Beginning of the academic quarter or how I became the coordinator of distance learning


A bit of goodness in the tape!

On April 6, one of the most significant events for my family has happened lately: the beginning of the fourth academic quarter in ordinary secondary schools in the โ€œnon-working daysโ€ mode. This event was marked by a denial of service by commercial resources such as and Foxford . It is worth noting the state resource School Portal , which lay down in the last place (which caused some respect, therefore, we note especially).

As a second-grader father, I totally disliked the following:

  • we still know what to do (the school portal is still in operation, although sometimes it gives the 502nd error);
  • we canโ€™t do practically anything (the students were oriented to commercial portals that no longer accept connections).

So, at 9 a.m., working on a remote site, a second-grader, hungry for knowledge (running every 10 minutes for a task), resources dying in real time, growing panic in parental chat, complete confusion with tasks for independent work due to the lack of a single stable source of information. What to do?


It never occurred to anyone better than putting together all the available tasks, links and other materials (the school portal has not died yet) and collecting a single page with structured information in a personal blog in 20 minutes:

  • a list of all items for today on a schedule;
  • materials for study in the context of objects;
  • homework to complete.

And you know, shot! Yes, how! By the time the page was finished, the school portal only occasionally answered anything except code 502, and a small personal blog on a free-tier machine at Amazon was a real salvation not only for the author of this publication, but also for all other parents of the class. Most importantly, it turned out a real textbook for a child. And thanks to well-chosen materials by teachers, he himself understood such an important topic as division!


Moreover, by the evening a strong relationship was established with the class teacher, and the page of the next day:

  • appeared not day in, but a day earlier;
  • has become more structured and suitable for use by both adults and children.

And there are so many thanks to the author - so many kind words, probably he has not heard in all 12 years of work in IT and security in particular (security men generally rarely hear kind words addressed to them ...)

Actually, thatโ€™s all. Each of us, especially today, can make some trifle that will be useful not only to us personally, but to real people around us. Even with a free-tier virtual machine on Amazon and some kind of leaky Wordpress. Good to all!

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