Quarantine leads to losses. How to live without quarantine?


If people lose their jobs, demand will fall, and even more people will lose their jobs. Is the Great Depression of the 30s sample in the USA awaiting us? Will only economic measures save us? Is there a way out of this situation? Yes, a set of measures will save us - economic, epidemiological. The only question is the price of salvation. These measures will save us at the cost of shocks. Can these measures be improved? It seems to me possible. You just need to take care of your health. About the health of others and their own.


  1. Motivational part.
  2. Suggestions.

1. The motivational part.

What is this article about? About how to behave in an epidemic so as not to infect others and not become infected yourself. And that the previous instructions are apparently not enough.

Why this article if the best way is to quarantine? Then, that in quarantine you can’t sit forever. The vaccine will appear at best in a year. A year to sit without work is impossible. Therefore, we need to get used to the idea that we will have to live and work, including moving around the city, in an epidemic. When the number of infected people decreases, management will remove quarantine restrictions so that people can work, and therefore spend.

Why take any measures if there are fewer carriers of infection? After all, then the probability of getting infected is extremely small.When the number of patients decreases, the likelihood of getting infected will drop. But it will begin to grow again when quarantine is over. And it will end so that we can eat something. Wearing a medical mask is stupid, if you are not sick, it weakly reduces the chance of getting infected. However, it still reduces. But if you don’t know whether you are sick or not, it’s stupid not to wear a mask. And not just stupid, but mean and irresponsible. Walking in a respirator and goggles, a gas mask, a suit when there are 10 patients in the city is silly if you do it alone. But if everyone does it - it’s not stupid at all, it becomes a strategy of struggle. If everyone does this, the disease will spread more slowly, and maybe even recede. If no one will do this, then with a probability of 100% in a month we will again be quarantined. If there are no protective measures, then your likelihood of getting infected also grows exponentially,and in a month, with a 100% guarantee, it will be dangerous for you to leave your home. Our common task now is to work out measures that will allow us to live in conditions of infection walking around the city, while preserving labor productivity and purchasing activity. It is advisable to prepare for this and think about it now, while we have time for reflection, because we lost the previous battle for prosperity, and now we are in quarantine.

, ? , , .This is not entirely true. The main problem is that the carrier of the coronavirus infects about 3.5 people until it is isolated, recovered, or dies. This leads to an exponential increase in the number of infected. And the means that effectively protect me from infection do not protect others from me. For example, a good respirator or gas mask, as a rule, has an exhaust valve through which the air I exhale exits without any cleaning. That is, if I am in a respirator or gas mask - I am protected. But those around me are not protected. And the main problem, especially when we have few patients, is not in high probability to become infected, but in high probability to infect. It is this high probability of infecting that leads to an exponential increase in the number of patients. Regardless of whether you have one patient in the city, ten or one hundred.A medical mask reduces the likelihood of contracting it poorly. Much worse than a respirator or gas mask. But here it reduces the probability of INfecting much better than these funds. However, there is an element of conventionality - reducing the likelihood of becoming infected, we reduce the likelihood of infecting others. But, purely theoretically, you can slightly modify the design of the respirator, for example, by putting gauze folded several times under it, shifted with cotton wool. Or wearing a medical mask over a respirator. In addition, a medical mask is much more affordable than a respirator, and it is much easier to organize the widespread use of masks.we reduce the chance of infecting others. But, purely theoretically, you can slightly modify the design of the respirator, for example, by putting gauze folded several times under it, shifted with cotton wool. Or wearing a medical mask over a respirator. In addition, a medical mask is much more affordable than a respirator, and it is much easier to organize the widespread use of masks.we reduce the chance of infecting others. But, purely theoretically, you can slightly modify the design of the respirator, for example, by putting gauze folded several times under it, shifted with cotton wool. Or wearing a medical mask over a respirator. In addition, a medical mask is much more affordable than a respirator, and it is much easier to organize the widespread use of masks.

And this is definitely not an adventure? All countries have seen an exponential increase in the number of patients before quarantine. Not everyone. For a month now, South Korea has shown a linear increase in the number of patients, instead of exponential. The secret is in a very large number of tests for coronavirus. The infected person simply does not have time to infect his 3.5 people, because It is discovered earlier and removed from society. However, there is no general quarantine in South Korea. People also work. Therefore, they do not have, or not so acutely, the question of what they will eat after a couple of months.

Why should we think of these measures? There are authorities, there are specialists, we will just do what they say.Yes, the state will do everything possible to identify cases. Because the state can lose enormous resources, and the authorities have a huge responsibility. But, as it seems to me, after quarantine ends, the main struggle will focus on effective techniques for the non-proliferation of the disease. Some of these techniques - for example, the organization of testing, tracking the movements of citizens - at the state or regional level. Part - at the municipal level, depending on the circumstances. But perhaps the most important part is at the level of us and you. At the level of our everyday activities. And in everyday matters, experts are not much better than us. Therefore - offer. And the spread of infection depends, in general, primarily on us, because you and I are the environment in which the infection spreads.The environment will change - the speed will change.

, ?Yes, the measures taken in Greece and Japan gave a very good result. But there are a number of nuances. The measures taken in Greece really helped reduce the number of cases. But in Greece very strict quarantine measures have been introduced, and this adversely affects the economy. In addition, the pattern of growth in the number of cases is still exponential. Japan is also doing well, but growth is again exponential. Provided that Russia is far from Japanese, who are not shy about wearing medical masks even without epidemics. Perhaps people in medical masks on the streets were one of the characteristic features of Japan even before the coronavirus epidemic. And they keep a distance between themselves, and the layout of goods in their stores, I heard, is robotic. Nevertheless, they have an exponential increase in the number of cases.

, , , — . , ?This is by no means an incomplete option or even a program of measures. This is the starting point. I am the same person as you. Therefore, I ask everyone now to discuss in the comments both the proposed "life hacks" and offer their own. Help from competent persons is especially useful. This is a brainstorming method. It will be great if someone compiles all the reasonable proposals approved by the specialists that appear here and makes an educational film based on them with the main character who behaves correctly on the street, in transport, at work, in the store and at home. Because it is better to see once than to hear or read a hundred times. I believe handwashing posters have done more to reduce intestinal infections at the beginning of the last century than all infectious disease doctors in the world could have done. Do not be shy, please offer, approve and reject.

2. Offers.

Measures to reduce the spread of coronavirus:

1. Everything that has been said before. Wash your hands. Do not touch your face with your hands. Disinfect the phone. We exclude touching the face, we wear a mask / respirator and glasses. When coughing and sneezing, we cover our mouth with a napkin, which we then throw away. We maintain a safe distance between people - 1-2 meters.

2.Remember that your clothes may be infected. You ride public transport, hold onto the handrails, then put your hands in your pockets, then straighten your clothes. Then you come home, wash your hands and scratch your nose. Then touch the clothes and scratch your nose again. This is also a risk factor. It is possible (but not certain) to wash things more often. Although this will increase the load on the water supply and power networks. However, below I propose other, possibly more effective measures.

3.Put rag covers on all handles and handrails and soak these covers with a long-lasting antiseptic. Everywhere - in public transport, in shops, in offices, at train stations, in trains, in public toilets - generally everywhere. Covers are impregnated with a long-playing antiseptic. After the covers dry, they continue to have an antiviral effect. Those. in the subway, instead of metal handrails, there will be handrails with antiseptic fabric covers. Hold on to your health.

4.Choose a long-playing antiseptic for the impregnation of covers on handrails and other items through which infection is possible. Perhaps it will be some kind of acid or salt with a solid state of aggregation, such as citric acid. I read that after drying, chlorhexidine retains antiseptic properties for some time. However, this is already a question for professionals - you need a safe, inexpensive product that, if I understand correctly, will denature the protein ... I believe such products are found in the food industry. Alternatively, it is possible to use bleach for these purposes. Because if goods for grocery stores need to be disinfected, bleach may not be suitable here ... It’s possible to use bleach to disinfect the covered handrails, and something more expensive to disinfect foodbut less harmful.

5. A set of two pairs of gloves - on top fabric, soaked in antiseptic and dried, underneath - latex or polyethylene - to protect the skin of the hands from irritation. The type of antiseptic is not so important, it is important that it either does not dry for a long time, or maintain antiseptic properties even after drying (as far as I know, bleach, the so-called "bleach", has this property).

6. The ban on appearing in public places without medical masks, and better without masks and glasses. Ideally, it’s also a suit like an anti-plague to use.

7.Stop dry pavement cleaning with sweepers. Either do it at night, or during curfew when there is no one on the street. Machines raise dust, along with dried spits of potentially sick people. This is the principle of their work. At the same time stop littering.

8. Face scrubber and button pusher. For this purpose, a body from a handle with two caps is a good fit. In one cap, you can put alcoholized cotton wool, in the other - do not put anything. If you need to press the buttons, remove the cap from the “dirty side”, press the end of the button handle, then put the cap back. If you need to scratch your face - remove the cap from the clean side, scratch your face with the "sterile" end of the pen, then put the cap back on.

9.Thermal cabinets for disinfecting clothes. CAUTION, UNDER SUCCESSFUL IMPLEMENTATION - FIRE !!! In offices and it would be nice to organize such a closet home. The cabinet is maintained at a temperature of, for example, about 60 or 70 degrees. To do this is quite simple - it is enough to put an oil radiator with a thermostat in an ordinary wardrobe. Important!!! Observe safety precautions. Not all radiators are suitable for this purpose; some heater may well set fire in such conditions.

10.Decrease in passenger traffic density due to the provision of “time windows” for citizens. Those. in the morning two hours are given to get to work, in the evening two hours are given to get home, on weekends two hours are given for a walk. These windows are distributed between people so that the density of people on the street is minimal. Roughly speaking, some go to work earlier, others later, etc.

11. The first level of disinfection of goods is to treat all goods in wholesale warehouses with a long-playing antiseptic. This will reduce the number of viruses on the package, even if someone sick touches this package. Even if they forget to disinfect it in a store or disinfect it poorly or clog it with dirty hands. It is clear that this applies only to goods in sealed packaging.

12.The second level of disinfection of goods is to treat all goods in stores with chlorinated water.

13. The third level of disinfection of goods is to wash purchases upon arrival from the store, wash hands upon arrival from the street, and it is best to take a shower. It seems to me that washing purchases is quite simple if they are in sealed packaging. Put them in the bath, shower them with warm water, wash them all, then wash them off with soap and water - shopping has become much more hygienic. This can be combined with hand washing. If the goods do not allow direct washing (for example, household appliances), you can treat them with an alcohol solution, miramistin.

14.Testing all suspects for coronavirus. Want to leave quarantine - check. Crossed with a patient - you lose the status of a reliable patient, and must be checked again to begin to go out.

15. I went into the subway, a bus or a store without a mask - I reset to zero in the rating. And he lost the opportunity to visit these places until you pass testing for coronavirus. A person without a mask does not irresponsibly treat himself. He is irresponsible to others and to the country. It is people without masks who will drive us into another quarantine in a month. Moreover, this will happen inevitably. It is they. And, in my humble opinion, there is nothing to stand on ceremony with them. They lead us, if not to an epidemiological, then to a social catastrophe.

sixteen.For coughing, talking and sneezing without covering his mouth, I believe that you need to be sent under administrative arrest or for compulsory work. And here, too, there is no need to stand on ceremony. The minimum is to deprive the rating, put them in home quarantine, fine, force them to undergo testing.

17. Temperature control by employees in the workplace. However, I already carry a thermometer with me and measure the temperature periodically. And I advise everyone.

18. Waterproof clothing as an alternative to antiplague suits. For example, raincoats, water-repellent trousers - all that is convenient to wipe with a cloth or even rinse with water, for example, getting up in the shower.

nineteen.Happy owners of respirators and gas masks - do not be lazy, make a small upgrade of your device. Put some fabric under the mask of the respirator so that it retains the moisture you exhale. Do not be selfish, make your means of protection from others also a means of protecting others from you.

Measures to preserve office jobs:

1. We work from home. Kickidler allows you to combine managers and subordinates into virtual offices, quality control will be even better than just in the office. A 1-month license for one employee will cost 600 rubles. Not so much. And nationwide, you can buy all of this Kickidler along with copyright.

2.I remind you that we wrap the door handles at work with a cloth soaked in a disinfectant solution, better - long-lasting, even after drying. Desirable - minimally harmful to humans.

3. We pay a cleaning lady for maintaining the covers on the handles in a “fighting” state, for disinfecting (wiping) those who come, possibly - for organizing a “wardrobe” with high temperature. The main thing is that there should not be enough heat stroke there.

4. “Hard” protective equipment (such as respirators and glasses that can injure a person) in the office we change to medical masks. At the same time, we continue to keep our distance and reduce conversations to a minimum.

Measures to preserve the service sector:

1.Generally speaking, all non-critical services are best suspended. And let them out very slowly, expecting a change in the number of cases. Therefore, these points personally seem redundant to me, this is the maximum program. On the other hand, the service sector is also jobs.

2. Improvised "isolated rooms" in cafes and restaurants, for example, made of polyethylene. A table with isolated zones - you see with whom you are sitting at the same table, you hear them, but there is no direct air contact - there are transparent partitions between you. However, there is a danger of meeting an infected waiter or cook who can infect many people ... It is better to exclude alcohol from the sale, as people under his influence lose caution.

3.Shops - everything is clear here, in general. Distance, distance and distance again. The ban on entering the store without protective equipment. Disinfection of products (since not everyone will wash, it is better to wash centrally). Washing products at home. Perhaps the removal of some stores in the open air, where the distance is easier to keep.

4. Temperature control.

5. I would not recommend the purchase of ready-made food ... Thermally process products more reliable at home. However, the rules of the "feast during the plague" is a separate conversation, I do not understand anything about it. Storm :)

Measures to preserve production:

1. I have no ideas. In theory, a product made using the labor of an infected person can cause infection of the user. Waiting for suggestions from readers.

Measures to preserve the accessibility of education:

1. Remote education. Here, kmk, the main question is how to get children to study from home. Because I don’t have children, I have nothing to offer. Waiting for suggestions from readers.

The article will be updated, but rather slowly. The most interesting, I think, will be in the comments.

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