamp_jump",  (RtpCallback) rtp_session_resync, 0);
  rtp_session_signal_connect (rtpr, "ssrc_changed",  (RtpCallback) rtp_session_resync, 0);
  rtp_session_set_ssrc_changed_threshold (rtpr, 0);
  rtp_session_set_send_payload_type(rtpr, PCMU);

  /*    RTCP-,        
  . */  
 rtp_session_enable_rtcp (rtpr, FALSE);
 return rtpr;

Now the isolated transmitter file:

/*  mstest6.c    (). */
#include <mediastreamer2/dtmfgen.h>
#include <mediastreamer2/msrtp.h>
#include "mstest_common.c"

int main()

/*   . */
  MSFilter *voidsource = ms_filter_new(MS_VOID_SOURCE_ID); 
  MSFilter *dtmfgen = ms_filter_new(MS_DTMF_GEN_ID);

/*   . */
  MSFilter *encoder = ms_filter_create_encoder("PCMU");

/*   . */

/*  RTP- . */
  RtpSession *tx_rtp_session = create_rtpsession (8010, 8011, FALSE, RTP_SESSION_SENDONLY);  
 rtp_session_set_remote_addr_and_port(tx_rtp_session,"", 7010, 7011); 
 rtp_session_set_send_payload_type(tx_rtp_session, PCMU);  
 MSFilter *rtpsend = ms_filter_new(MS_RTP_SEND_ID); 
 ms_filter_call_method(rtpsend, MS_RTP_SEND_SET_SESSION, tx_rtp_session);

/*    - . */ 
 MSTicker *ticker_tx = ms_ticker_new();

/*   . */ 
 ms_filter_link(voidsource, 0, dtmfgen, 0);  
 ms_filter_link(dtmfgen, 0, encoder, 0);
 ms_filter_link(encoder, 0, rtpsend, 0);

/*   . */
  ms_ticker_attach(ticker_tx, voidsource);

/*  ,    . */ 
 MSDtmfGenCustomTone dtmf_cfg; 
 dtmf_cfg.tone_name[0] = 0; 
 dtmf_cfg.duration = 1000; 
 dtmf_cfg.frequencies[0] = 440;

/*    ,      0. */  
 dtmf_cfg.frequencies[1] = 0; 
 dtmf_cfg.amplitude = 1.0; 
 dtmf_cfg.interval = 0.;  
 dtmf_cfg.repeat_count = 0.;

/*     .   
*    . */  
 char key='9'; 
 printf("  ,  .\n"  
"    0.\n");  
while(key != '0')  
 key = getchar();   
 if ((key >= 49) && (key <= 54)) 
      printf(" : %c\n", key);
       *   . */
      dtmf_cfg.frequencies[0] = 440 + 100*(key-49);

      /*    c  . */
      ms_filter_call_method(dtmfgen, MS_DTMF_GEN_PLAY_CUSTOM,      (void*)&dtmf_cfg); 
   /*      20,    
   *     . */ 

And finally, the receiver file:

/*  mstest7.c  . */
include <mediastreamer2/mssndcard.h>
include <mediastreamer2/mstonedetector.h>
include <mediastreamer2/msrtp.h>

/*         .*/
include <mediastreamer2/mseventqueue.h>
/*    . */
include "mstest_common.c"

/*   ,    ,            . */
static void tone_detected_cb(void *data, MSFilter *f, unsigned int event_id,MSToneDetectorEvent *ev)
 printf(" : %s\n", ev->tone_name);

int main()

/*   . */  
 MSSndCard *card_playback =  ms_snd_card_manager_get_default_card(ms_snd_card_manager_get()); 
 MSFilter *snd_card_write = ms_snd_card_create_writer(card_playback); 
 MSFilter *detector = ms_filter_new(MS_TONE_DETECTOR_ID);

/*      ,  
*    .*/
  ms_filter_call_method(detector, MS_TONE_DETECTOR_CLEAR_SCANS, 0);

/*      . */  
ms_filter_set_notify_callback(detector,  (MSFilterNotifyFunc)tone_detected_cb, NULL);

/*  ,     
*   ,   :
*  ,   ,   ,
*    0,775. */
  MSToneDetectorDef scan[6]= 
    {"V+",440, 100, 0.1}, /*  " ". */
    {"V-",540, 100, 0.1}, /*  " ". */
    {"C+",640, 100, 0.1}, /*  "  ". */
    {"C-",740, 100, 0.1}, /*  "  ". */
    {"ON",840, 100, 0.1}, /*  " ". */
    {"OFF", 940, 100, 0.1}/*  " ". */

/*  ""   . */
  int i; 
 for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) 
   ms_filter_call_method(detector, MS_TONE_DETECTOR_ADD_SCAN,    &scan[i]); 

/*    */
  MSFilter *decoder=ms_filter_create_decoder("PCMU");

/*   . */

/*  RTP- . */
  MSFilter *rtprecv = ms_filter_new(MS_RTP_RECV_ID);
  RtpSession *rx_rtp_session = create_rtpsession (7010, 7011, FALSE, RTP_SESSION_RECVONLY);
  ms_filter_call_method(rtprecv, MS_RTP_RECV_SET_SESSION, rx_rtp_session);

/*    - . */ 
 MSTicker *ticker_rx = ms_ticker_new();

/*   . */
  ms_filter_link(rtprecv, 0, decoder, 0);
  ms_filter_link(decoder, 0, detector, 0);
  ms_filter_link(detector, 0, snd_card_write, 0);

/*   . */
  ms_ticker_attach(ticker_rx, rtprecv);
  char key='9';
  printf( "    0.\n");
  while(key != '0') 
    key = getchar();
   /*      20,       *     . */

, , . — 1 6 , . . , — RTP- .

, Wireshrk — TShark. TShark , . Wireshark , Wireshark.

Wireshark, . TShark, VoIP , .

TShark :

sudo apt-get install tshark

, :

tshark --version


, tshark . loopback ( ), TShark -i lo:

sudo tshark -i lo

(, , ). , , . , , . Ctrl-C (8010): -f "udp port 8010". :

sudo tshark -i lo -f "udp port 8010"

( 10 ):

 1 0.000000000 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172 
 2 0.020059705 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172
 3 0.040044409 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172 
 4 0.060057104 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172
 5 0.080082311 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172  
 6 0.100597153 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172 
 7 0.120122668 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172
 8 0.140204789 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172
 9 0.160719008 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172
10 0.180673685 →    UDP 214 8010 → 7010 Len=172

, , , . , , . :

IP- IP- .
, , RTP- 172 , , , UDP- 214 .
UDP-, TShark :

sudo tshark -i lo -f "udp port 8010"  -P -V -O rtp -o rtp.heuristic_rtp:TRUE -x

As a result, the output of the program will be enriched - a decryption of the internal contents of the package that caused it will be added to each event. To better view the output data, you can either stop TShark by pressing Ctrl-C, or duplicate its output to a file by adding a pipeline to the tee program with the file name, tee <filename> to the start command:

sudo tshark -i lo -f "udp port 8010"  -P -V -O rtp -o rtp.heuristic_rtp:TRUE -x | tee  log.txt

Now let's look at what we got in the file, here is the first package from it:

1 0.000000000 →    RTP 214 PT=ITU-T G.711 PCMU, SSRC=0x6B8B4567, Seq=58366, Time=355368720
Frame 1: 214 bytes on wire (1712 bits), 214 bytes captured (1712 bits) on interface 0
Ethernet II, Src: 00:00:00_00:00:00 (00:00:00:00:00:00), Dst: 00:00:00_00:00:00 (00:00:00:00:00:00)
Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst: Datagram Protocol, Src Port: 8010, Dst Port: 7010
Real-Time Transport Protocol    [Stream setup by HEUR RT (frame 1)]
        [Setup frame: 1] 
       [Setup Method: HEUR RT]
    10.. .... = Version: RFC 1889 Version (2)
    ..0. .... = Padding: False
    ...0 .... = Extension: False
    .... 0000 = Contributing source identifiers count: 0   
   0... .... = Marker: False
    Payload type: ITU-T G.711 PCMU (0)
    Sequence number: 58366    [Extended sequence number: 58366]
    Timestamp: 355368720
    Synchronization Source identifier: 0x6b8b4567 (1804289383)
    Payload: ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff...

0000  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 08 00 45 00   ..............E.
0010  00 c8 3c 69 40 00 40 11 ff b9 7f 00 00 01 7f 00   ..<i@.@.........
0020  00 01 1f 4a 1b 62 00 b4 fe c7 80 00 e3 fe 15 2e   ...J.b..........
0030  7f 10 6b 8b 45 67 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ..k.Eg..........
0040  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0050  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0060  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0070  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0080  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
0090  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
00a0  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
00b0  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
00c0  ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff   ................
00d0  ff ff ff ff ff ff                                  ......

We will devote the following article to the analysis of the information contained in this listing and inevitably we will talk about the internal structure of the RTP packet.

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