Life hacks for parents. How to keep children quarantined

Spring break extended! Schoolchildren dreamed of these words at all times, but before, you could have fun running around the puddles of March, hanging out at classmates and playing old women on the intercom while mom and dad go to work in blissfully unaware.

Now, parents locked up with children 24/7 must work from home and at the same time take something with their offspring.

By the numerous requests of "children" colleagues, we post a selection of leisure options for your children. If books / cartoons / homework is read, revised and done, then welcome!


Modern children, of course, have many cool unusual games - both real and on the tablet. But, as sometimes the simplest answer turns out to be the most correct, so seemingly unpretentious games can captivate your child more than a cool toy with amazing graphics on my father’s iPad.

“Penguin Spy” - find a penguin among toucans!

A win-win way to keep a child busy for a while: in the picture among the toucans, a penguin was lost. Find him soon!

If you like the game, then you can ask to find a hare that does not have a pair. By the way, a smiling hare is the wrong answer!

"Where is Wally?"

For those who found the penguin and the hare too quickly, there is a “battle with the boss” - in the picture you need to find Wally, our old friend. Perhaps some of you yourself were looking for him in magazines as a child, but he has not lost his relevance since then.

Pictures can be printed or displayed from the monitor. Guaranteed to distract even adults for a few minutes!

Games with tape

When the designer, cars and teddy bears are already tired and thrown under the bed, paper tape comes into play. With the help of adhesive tape and fantasy you can do:

  • race track, railroad or even a small city with streets. To do this, stick the adhesive tape to the floor in the form of roads and intersections or like rails and sleepers. Done! Now, on the track, you can arrange sports car races, launch a “train” from Lego parts by rail, or teach dolls to observe traffic rules on the streets of the town from scotch tape.

  • Classics - instead of crayon, use scotch tape to draw cells. Now you can jump until you get tired or neighbors knock!
  • Web - for games with obstacles, you can make a web of tape. Here you will need two walls or objects opposite each other. For children, it will look something like this:

If all the games with tape were played, and the child came to you again during the meeting, then there is the last exit:


Beloved Arzamas once again pleases not only with interesting articles, podcasts and interactive materials for adults, but also with an excellent collection of entertainment for children. The Arzamas children's room has books, cartoons and games for children of different ages, as well as courses and podcasts for children on Arzamas radio.

Until April 15, the radio has a free subscription for the KARANTIN promo code.


Older children can be invited to take up cultural education and go to the "theater". After quarantine, your child will amaze teachers with knowledge of the libretto of famous operas and will definitely get the top five for music and the Moscow Art Theater.

  • The online performance of the Bolshoi Theater “The Nutcracker” (April 10, 19:00) 
  • Online performances of the Vienna Opera (recording available within 72 hours after the play):

    • April 2 - Per Gunt
    • April 4 - Cinderella
    • April 11 - Fairies


The same view from the window is already tired of both adults and children. Wandering the streets of other cities on Google Maps is already an old school, but children will definitely enjoy watching the planet from space.

NASA Video Gallery 

Live Broadcast from the International Space Station (ISS) 

Zoos & Aquariums

Well, and, of course, where without animals. Even if there is a cat or a dog in the house, the child will definitely be interested in observing exotic animals for thousands of kilometers from the house. Moreover, pets also need rest!

  •  In the Houston Zoo you can see giraffes, rhinos, chimpanzees and even flamingos. Broadcast time - from 16:00 to 4:00 Moscow time.
  • The Smithsonian National Zoo offers a live look at how elephants, lions and big pandas live.
  • The Shedd Oceanarium in Chicago regularly posts on Instagram touching videos with penguins who, in the absence of visitors, walk around the park and look at other inhabitants. Recommended to watch with the whole family :)

At the Monterey Bay California Aquarium website, young naturalists can see how sharks, otters, jellyfish live, or even watch what happens in the open ocean.

We hope that your children will enjoy at least a couple of the proposed options, and you will have the opportunity to work calmly or even read the articles on Habr for half an hour. If you have unique techniques for entertaining children in cruel conditions, we will be glad to read about them in the comments!

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