Testing and QA section at the DUMP 2020 conference. What to expect this year? Spoiler: a pair of painkillers and cherries

In 2019, the Testing and QA section on DUMP took a full day (although in previous years only half a day was devoted to quality control topics) and brilliantly proved that the decision to allocate full time was absolutely justified. Therefore, in 2020, testers (and their sympathizers) will again receive 8 hours of selected content about their favorite profession.

Just look how wonderful it is to have a full day at your disposal.

What will be in the Testing and QA section for DUMP 2020

This year, visitors will see a pinch of testing tools, a pair of painkillers for auto and manual testers, as well as a huge number of ideas about the development directions in the profession (even the most unexpected!).

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, «Selenide the Explorer – ».

Selenide ( Java- Selenium) -. … , ...

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Soft hard-skills

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Big Data, Data Science

  • Big Data ?
  • Data Science ?

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35 + 5 . 20-30 .


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