Presentations of the second ROS Meetup on the topic of training robots

On November 30, 2019, the 2nd ROS Russian MeetUp was held in Moscow , organized by Sberbank Robotics Laboratory, where more than 200 ROS amateurs shared their experience and knowledge.

We continue to publish the most interesting reports: in this material you can get acquainted with a selection of speeches about educational robots. This area of ​​activity exists from the very beginning of the emergence of robotics as an engineering field, and now we are witnessing its qualitative development by the forces of the Russian ROS community.

So let's go!

Educational Robot TurtleBro

Report author: Roman Shcherbov

Presentation slides
Brief introduction from the speaker:

Greetings, my name is Roman Shcherbov, I work for VoltBro, we are engaged in engineering and robotics education. In short, we make educational sets of rockets and hold rocket-building competitions, make educational robots and teach robotics at universities and a bit at schools.

Now in Russia the following situation is emerging with engineering education - there are many circles of robotics that I can conditionally divide into two large groups:

  1. Lego-oriented circles, where students are given the most basic skills in algorithmic programming of robots and the most elementary design skills. By and large, this has a very distant relation to robotics.
  2. Arduino + 3D- + . , , , .

    ( ), , . .. , , , , , , , , . , , , - “TurtleBro”.

It so happened historically that most robots teaching ROS are called turtles, and the ROS mascot itself is a turtle. Well, we, in fact, also did not think for a long time. The development of the prototype took about six months. And another six months to finish the file and write and / or adapt ROS-packages. And now we have a fully ROS-compatible robot, with autonomous navigation and computer vision, interacting with some basic cloud services (Yandex and Google hello!), Giving its telemetry and odometry and much more, and in fact is a tangible Python / Cpp object in real world.

To implement this concept, we designed the board of our robot, on which we placed the STM 32 controller, which is responsible for controlling the differential drive, power distribution, supports ROS publication of telemetry and odometry, etc. Well, in order to make the transition to serious robotics from Arduino circles less painful. we have integrated several push switches, external DIY servos control connectors and an Arduino Mega compatible controller in our control board, which through an integrated USB hub can communicate with the Raspberry Pi, on which ROS and all top-level control packages are spinning. At the same time, despite the fact that Raspberri and Arduino are independent, the ROS-serial package allows you to transfer control action in both directions, i.e. pressing a button connected to an Arduino,can cause publication to the ROS topic, and vice versa, sending a message of the correct format to the ROS topic, can, for example, shift the servo by the desired angle.

On this robot, we teach robotics, for example, at Moscow State University (and not only), and hold several All-Russian robotics competitions, for example, the NTI Olympics profile - “Aerospace Systems” and the WorldSkills competency “Service Robot Operation”. We also support some open source projects for robotics - .

Read more about us, our events and our robots here .

Affordable standalone mobile robot based on ROS and SLAM

Report author: Kuzin Sergey Olegovich

Presentation slides

The material describes the process of developing an inexpensive mobile robot based on the Arduino platform and Robot Operating System to perform offline navigation. The report provides an overview of the structure of the robot operating system, the principles of operation and application to real mobile robots. At the same time, the theory of Simultaneous Localization and Mapping (SLAM) and the possibility of its implementation in practice are considered. The practical part contains a description of the process of creating a mobile robot with a differential drive, the creation of remote control and the process of full integration of the operating system with the robot for self-localization, indoor mapping and autonomous navigation.


Very soon, on April 18, the next ROS MeetUp will take place, even more ambitious and interesting! We do not yet know how the epidemiological situation will develop and are conducting it in a webinar format, and we are postponing the showcase for the fall, but in return we will organize an open-source package contest on ROS! We invite all colleagues to attend as listeners, speakers and participants of the competition. Participation is free, the number of places is limited, register here . And we remind you that you can find like-minded ROS developers in Russia, find out the latest ROS news in our telegram channel ROS Russia community .

If you are interested in developing robots, robotic modules or software components, if you want to show off your developments or just chat with like-minded people, welcome to our next ROS Meetup, which will be held on April 18 in online format !

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