Hardware Ecosystem Community Launches Podcast for Everyone in the Electronics Industry

An open community of hardware enthusiasts has published the first issue of the podcast for anyone who cares about the electronics industry - engineers and executives. The video version was released on the YouTube channel of the Hardware Ecosystem , and audio recordings appeared on the Spotify and Apple Podcasts platforms .

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The initiators of this project were Roman Pakholkov, one of the leaders in the hardware community in Belarus and Lithuania, and Vitaly Damasevich, regional manager of Arrow Electronics. The first release of the podcast is called “The Power of Communication in Hardware: Engineering Teams Work with Corporations.” Speakers on personal examples explained how confidential communication helps to achieve success in the development of hardware projects, and discussed other issues of community members:

  • What is the difference between communication in post-Soviet countries and the EC
  • Oktoberfest as a platform for informal communication in high tech
  • How technology parks are organized in Belarus and Lithuania: community strength and personal experience
  • The level of our engineers in the global market
  • Is hardware unimportant in the world of software defined products?
  • How companies can integrate into global chains
  • How Small Engineering Teams Can Help Corporations
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  • hardware

In 2020, new issues are planned on the development and launch of products for the electronics market, on cooperation in the industry and the development of the hardware ecosystem.

The catalyst for launching the podcast was the introduction of a travel ban and other restrictions due to COVID-19. This year in Minsk a whole series of meetups “From idea to business in hardware and deep tech” was to be held with the participation of speakers from foreign hardware companies, but in March it became clear that the meetups would have to be postponed indefinitely.

As a result, the participants of the Hardware Ecosystem decided to develop the project online: that’s how the new podcast appeared, and on the YouTube channel of the community all the videos of last year’s meetings were published - about IoT, MedTech and how the engineer would bring his product to the market.

What is Hardware Ecosystem?

In 2018, Roman Pakholkov, the founder of the Promwad electronics design center and Bridgio hardware accelerator, created the Hardware Ecosystem LinkedIn group for everyone working in the field of electronics - engineers, managers, investors and other specialists from around the world to build an international a hardware ecosystem that will nurture participants through communication, valuable contacts and the exchange of experience.

That's what the habrayuser himself saysRoman_Pakholkov about this about this project:
“I believe that our community unites people who are used to think proactively and achieve their goals contrary to circumstances. So our plan to hold a series of mitaps in Minsk remains valid, but while quarantine measures are in place, we will share knowledge through the podcast. Your feedback will help make the next release more useful. Share your questions and suggestions! ”

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