Cybersecurity tips for working from home

The tips were prepared in the style of “Instructions for Surviving a Business on a Remote Site” - nothing more, just practical, life-tested recommendations.

First of all, the material will be useful to employers!

General situation in several lines

Across the world, accountants, sales departments, marketers, lawyers have moved to a home office. Tour operators transferred almost all employees to remote work. The sales centers of automobile centers switched to the standby mode, advising their customers exclusively by telephone, and the front offices stopped working these days.

Due to the coronavirus, state institutions (schools and universities, the Russian Post, military registration and enlistment offices), ministries and even international organizations, such as the UN, also switched to the remote mode of operation.


March 2020 was characterized by the explosive entry of the “WFH” mode - work from home, in Russian - “we work remotely from home”. IT giant - Microsoft has sent more than 80% of employees to work from home. Amazon, Facebook, Google, Uber were no exception: up to 76% of their employees began to work remotely. 12 thousand subordinates of Apple headquarters in California switched to remote work.

Russian business is a different planet. According to Forbes analytic data, only 25% of domestic companies worked with freelancers (developers, designers, sales managers, recruiters) before self-isolation. In the USA, for comparison, this figure is 43%.
Therefore, in the current situation of a pandemic and forced # to stay at home, the transition to remote work is especially “painful”. Companies simply were not ready for organizing and quickly building remote business business processes.

But if, nevertheless, the company managed to establish business processes, then the next step is to ensure the security of information. We bring to your attention a summary of the requirements of the FSTEC and the European Union Cybersecurity Agency (ENISA), compliance with which will reduce the likelihood of negative consequences for your company during remote work.


Employer Requirements
EU Agency for Cybersecurity *FSTEC of Russia **
Ensure that there are sufficient IT resources to support staff in case of technical problems., ,
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** RECOMMENDATIONS of the FSTEC of Russia on ensuring the security of critical information infrastructure facilities when implementing the remote mode of performance of duties by employees of critical information infrastructure entities (Letter of the FSTEC of Russia of March 20, 2020 N 240/84/389)

* EU4 Digital
Tips for cybersecurity when working from home
The EU Agency for Cybersecurity shares its top tips for teleworking in times of Covid-19
Published on March 24, 2020

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