What non-stressful podcasts to listen to on the weekend

Last time I started sharing podcasts that I’ve been listening to for many years - I brought a couple of proven programs about project management and GTD. Today I will recommend two more classic shows and tell you what issues it is worth listening to this weekend to get to know them.

The main thing that I like is that podcasts are not about news. You can listen to them during almost any activity in the “weekend” mode and recharge with a good mood. These are the stories of creative people, their thoughts about all kinds of issues and the absurd moments of our reality, subtle and intellectual humor - all that is needed to bring “emotional hygiene” in order. [ Transmission in English. ]

Avi Richards , Unsplash.com

Roderick On The Line is one of my favorite podcasts. And I'm not the only one in this matter, the program has a whole army of fans, and also a book based on the stories shared by its host, John Roderick. I’ll tell you about who he is, what is known besides podcasting and how he came to this area.

“Roderick, pick up the phone”

John lives in the USA, where he was born. From childhood, he dreamed of a musical career and associated his future only with this activity, but he was prevented from developing as he wished by health problems. Roderick suffered from mental disorders and consumed all kinds of substances, interrupting rare side jobs. Of course, he did not become a great musician.

At 28, John formed  The Bun Family Players , which split up almost instantly. After such a blow, Roderick did not find anything better than to go on a cruise in Europe, upon his return from which he met  Sean Nelson  from Harvey Danger.

He invited John to join the team, and later they launched The Long Winters, a little "noisy" in the industry. Their debut album was signed by Barsuk Records , and it was sold in such a way that the musicians were offered a contract for two more albums and one EP.

An indie clip for one of the most famous songs of The Long Winters.

As part of a tour of the United States, the group arrived in San Francisco, where they were given a couple of rooms by their longtime admirer - the same Merlin Mann [ spoke  about him earlier]. Over time, John and Merlin became friends, and later decided to launch their program. So John approached another of his teenage dreams - he was able to become an almost full-fledged DJ on the radio, but Roderick On the Line was still conceived as a conversational podcast and turned out to be excellent.

What is important to know about the podcast: the authors call it "friendly conversation," which in general is. John and Merlin do not play on the audience and primarily support their own interest in the dialogue. Both of them are creative people and with a good sense of humor, so the conversation is full of bright jokes and sharp remarks. On the other hand, most of the time they devote not to themselves, but to stories, reasoning, debate and endless stories from life . Therefore, many consider this podcast a philosophical transmission, but they do not deny the high humorous level of the program.

John Roderick, Lead Podcast Roderick On the Line / David Lee , Flickr, CC BY-SA 2.0

:  , . . Roderick On the Line 400 ,  - . :

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Unfortunately, even the coolest podcasts can't live forever, but fortunately, many of them can still be downloaded and listened to. My story is continued by just such a program - the “Journal of Emotional Hygiene”, as the authors call it, or  You Look Nice Today  - this is the headline by which you can easily find a podcast in any player or storefront like Apple Podcasts.

At the head of the transfer is, as you might have guessed, Merlin Mann. What can I say, he is a real podcast veteran. The show is hosted by  Adam Lisagoras  , the man Inc. Magazine called "Scorsese Network Video Advertising." He began his career in the special effects industry, and in 2010 founded the Sandwich Video Studio . Since then, its clients have become Airbnb, eBay, Slack and other large companies, and Adam’s commercials set the tone for advertising applications.

The third lead is Scott Simpson. He is not such a public person. In the past, Scott  worked  at Apple, where he was responsible for iTunes podcast functionality. Since 2012, he left to engage in freelance.

What is important to know about the podcast : there is no particular concept here. The presenters simply met each other on Twitter and decided to discuss their lives and creative ideas on the air. The show quickly gained popularity thanks to the relaxed atmosphere, the imagination of the presenters, their reverent attitude to each other and the humor that can be heard in few places.

Adam, Scott, and Merlin leading You Look Nice Today / Freakin 'Awesome Network, from

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  • The Tux Age — , , , — .
  • The Good Part - why buy the whole song for the full price if you can only buy the part that you like? This is a discussion of the business idea of ​​one of the leaders who wanted to make a service for the sale of choruses and guitar solos. The second half of the issue is devoted to “bullying” adolescents and drug prevention programs.

PS If you would like to not be limited to listening and launching your own technological podcast (personal / corporate / any), I will be happy to help with this - from organizing remote recording to audio processing, publishing and distribution. Feel free to write in a personal email here or on Facebook .

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