Agile methodologies: a business perspective (part 1)

The vast majority of us are very familiar with flexible development methodologies, read the agile manifest, worked on scrum or kanban. Some of them - successfully implement certain agile practices in their departments, others - advocate abandoning them in favor of other methodologies. In general, the topic is not new, familiar and pretty hackneyed.

However, most publications are devoted only to the external side of the question, where exactly those answers are given that psychologically motivate the performers to accept “agile”, but very little information is provided on why business needs this (or, worse, they try to deduce the business benefits from intended for employees of slogans).

Being a big fan of using flexible development methodologies (and, rather, of individual practices suitable for a particular business), I would nevertheless invite you to look at them from an unusual angle. Experienced executives are unlikely to find anything new in this series of articles, and to everyone else - welcome to Cat.

The cycle is not dedicated to just one specific methodology, but talks about solving business problems using flexible methodologies in general, therefore, the postulates of the agile manifest, the artifacts of scrum, and the practice of kanban without pretense of completeness will be mixed. Everything else will be discussed exclusively in the context of software development. The sequence in which these or those elements will be analyzed depends, first of all, on the scale of the problem that the described practices solve. Of course, each of them is designed to solve not one problem that arises before the business, but a whole range of tasks, but for simplicity each will relate in the article to one main problem. So, let's begin.

  1. People and interaction are more important than processes and tools
  2. Work in short iterations
  3. Preparedness for change is more important than following the original plan.

People and interaction are more important than processes and tools

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