React, performance and -500 milliseconds at launch - the history of our optimizations in numbers

control the redline

Let's get a little distracted from the coronavirus, and talk about something technical. For example, about how we tried to improve the cold start time of one react application and what came of it. Who cares about the topic of performance and fast web as a whole - please, under cat. At the end there will be a small survey about the price / need for such optimizations.

First, a little context. Usually we make different banking applications, which are mostly not accessible to the general public. But recently a small miracle happened and we were given the task of writing a public application (let's say, almost public). Of the basic requirements, only mobile-first, react, and IE can not be supported (even 11). Of the features - a one-time app (i.e., the user does not go there more often than once a year) and without data the application is absolutely and completely useless. It is useless to such an extent that we cannot even show a footer, because we don’t know in what color to show it and what to write there at all.

, . . Angular, , react, " ", " " . , , , " " Vue. , legacy .

. β€” react-router-dom, β€” mobx. β€” SCSS ( ) + css.modules . . , . "-" PureComponent React.memo, bundlesize + source-map-explorer. , .

, *. - mobile-first, client-facing, . . β€” . . . , , - UI . , , , + . Server Side Rendering. , , , .NET, . β€” .

* , ?


- , , . , ( β€” 1000ms) Performance Audit devtools (online 4x CPU slowdown). :

  • Firts Paint (FP): 618ms
  • First Meaningful Paint (FMP): 2090ms

FP , (), FMP , UI ( ) - . , , 1000 ms (+) . , , . . β€” 4g* fast 3g **.

EventWIFI4GFast 3G
First Paint618ms815ms2389ms
First Contentful Paint2090ms2270ms3811ms

, 4g β€” 2270ms . , , , .

* 4g preset- - . β€” : download 4000kb/s, upload 3000kb/s, latency 20ms:
** *** , .
*** -, 3 , 10. , β€” , .

1, React.lazy

, . :

Index.html, React, . js β€” . , . , , . , .

, *, . β€” React.lazy, , . , lazy , , . .


EventWIFI4GFast 3G
FP658ms (+6%)791ms (-3%)2258ms (-5%)
FMP2135ms (+2%)2286ms ( )3725ms (-3%)

( ). , , , . ? shared , App.tsx. . , .

* , .

2, Core LazyComponent

, shared module . shared core , , β€” , , - .

, , , React.Lazy. "" , . , . , . : , . :

export const LazyComponent = <T extends {}>(importStatement: () => Promise<{ default: ComponentType<T> }>) => {
    const component = React.lazy(importStatement);
    return { component, load: importStatement };


EventWIFI4GFast 3G
FP487ms (-21%)570ms (-30%)1829ms (-23%)
FMP1965ms (-6%)2048ms (-10%)3468ms (-9%)

, , , 400ms fast3g - . . .

3, Spinner

, , . , ? "" ! , index.html , . index.html "" ? , . css, .

EventWIFI4GFast 3G
FP212ms (-56%)226ms (-60%)845ms (-53%)
FMP2150ms (+9%)2387ms (+17%)4593ms (+32%)

? , FP . FMP? :

// AppComponent.load();

. , .

EventWIFI4GFast 3G
FP208 (-57%)221 (-61%)782 (-57%)
FMP2002 (-2%)2065 ( )3487 ( )

, fast3g. , , , , - .


. … ! , . / index.html . . . Fetch IE ( ), promise . . .

index.html :

(function(){const path = `${}`; = fetch(path); }());

. , promis- , , . β€” . , index.html .


EventWIFI4GFast 3G
FP245ms (+17%)219ms ( )786ms ( )
FMP1740ms (-13%)1735ms (-16%)3441ms (-1%)

. 300ms . , . , . , .

, API , . preconnect, API. Preconnect IE 11



, ? , , . . , ?

LazyComponent ( , ), suspense, . :

EventWIFI4GFast 3G
FP262ms (+7%)387ms (+76%)1630ms (+107%)
FMP1729ms ( )1826ms (+5%)3280ms (-4%)

FP ( ). FMP . ? β€” - , , . , JS , index.html . :



, css. - , , CSS . JS ( ). ? β€” . , CSS JS . , css , JS ( , ), CSS , JS .


. β€” .

, , , . … , . ! , font-weight 100 .

, , :

  • . . . - .
  • ( 5-6 , HTTP v 1.x)
  • . , .
  • , , .

( , , JS).

. , . . , font-swap ( , ). , LightHouse .

. link/preload:

<link rel="preload" href="best_font_ever.otf" as="font" type="font/otf" crossorigin="anonymus">

EventWIFI4GFast 3G
FP136ms (-44%)201ms (-8%)666ms (-15%)
FMP1519ms (-12%)1418ms (-18%)3743ms (+8%)

, fast3g (, ). , . , . , UI - .

, :

EventWIFI4GFast 3G

500-850ms . , "" .


defer (- page speed LightHouse ), , , .

, (0.5 1 - index.html) ( 480ms 1700ms), 500-800ms . , .


, .

, :

  1. ( )
  2. Brotli, gzip.
  3. HTTP2.0.

Jeff Cooper .

. ? . . // ( , ). - Google latency 100-400ms, 0.2%-0.6% ( ). CloudFlare , 2.4ms 3.3ms 0.4%, . . , , .


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