Online mitaps for the whole week on back, front, QA, PM, DevOps and a little bit on robots, starting from April 3

Hello! My name is Alice and together with the team we continue to collect online events in one place.

When they just launched the catalog of online meetings, they thought that the front-end vendors would be ahead of the planet here too. Well, they have a community in every city, and in general the guys are active. But there are already more than 100 events on the site, and they are not the leaders at all. And who in front can be understood from the list under the cut.



April 6 Special online event due to the transfer of Saint HighLoad ++ 8 reports and remote communication. Free for ticket holders, paid for the rest

April 8 Combine Vertica and Python To explode performance like mentos and cola

April 9 .NET Webinar 2020 What's New in .Net Core 3.x and How Everything Works in Linux Docker Containers


7 Right-to-Left β€” , ?

8 -, MinskCSS #8

6 Android Advanced Topic #5

9 Flutter , .


3 QA ? ,

7 :



4 , IT- .

7 , Customer Development Customer journey map

9 PM MEETUP#2 β€”


7 IoT , ,

3 β€” PostgreSQL

3 β€” ,

3 ClickHouse

9 ClickHouse ClickHouse

3 UiPath Process Mining, Task Mining, Task Capture

3 3

. )

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