We are doomed # 1 // Udalenka in crisis and death of originality

Remember the article " I'm a useless fool and want to quit "? Overflowing with pain and eroding reflection, the confession of a burned out developer. The article did not work out of the blue, it has a background.

Phil and I fillpackart, its author, came to write on Habr two years ago. I got a job as a regular editor, he was my technical expert for interviews with developers. Then I had no idea how to interview, especially on topics in which I don’t bite anything at all. Therefore, I trained on it. He was never shy about expressions. I got tired of listening to why front-end vendors are ruining the industry, why he and Pkhp-Schnick will not sit at one table, and 1s-nickname is not a person at all.

Phil did not have the easiest period in his life - burnout, a one-year-old child, throwing between jobs. He poured the same semi-ironic anger on himself too. During one particularly powerful conversation, we decided that the training interview would be real.

The response was crazy, people were crazy that in an industry where everyone was publicly accustomed to being good guys and good guys, someone has eggs to say such things out loud.

For two years we wrote another dozen articles, and not one was passing. Translations into English tore up reddit to shreds, and when the text was retweeted by the creator of F # Don Syme, we opened champagne.

But a dozen and a half is very few, especially compared with the number of ideas and drafts that went to the table. And even less compared to the googleards hours of talk in which these ideas were forged.

Now the conversations will not go in vain, because Phil and I are launching a podcast. The first issue is here. In the pilot, we are modest, do not swear, do not smoke or drink, do not break into arguments and do not water everyone with slops. But this is unlikely to last long.

And here is briefly about what he:

Udalenka during the crisis

0:40 - What happens in the job market during the crisis
3:50 - Forced udalenka.
5:51 - Will the security system suffer from an emergency udalenka
7:45 - What will happen to the udalenka when quarantine ends
8:40 - Why not all companies like udalenka and why they are wrong
11:03 - or all right so
12:16 - On a remote site, friends can be more useful than colleagues
13:19 - The survivor’s mistake among managers who organize a remote site
18:04 - Is it possible to make a person work if he doesn’t want
20:13 - What if developers work without managers

The oddities of IT education

21:40 - About specialized higher education for programmers
23:03 - Why experienced developers do not like graduate courses
24:18 - Who prepares for the industry better - courses or universities
25:38 - Phil studying at the university as a programmer
26:39 - How corporations replace higher education
28:53 - Can corporations replace the general development that a university gives

The death of originality

31:39 - Technical journalists stop writing like people
32:43 - Strange traditions of writing code in C #
34:14 - Problems of generally accepted development approaches
36:20 - Do different programmers have their own handwriting
37:35 - Who needs developers and what for with a unique vision
38:54 - What do you ask at interviews and what do you need at work
40:27 - Why does a business look for people with a vision but give them trivial tasks
41:07 - How do things appear that everyone agrees on but that nobody don't like it
45:51 - Fake fake game trailers and an ethical experiment

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