Does the browser need a voice?

Hello everyone!

Users of test assemblies noticed that a clock appeared in the Vivaldi browser, and not just a clock, but a clock with a timer and an alarm clock. In other words, you can now set a specific time and the browser will remind you that ... Yes, by the way, how will it remind you? How? The question is far from idle.

There is currently a pop-up notification. But is that enough? After all, we can be distracted for a moment, turn off pop-up notifications globally or just blink for a long time. About 20 minutes. But what happens? And how, in this case, do we find out that the time we have set for some important business has already come?

In this case, you can use the sound alert. But there is a problem: very often these sound alerts are not liked because of the fact that they simply go wild in a day. So how do we be? Add or not add sounds? Naturally - disconnected, it is without question. So, we start the next Friday poll:

Photo by Jason Rosewell
PS On the question - why in the browser clock. This browser clock is part of a larger component that is under development and has not yet been publicly presented.

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