Intel DevCloud for oneAPI - a cloud service for developers who sit at home

During the period of the epidemic, many (if not all) Internet platforms and services make special offers for the public sitting at home. We offer a hardcore option for developers who, even in conditions of self-isolation, are not ready to post photos of those who courageously or gently share isolation with them (seals), but, on the contrary, try to pump their professional skills. Intel DevCloud for oneAPI is stylish, fashionable and free for everyone until July 1.

As the name implies, Intel DevCloud for oneAPI is Intelโ€™s server capacity for developers with access through the cloud platform. The servers are based on Intel Xeon Scalable processors and are equipped with Intel Arria 10 FPGAs. The number of processor nodes and accelerators available to users has been increased by the quarantine period. Dedicated quotas - 220 GB of disk storage and 192 GB of RAM.

In addition to hardware, the platform also provides pre-installed software components.
Intel oneAPI Toolkits is a set of development tools that includes a compiler for the new language Data Parallel C ++, a set of libraries for API programming and a set of tools for analyzing and debugging applications. In more detail, the set of components is as follows.

  • Compilers

    • Intel OneAPI DPC ++ Compiler
    • Intel C ++ & Intel Fortran Compilers
  • Toolkits

    • Intel oneAPI Base Toolkit
    • Intel oneAPI HPC Toolkit
    • Intel oneAPI DL Framework Developer Toolkit
    • Intel AI Analytics Toolkit
    • Intel Distribution of OpenVINO Toolkit
  • Utilities, frameworks and libraries
    • Intel OneAPI DPC ++ Library
    • Intel OneAPI Math Kernel Library
    • Intel OneAPI Deep Neural Network Library
    • Intel OneAPI Data Analytics Library
    • Intel Distribtion for Python
    • Intel VTune Profiler
    • Intel FPGA Add-on for oneAPI Base Toolkit

All software components of the cloud are updated to the latest current versions. The JupyterLab interactive development environment is installed , and there is also access via SSH. There is online technical support and forums on the DevCloud service and directly onneAPI .

Everything is ready for us - come on to work.

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