What programming language to learn so that HR large companies hunt for you

Ten years ago, the PHP programming language was a leader in ratings, and now projects on the web are increasingly written in JavaScript and Python. It's a shame to spend a year or two on learning a language, and then remain without work.

We at Mail.ru Cloud Solutions studied analytics, research, the opinions of developers and large employers about which programming languages ​​will be in demand in the coming years. And we tell you what to focus on when choosing.

The salary

The demand and prospects of the language can be estimated by the salary offered to programmers. According to Habr Careers, for the second half of 2019, the highest median salaries are for Russian developers who use the following languages.

  • 1st place - Elixir, 165,000 rubles.
  • 2nd place - Objective-C, 150,000 rubles. If you look at vacancies with this language, then the developer is usually required to know Swift - the successor to Objective-C.
  • 3rd place - Scala and Golang, 150 000 rubles. And in 2018, Scala was the leader in the ranking.

The increase in median salary is observed among developers in PHP, Python, C ++, Swift, 1C and Ruby. Salaries are reduced by programmers on Kotlin (-4%) and Delphi (-14%).

Delphi developers earn almost half the price of the rest.

The situation on the international market is different. Judging by the survey , in which 90,000 StackOverflow users took part, Clojure, Scala, Go, Rust, and R programmers earn the most . Developers in PHP, Assembly, and VBA are paid less, despite having more experience.

The larger the circle on the diagram, the more developers use the language.

Demand for employers

After analyzing the vacancies, it will not be possible to identify promising languages, but you can see what technologies are needed by employers now. And the situation is unlikely to change in the next couple of years - after all, even if the language is outdated, projects need to be supported or rewritten. For example, Objective-C is still needed despite being replaced by Swift.

According to the DevSkiller agency , international employers often need JavaScript specialists - this language is mentioned in 40% of vacancies. Judging by the fact that HTML / CSS is in second place and SQL is in fourth, demand for frontend developers is higher. Java is mentioned in 31% of vacancies, .NET / C # - in 12% of advertisements.

As a rule, companies need developers who speak several languages ​​at once. So, Java + SQL bundle is found in 26% of vacancies, .NET + JavaScript - in 8%. Five out of eight combinations feature JavaScript, which is used both in the front-end and in the back-end.

According to a small HH study , in the fall of 2019, employers were more often looking for programmers in Java, PHP, 1C, SQL, Python, C #, JavaScript, C ++. JS is slightly behind, since its frameworks: Vue, React, Ember, JQuery, Angular, were taken into account separately. If you look at the general statistics, then in Russia this language is also popular.

Community interest

When a developer is confronted with something incomprehensible, he google the question. TIOBE service analyzes the number of requests and compiles popularity ratings for programming languages.

Ratings should be treated with caution - an increase in the number of requests does not necessarily mean the demand for language from employers. This is a general index of interest in technology in communities. It shows which languages ​​developers use and learn.

In February 2020, most often programmers searched for information on Java, C and Python . Over the year, interest in C and C # increased - by 4.3% and 3.08%, respectively. Objective-C appears to be on the list of 20 popular languages. The service assumes that the fall of seven positions per month was due to "obsolescence of the language and the strengthening of the position of Swift, which replaces it."

Given the average annual data, TIOBE shows the changes over the past five years. Rapid growth in Python - he moved from seventh to third place. The leaders are classic Java and C, C ++, C #.

Programming language202020152010
C ++444
C #555
Visual Basic .NET610-

Community Opinion

The Stack Overflow IT portal asked 90,000 developers about popular programming languages. The survey shows the views of the international community - the code in the most popular languages ​​you will find in projects more often than others.

Most often, developers use JavaScript - this is the leader language for several years. If we compare the ratings of 2018 and 2019, then Python shows an increase in popularity.

JavaBash / shell
Bash / Shell / PowerShellPython

In the 2019 ranking (opinions for 2018), developers named Rust, Python and TypeScript the most favorite. A year earlier, Rust, Kotlin, and Python were on the list.

The interest in the community was caused by Python, JavaScript and Go, 25.7%, 17.8% and 15% of developers respectively want to study them. In the ranking of languages ​​that developers do not want to communicate with, the first three places were taken by VBA, Objective-C and Assembly.

Code Popularity

In the Octoverse report on Github, you can see which languages ​​are most often used by service participants. The more popular the language, the higher the likelihood that the future team leader will decide to develop a project on it.

JavaScript has been in the first place for several years now. In the study for 2019, Python took second place, moving Java a line below, C # and Shell show growth.

Graphs show the popularity of individual languages. You can see that in recent years, Ruby has been used less frequently.

How to choose a promising language to learn

Employers recommend studying the general theoretical base in IT, and treat languages ​​and technologies as tools - if necessary for a specific project, then understand, if not - do not waste time.

Do not try to guess the popular language. It is impossible to predict the development of technology for various reasons. The preferences of developers are affected not only by the technical or commercial effectiveness of the language, but also by the state’s presence in the IT sector, and disagreements between large corporations.

So, Google managers because of friction with Oracle over the use of Java have made their choice in favor of Kotlin. And they included it in Android Studio 3.0, the official tool for developing the Android operating system.

Dmitry Rogov, Deputy General Director for Technological Development “ID - Management Technologies”

Avoid outdated or trendy. If you decide to learn some language, check its relevance - maybe it is gradually being replaced by a more promising technology.

Objective-C iOS Swift. Erlang. JVM-, : JRuby, Jython JLog, .

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The director of Reksoft software development department Nikolay Sokornov at the beginning of the journey advises not to chase fashionable languages ​​like Go or Rust, but focus on the time-tested language: learn Java for the back-end, JavaScript for the front-end.

When choosing a language or technology to study, you need to look not only at the demand among employers, but also at the general situation on the labor market. So, Dmitry Rogov claims that overheating is now noticeable in the Java language. True, only at the level of novice applicants: “We are seeing an overabundance of offers, graduates of courses and self-taught come for interviews. They do not meet the demands of employers and their own salary expectations. ”

Do not limit yourself to one language.It is necessary not only to take into account market demands, but also your interest. Finding a job is easy if you do not just know the language, but understand the essence of technology.

Language defines thinking. Choosing JavaScript at the start makes it difficult for you to understand the back-end. When developing in C ++, you don’t feel the ease of parallel processing of hundreds of HTTP REST requests. After choosing one topic and getting comfortable with it, look at other technologies.

Anna Melekhova, Acronis Platform Architect

How to choose a programming language

  1. Find out what salaries developers offer in different languages.
  2. Look at how popular the language is with employers: specialists in rare languages ​​can pay more, but it’s more difficult to find a job.
  3. Filter out obsolete languages ​​that have already been replaced.
  4. , . .
  5. , , .

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