Kubernetes in 3 days. Just about complicated

Can Kubernetes - such sophisticated and deep technology - be learned in three days?

Slurm launched the Evening School , where a basic course on Kubernetes can be completed in 4 months.
In honor of this event, we learn from Pavel Selivanov, the architect of Kubernetes solutions, Certified Kubernetes Administrator and the author of intensives Slurm, why study Kubernetes at all and what is the strength of a three-day intensive compared to a 4-month course.

Pavel stood at the origins of the Kubernetes intensive and solved the problem of how to quickly and efficiently prepare an administrator in three days so that he could return to work and launch K8s - thereby solving the business need “to launch the cluster yesterday”.

What is the Slurm Basic course?

There are two aspects that we focused on when creating this course.

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Nomad HashiCorp — , . , Nomad, Kubernetes.

— , Kubernetes, . , , Rancher. — OpenShift Red Hat. , , . , Red Hat — - Kubernetes.


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. CNCF (Cloud Native Computing Foundation), Kubernetes. , , , , , Kubernetes-. — , CNCF. — CNCF.

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: 14-16 , 20 000 ₽
: 18-20 , 30 000 ₽.

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