Tools for remote team work: from time tracking to finance

I know how tedious it is to pick up tools to transfer a team to remote work.

In this post, I have compiled the services that we use in When they were assembled, they were based on the following initial ones: low cost of the service or generally free of charge, an intuitive and nice looking interface, presence on a variety of platforms. The article also has examples of use in our case (yours may be completely different).

All images are taken from official services resources.

Miro (formerly RealTimeBoard)


What: whiteboard (interactive whiteboard) for creating charts, CJM, brain storming, sprinting, retrospectives and more.

Why: one convenient service with a whole scattering of tools, an endless workspace, collaboration in real time, low price.

Cost: from $ 12 per user per month, up to 3 projects for free.

How we use it: we put in CJM, we form studio sprints, we brainstorm custom projects together with the client.



What: a time tracker for calculating project costs using Time & Materials, Fixed and billing.

Why: nice, albeit in some places confusing interface (I had to spend about an hour to figure it out), huge functionality for a time tracker (if you don’t find what you were looking for, it means looking badly), the ability to add and remove hours for employees, flexible setting rights, presence on all platforms and browsers, low cost compared to competitors.

Price: from $ 5 per user per month, trial version 30 days.

How to use it: we take into account the time of our work and the time of work of designers for billing.



What: A simple but convenient CRM system without integration for small businesses. Very similar to AmoCRM at the minimum.

Why: completely free in the basic functionality, easy to learn design.

Price: free of charge in the basic version, for each additional weight you will have to pay from 400 rubles / month (for example, integration with E-mail will cost just 690 rubles / month for the whole team).

How to use it: we lead the client from the initial contact to the status of “Completed and Paid”.



What: a vector online editor for web applications and services, a killer of Photoshop and Sketch in this area (you can argue with me if you want).

Why: the joint work of several designers and a client at once, a bunch of new plug-ins, the ability to run and work even from a tablet, the lack of required software to work.

Price: free if you use drafts (as does 90% of all), for teams from 12 $ / month. per user (it seems to me that you need to take it only if you use your single design system in all projects).

How to use it: draw layouts and wireframes, keep a list of tasks for projects (using the ToDo plugin), comment on the work of designers.



What: A messenger for remote teams with voice chat, online broadcasts, screen demos, and that's all. Originally calculated for gamers, but it is perfect for various teams.

Why: an infinite number of channels with the same or different participants (it is convenient to separate work projects into threads, for example, correspond in one channel for one project and in another for another), voice chat, quick reconnection in case of a break connections.

Price: free

How to use: arrange group calls and keep correspondence on projects.



What: the best messenger on this and this side of the ocean with constant updating and dopilivaniya features.

Why: excellent speed and stability (despite the “bans” from the ILV), downloading an unlimited number of files, chat bots, useful channels for designers and products, stable voice communication.

Price: free.

How we use: correspond, store smart thoughts from other channels and ideas for implementation in a separate chat;

UPD 05/24/2020: after the grouping by folder appeared on Telegram, Discord was left only for calling the team. The fact is that the Discord interface does not focus sufficiently on new messages and they are sometimes lost. But for voice conferences, he has no equal - where Telegram, Vatsap and others begin to die behind bad Internet, Discord shows miracles.



What: cloud storage of any files.

Why: convenient file storage in a folder, online access for the whole team, low price (compared to the same Dropbox).

Price: 20GB. Free, + 1TB (!) For 210 rubles / month

How to use: we store all the files for projects in separate folders: TK, graphic files, fonts, etc.



What: A single workspace for creating notes, wikis, tables, and more.

Why: high customizability (you can assemble both a payout table and a CRM system), wide functionality, nice and intuitive design.

Price: basic functionality - free, advanced with fine-tuning rights and increased storage - from $ 8 / month per user.

How to use it: we create and store our own wiki with the necessary files for designers, articles and internal documents.



What: The coolest email client for MacOs and iOs.

Why: knows how to collect all letters from different mailboxes and sorts by sender. It's easier to download the trial once and fall in love.

Price: 1090 rubles for the desktop version, ~ 400 rubles. per version for iOs one-time. There is a trial for MacOs for two weeks.

How to use: as a single service for correspondence with customers.

Google Sheets / Numbers


What: Well- known spreadsheet editors with almost unlimited functionality.

Why: endless customizability, the ability to collect almost anything with equal hands - from a CRM system to a table of financial flows, online collaboration.

Price: free.

How to use: we take into account financial flows in Google Tables.

So this, in the end, turned out to be a toolbox (by the way, made in Miro) .

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