IBM Weekly Seminars - April 2020

Starting April 7, the Russian office of IBM begins a series of weekly webinars from leading Russian and European experts. We have prepared for you a lot of useful material on various topics with practical examples from the business: AI, cloud technology, blockchain, data science, image recognition, containers, chat bots, etc. Every Tuesday and Thursday at 15:00 (Moscow time) such meetings will be held in an online format for everyone ...

On Fridays at 14:00 we plan in-depth online seminars with practical work on cloud technologies.

Participation in webinars and online seminars is absolutely free, an entry will be available to all registrants.

Schedule for the coming week:

A more detailed program and recording for webinars can be found at:

The plan for April (I will update this post here as soon as the registration pages appear):

14.04 - IBM Digital Platform
16.04 - Migration to the cloud. Practice developing Cloud Native solutions.
04.21 - Automated deployment of solutions and monitoring tools in cloud container environments.
04/23 - Web-service decision-making automation in 20 minutes.
April 28 - MRI analysis, features of working with medical images, how to pre-process incoming data. Algorithms and work methods.

Weekly announcements of the seminars will be published on the cloud channel for developers and on the page .

Write in the comments which topics would be interesting.

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