April 21st Live! Badoo localization meetup

Hello everyone!

I am Alexey Timin, I am responsible for the technical part of the localization system in Badoo. We have 150,000 phrases and texts translated into 52 languages ​​for several applications. Each application has its own audience characteristics, a certain style of communication with the user, versions for the web and mobile platforms. 

When I first talked about our localization experience at the conference, I did not even expect that I would answer another two hours to questions in the discussion area and discuss their problems and questions with the audience. 

The topic is relevant, so we invited speakers from Yandex and Alconost to share their experience at the first Badoo Localization Meetup, which we will conduct in an online format. 

April 21 at 19:30Moscow time, we invite developers, testers, and everyone who builds product localization processes to chat. 

The event is free, but registration is required

The mitap will take place in Zoom, we will post the reports on YouTube , but we will not record what happened in the virtual discussion zone - join and chat! The exact time of the start of reports will be reported closer to the date.

We are preparing only three reports for you, but it will be practically a guide to action if you are faced with the task of localization.


Attention : timing is approximate. If you want to listen to a specific report, it is better to connect 15 minutes before it starts.

19:30 - Fear and loathing of localization in large projects

Dmitry Andriyanov, Team Leader (Yandex)

Localization is easy, you think. It is only necessary to extract all the texts from the application code and translate them.

But what if you have a large project that is being worked on by dozens of developers and new functionality is released every day? With each release in the project new texts appear and old ones change. Translated texts are mixed with new ones, and new ones are a cocktail of texts from different product tasks. Thus chaos is born, which devours first developers, and then users.

Dmitry will tell you how they organized localization in Yandex.Direct - a project with tens of thousands of text fragments and a team of 40+ people.

20:10 - Connected Translation: how to work effectively with various sources of content and manage mixed translation teams

Andrey Lezhnin, Product Manager (Smartcat)

The speaker will talk about how to set up continuous localization with various sources of content: code repositories, websites, CMS.

From the report you will learn how to organize the selection and effective management of mixed translation teams.

The presentation will also examine cases of several companies.

20:50 - Languages, platforms, versions: we scale localization

Alexey Timin, lead developer in the localization team (Badoo)

If the product you are making has global plans, sooner or later you will have to face localization. To translate into English is not so bad, but when new languages ​​and dialects are added, not always obvious difficulties arise. You need to be able to control all the changes. And if for everything else you can simultaneously have several versions of the same text ... you will not be envied!

In the case of our company, we are talking about four different products, 52 languages ​​(11 of them are dialects), 17 cases in Hungarian, letters from right to left in Arabic and Hebrew, numerals in Russian and a huge number of versions and customers.

In the report I will share a description of our translation process. I’ll tell you about the integration of localization and Jira, about the use of Git hooks and automatic screenshots. We will analyze how to conduct A / B testing. We will discuss how to ensure unity of style using the glossary and translation memory on ElasticSearch, as well as how to manage to translate new functionality in 48 hours and not burden developers with a routine. 

21:30 - Continuous Localization: the nuances and tools of projects of various types and sizes

Vadim Khomchik, CTO Alconost

Vadim will analyze the experience of his company about the essence of continuous localization and dwell in detail on the localization scenarios of several types of projects: 

  • small pet projects
  • large - with a dedicated team and several localization languages, 
  • legacy system with a dozen content managers.

The speaker will tell about the experience of using the tools nitro.alconost.com, gengo.com, gitlocalize.com, crowdin.com, as well as about custom approaches. The report will help to understand the features of building the processes of different projects and find the tools they need.

Of course, the online format will not replace live communication, but we will try to do everything so that the community meeting is as productive and interesting as possible. You can ask questions by voice, as well as discuss in the virtual room and Telegram chat .

Register here! Wait for confirmation of participation. It will have an individual link for connecting and instructions.

Please indicate your real name and surname, as well as information about your work and the answer to the question why you are interested in visiting the meeting. This will help us better understand the audience’s expectations. 

We wait!

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