The path to the reward

In 2019, the RDTEX Training Center received the Oracle University Partner Excellence Award 2019 and was recognized as the leader of Oracle authorized training in Russia.
What has been done over the years of the Training Center, what is happening now, what goals do we set for the future?

A bit of history

The RTTEH TC was founded in 1995 as a separate area of ​​activity of the RDTEX company , one of the first Oracle partners in Russia. The founders and employees of RDTEX, who began working with Oracle products at the Institute of High Energy Physics back in the 80s of the last century, decided to share their unique expertise and give everyone an opportunity to receive systematic knowledge and additional education that would be of value.

To become a highly qualified IT specialist in the difficult 90s of our country meant to provide ourselves with the opportunity to earn decent money with honest intellectual work.

Even then, it was obvious that progress would go towards computerization and programming. Those who wanted to move forward, stay on the crest of a wave of world trends, have promising and well-paid jobs anywhere in the world went to study with us.

We acted as drivers of the IT market and remain to this day.

What was done

Over the years, at the RDTEX Training Center, of course, many events and changes have occurred.

We constantly analyzed the needs of the market, adapted to them, took into account the dynamic Russian economy and trends in the IT sphere.

The key to our work has always been two points:

  1. High, constantly confirmed teacher qualifications
  2. Flexible customization of courses to the needs of corporate clients

We are sure that such an approach and many years of experience have helped UDCTEX become what it is now - a training center from which clients do not leave.

“The idea is not just to read a piece of paper a course program compiled by Oracle. Our goal is to teach people to put knowledge into practice. Therefore, we always try to tell cases from real project activities. In this we are helped by the regular participation of our teachers in RDTEX projects as developers, technical support specialists, system architects, system analysts, and project managers. Therefore, we teach not only theory, but also give recommendations on its application in practice.

, – Oracle . , . . , , . 100% «» , », – , 2007 , Oracle.

Currently, there are about 400 different courses in the RDTEX TC in the areas of Oracle , PostgreSQL , general management, specialized management, BIG DATA.

imageAll teachers are certified professionals, three of them have recently confirmed Oracle Certified Master certificates. In general, the composition of the teachers we have, as the head of the CA, Marina Kondratenko, says, is stellar. And this is true: in professional circles, their names are always well known.

The Oracle Partner Award “Partner Excellence Award 2019” received by us is, of course, the merit of the work of the entire team of the RDTECH UTs.

“We, practice teachers, ourselves are constantly in the process of training to offer our clients the most relevant courses, the passage of which will increase the value of their employees and the companies themselves as a whole,” comments Nadezhda Dubizhanskaya.

The well-deserved authority in the market of IT-education and the high partner status of vendors allow us to regularly hold interesting and beneficial for customers promotions. They can always be found on the website of the Training Center.
“You need to run as fast just to stay in place, but to get somewhere, you must run at least twice as fast!” (L. Carroll)

What are we planning?

Since the training of IT-specialists does not lose its relevance, we also do not stand still. We plan to further develop our flagship area - Oracle courses, as well as promising new topics and training formats.

According to the analysis of the current situation on the labor market, IT specialists of all levels, including the basic one, are in demand. Having the experience of training advanced IT-specialists and understanding the need of people to master relevant professions, we plan to develop the direction of introduction to various high-tech specialties.

We invite everyone to the courses of our Training Center. In the current situation, there is a set of online learning groups .

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