Crisis and that's it

Crisis and career

The crisis, in terms of a career, is a great time. Especially in Russia.

Fundamentally, a crisis is when all the rules and understandings collapse, for natural reasons. For example, sales are plummeting. If before the money in the company went through long chains, with approvals, inspections, discussions, now you need to grow money quickly.

So, here people are divided into two camps: those who accepted, and those who are not.

On the example of the whole history of Russia, Prokhorov well pumped this topic in the book “Russian Management Model”, showing on the example of revolutions, regime changes and confusion that people always come to power, let’s say, not burdened with the internal need to abide by the rules.

And those who continued to hold on to the rules went into the background. Then, when everything settles down, “stabilizers” again come forward, quickly getting rid of the revolutionaries of the first wave.

So, now, in a crisis, we must forget about the rules - well, if you want to stay in the forefront. Those who will whine “hey, well, we agreed a year ago that we would act like this” can remain without work - simply because the authorities are too lazy to waste time explaining and convincing.

Now you have to be a revolutionary. Well, do not oversleep the moment of the beginning of stabilization, in order to be a revolutionary, and they will devour it. Not those, so these, not these, so those.

Crisis and Ideas

The crisis is a great time to understand what good ideas are. Well, and, if possible, learn to invent them.

Good ideas are cheap, fast, and productive. Moreover, it is not particularly important that these ideas concern clients, projects, internal processes or something else.

In obese times, there are two problems with ideas.

First, nobody needs anything, in the sense of implementation. Neither inventors, nor management, nor resource owners. The elementary idea will be ruined by approvals, justifications, and "do it yourself, if you are so smart."

The second - ideas are usually so-so. Why? See the previous paragraph - it is known in advance that no one needs anything, so no one will try to formulate the idea. Ideas are written like posts in social networks - to attract attention and gain likes. Like "oh, what a fellow, I came up with an idea!" Actually, this is the purpose of the idea.

And in a crisis, ideas are directly needed. Not to everyone, again, but to those who are interested in the survival of the business. This is usually the owner and key executives - they either have a warm place, or income depends on financial resources. In short, they risk both place and income.

True, in the crisis it turns out that all the traditional "ideological" comrades have nothing to say. All the projects that they offered in obese times are not feasible in a crisis.

Practice, even without implementation. Suddenly a good idea will come. If everything grows together, then it will be counted.

The crisis and old problems

A crisis is a type of exposure. Well, as in the poem of Tatyana Lel:

He took off his shoes - became lower
He took off his coat and became thinner.
Without a suit, the gloss is thinner,
Without glasses, it looks dumber.

Or another metaphor - reefs from Lean. I will quote Goldratt from the article “Standing on the shoulders of giants”:
“The water level corresponds to the level of stocks of work in progress, and reefs are problems that impede the flow of production. At the bottom there are many reefs, their removal takes time and effort. The question is which of the reefs is important to remove. The answer is lowering the water level: the reefs protruding from under the water are the ones that need to be removed. ”

Metaphors reflect the same thing: the plaque, grease, and sometimes the stucco, under which reality was hidden, is removed. And if Goldratt offered to “undress” the business knowingly, then the crisis does it for you. And in that sense, it benefits.

Suddenly it turns out that we have four HR managers, although one manages it, and even on a remote site. Suddenly, it turns out that employees work fine without a manager, sitting at home. Suddenly it turns out that we receive money from the client once a month, because it is more convenient for the manager to act like this. Suddenly it turns out that we have a lot of dudes who did not fulfill the competency development program, and now are sitting without work, because another qualification is in demand (which now, you bastard, is in short supply). And these “suddenly it turns out” - a hell of a lot.

It’s just that they weren’t visible before - they were covered with water, plaster and pants.

Crisis and common sense

In times of crisis, one should beware of IDBs who have read the text above and will now generate ideas, look for gaps and errors from others, run to count HR managers, etc.

The main difference between these dudes: they too pretentiously pretend that they are ready to fulfill any order of the authorities. That's right, ridiculously. Though run into the car, bring forgotten cigarettes.

Well, what, crisis, they say. There is no time for rules, morals and ceremonies.

The second main difference between these dudes: they will never start working.

Actually, you just need to tell them that the brains do not caulk. Let them get down to business. And the result will bring in the form of money, or at least some metrics. Yes, why am I ... Not “some,” but those that business needs.

A separate category of IBDshnikov is clicks. Those that talk too much about problems. Both the current and the old. Flavoring with the phrase "I said XX years ago."

These must be immediately besieged, like horses, and for work.

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