10 Zen Lifehacks

Traditional advertising channels - social networks and context - are overheated and therefore many people talk about Yandex.Zen. From it it turns out to bring โ€œinexpensiveโ€ interested audience for your product or service. My friends, cool and ambitious guys, did an interesting thing. Pavel and Anatoly worked for a long time in Internet marketing agencies and opened their own with specialization on Yandex.Zen. In the article, they share their experience with this channel.

Yandex.Zen began to be used as a new marketing tool in 2019-2020. The income of a company of any level (from small regional firms to Russian and international corporations such as Sberbank, Candy, Tinkoff and KIA) can be significantly increased through regular interaction with the audience.

The scheme of working with Yandex.Zen is as simple as possible: you post articles - you get a loyal audience. You can bring a new customer to a purchase even with the help of one article, if the sales funnel is built correctly. If you are not satisfied with the results from advertising in Yandex.Zen, use ready-made life hacks from the creators of simpleZEN. They will help increase the conversion even to a user far from marketing.

How to choose a topic for an article in Yandex.Zen so that a potential client immediately becomes a real buyer

When writing articles, think like a client. Pavel and Anatoly always conduct polls on social networks: they ask the target audience to suggest a topic that excites them. To do this, a poll or vote on your profile on VKontakte or Instagram is suitable. A powerful topic will attract a โ€œhotโ€ audience, give answers to questions and dispel doubts about your professionalism.

How to increase the percentage of readings and conversions to the company website

To work with the beginning and end of the text, you need to spend 70+ percent of the time in the process of creating an article. There should be intrigue at the beginning of the text, and at the end - a clear and simple call to action. Every second, customers must understand why they are reading the article and how it benefits them.

How to choose a bid in order to get the maximum conversion and not "merge" the budget into the void

Do not experiment in vain. The simplest schemes are the most effective. At the beginning of the journey, set the rate at 3 rubles, and then increase by 1 ruble until the audience size and the resulting CPC starts to suit you.

What to do if after a recession: readings and transitions sharply become less

Recession is normal for Yandex.Zen, but it is important to use it correctly. You must plan ahead for the article promotion process. Each advertising campaign has a ripple effect. After a sharp surge, burnout and fall begin. And at this moment, you need to manage to start the next bunch of hypotheses so that the traffic is uniform.

How to choose a cover for an article

Test at least 3 options. Choose radically different colors. Go to Yandex.Pictures, drive in a keyword there on the topic of your article and quickly glance through the images until you cling to something. If this happened, then itโ€™s not just that, use these options. Try it and see that CTR directly depends on the choice of cover.

How to increase the percentage of readings with the help of competent article design

Most articles are made out with ordinary pictures or do not do it at all, a person becomes bored. But if you replace static images with gifs, you can significantly increase the percentage of readings. Gifs make the process interactive and bring back reader attention.

How to work effectively with different target audiences in Yandex.Zen

The target audience should be segmented, and then test the texts for each segment as part of a separate advertising campaign. Advertising terms and elements (cover, article title and text) must be the same.

How to work with an advertising account to promote articles

One advertising campaign should be presented as a variant of only one article, but with different design elements, so that later you can choose the most effective combination of them.

How to test different texts on the same topic to choose the most effective

Run several different texts with the same cover and headings for testing, so we test one different element, all other things being equal.

How to get the most out of Yandex.Zen

Carefully analyze traffic, in addition to standard analytics reports, use first-click attribution. Yandex.Zen is a great start to building an effective conversion chain, because it is suitable for:

  • first touch (can tell you about your services to the client),
  • warming up the audience (can close all objections, answer questions and bring the client to purchase),
  • action (the transition to the site after the article occurs naturally, the sales funnel closes),
  • returning customers for repeat purchases (a regular publication feed will help to unobtrusively remind yourself).

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