Antigravity is not what you thought

There are many theories about antigravity in science, and one small omission in the field of aerohydrodynamics, the practical study of which I have been studying for two years. Following the empirical path, without looking at dogmas and opinions, I discovered serious contradictions in science.


In his previous post about the flying saucer continuation of which is this post, I made a mistake. I wrote that the inertioid moves as it is written on Wikipedia - starting from the environment. It is, but there is one thing. He moves the other way. It says that when an inertioid jerks quickly in one direction and slowly in the other, then resistance to fast movement prevails over slow, and it floats in the direction of slow movement. On this principle is the idea of ​​the Lozovsky vibroplane, for which he received a patent. The umbrella rises slowly up, and quickly falls down. The pressure difference leads to movement. Mathematics confirms this. But an umbrella is an umbrella - even if the vibrations are symmetrical, it will move up. But with a symmetrical profile, it’s bad luck - for me, as well as for all inertia-drivers, it moves towards fast movement,and not as Wikipedia says, and science in general.

Checking this is quite easy - you need to lower your palm into the water, push the water sharply in one direction, and smoothly take your palm back. The resistance during the reverse movement will be much greater than what would be expected in calm water, because the water will inertia move further to where you pushed it initially. It’s a trifle, but then it turns out that the idea of ​​the science of viscosity, of the fundamental forces that create it is wrong ?! It turns out that if, according to science, a bird lets air pass through its feathers, raising its wings, and sharply pushing the air, lowering them, it will fly down. The plaques fly, yes, but they don’t reach critical angles of attack like a bird, slowing the flight, but I succeeded. My clumsy simple plane with an inertioid on his nose, forcing him to bully his nose all the time, practically makes a cobra at 0.52 seconds:

So how does a bird fly and what does antigravity have to do with it? But not so simple. Firstly, anti-gravity is a word that applies to everything that moves against gravity. This movement is by repulsion from something. It’s simply impossible to count the ways of its creation - when garbage flies in the wind, when we bounce, including the flight of birds. When a bird flaps its wings, it generates an annular vortex beneath it, which moves after the wings. The vortex has a quasicrystalline structure, in the first post I wrote about it, or rather painted. A vortex is an inert bunch of air, it has a mass and density greater than the rest of the air. The bird rests on it, lowering the wing smoothly, so as not to destroy, and allows the current inside the vortex to push itself. You can also say that the bird, lowering the wing, discards the vortex as a reactive mass,before generating it with a wave.


Almost the same as jellyfish. Compressing and pushing water out of itself, it creates a wave in front of itself with its frontal resistance. The wave goes forward, and a rarefied zone follows it. Filling this zone, water forms a stream like in a nuclear mushroom. He pushes the jellyfish, filling it like a parachute. After that, she remains compressed again.


Actually, a simplification of all this is a flying saucer with a vibrating wing - a resonator. Umbrella rising and falling with insane frequency. Since it is generally accepted that plates should have anti-gravity, then so be it.

Impossible - the expert will say, because the planes have been flying for a long time, and everything is well studied. Bernoulli equation!

Is it so? The Bernoulli equation is a mathematical pattern between flow velocity and pressure. In practice, this is enough to build aircraft, but many aviators know that this equation does not give an answer. Fundamental science can give an answer, but it has long gone into the mathematical jungle of wormholes, and has become separate from aerodynamics.

Zhukovsky also said that the reason for the lifting force lies in the thin and slow boundary layer circulating around the wing. And also Zhukovsky, like other great physicists, not mathematicians, was a supporter of the ether theory that could easily explain gravity. Before the theory of Einstein went through a victorious march not without the support of influential people around the world, physicists did a lot of work to explain gravity and show its principle. And not by abstract distortions of measurement systems, but by practical experiments. For example, Bierkens’s little-known experience with balls vibrating on water. The balls created waves in the water and were attracted or repelled, depending on whether they vibrated in phase or in half phase.This is not about rolling balls into a funnel under the influence of the same inexplicable gravity - what is shown on TV is a real physical experience that shows how and why. There were Guthrie's vibrating tuning forks, Cook's vibrating cylinders, with which he modeled electromagnetic phenomena.

The only component missing for the full picture is gaseous ether, which, according to Einstein, is not.

Of course, many will say that the theory of relativity has been confirmed many times - a relativistic correction, etc. But Einstein is a mathematician. And his theory is a mathematical regularity that can be used in practice like the Bernoulli equation. THAT does not prove that there is no gaseous ether. And she does not explain why, if you push the air forward, it will push you from behind after a while. After all, it is believed that the interaction is almost instantaneous, which means the action should be equal to the counteraction in the moment now and in the forehead, and not later and behind. But from the point of view of ether, this is understandable, and you can even simulate vibrating balls on the water. Atom - what is not an inertioid? The electron shell is the area of ​​interaction with the medium, and the core is an eccentric. In the first post there is a drawing of how the momentum is distributed in a homogeneous medium, forming vortices and waves.Atoms float on the air like Bjerkens’s vibroballs, are attracted and thawed out, entering resonance or dissonance.

Geometric patterns create structures. This does not abolish quantization and virtuality. This implies fractality. And another explanation - the elongation of an atom during motion - the result of its longitudinal vibrations (Nikolai Noskov)

If we replace the curvature of space-time with the density of matter, wormholes with vortex funnels, and vacuum fluctuations with a quiet splash of a luminiferous medium and photons with cavitation bubbles, then nothing will change in mathematics. Only gravitational waves will become acoustic, light, x-ray - quite understandable and accessible. And this will give us the opportunity to manage them, use them for movement. Space is a seething ocean, not a two-dimensional grid of lines. Our galaxy is a vortex, our solar system, our planet is a vortex, or a vortex from vortices. The whirlwind is even on our top. Waves and vortices, attraction and repulsion, vibration and flow occur one from another. The vibration of the atoms of the conductor creates an etheric vortex in the form of a torus, a magnetic field, as well as a flap of the wings, creates an air ring vortex.And the whole complexity of the forms is the diversity of their combinations.

There is no quantum chaos, there are complex patterns that are difficult to understand. We often get the idea that knowledge is finite. There is the end of the earth, the firmament of heaven, the light barrier ... Those who are striving for fame are trying to write the theory of everything, willingly follow this path. But these ideas have always remained in the past. The light barrier is just as overcome as the sound one. Others need power, so that waving wings from a vacuum to form light, yes.

And by the way about the wing. It is believed that the wing is blown by a continuous stream. But if we consider the movement of the gas more carefully, we will see that it is rhythmic. Because of the flow around the aircraft, flutter begins - the vibration of the wing, when the gases flow out of the nozzle, the rocket vibrates. This is due to the cycle of formation and decay of vortices, which, like a spring, accumulate and give off energy. This is the basis of all cycles in nature.

I simulated a flow around a wing in a viscous liquid, chatting with a spoon in a soup. In a viscous fluid, the boundary layer is much thicker, and it is clearly visible as it moves. Despite the fact that he seems calm, at the micro level this is a constant rhythmic movement. The air that is cut into the front upper part of the wing is compressed. Molecules moving together are repelled due to their vibration, scatter, and push apart neighboring molecules. Thermal movement becomes faster and the distance between the molecules is greater, which reduces pressure. After this, the molecules begin to attract, equalizing the pressure, and the air collapses behind the wing. Due to the fact that the air above the wing has more energy as a result of the impact, it goes around the trailing edge and strikes the wing from below. It reaches the leading edge, meet with air running from below,and creates pressure under the wing.


This explains the counterflow at the leading edge, which in the wind tunnel to the last causes the stream of smoke to deviate upward, even when it is at the very bottom. And the laminar profile is faster, because the air enveloping the trailing edge pushes the wing both up and forward due to the inclination of the lower plane. It is the thermal energy released by the wing’s impact on the air — the natural vibrational movement of the molecules that creates the lifting force. When the boundary layer breaks off the wingtips, it releases stored energy, forming huge turbulent eddies. Flapping flight is effective precisely because it allows you to return the wing to its original position and get this energy. Therefore, the effectiveness of the vibro-flying saucer can be much higher than what the AGD believes.If we take into account the resonance - the cyclical formation and decay of turbulent vortices, this will give much more when automatically tuning the optimal frequency. And at a very high frequency, we will see light from the collapse of cavitation air bubbles, then from ball lightning, and this is the energy of nuclear fusion, and not just the tapping of molecules. And then everything will look like a normal UFO should look.

It looks unrealistic for now, but even with my capabilities, I made a vibration motor that produces a much higher power frequency than a regular speaker with the same power and weight. Again - an unexpected synthesis of an inertioid with a perpetual magnetic motor, which turned out to be completely different from what they think and work in a completely different way.

As for the monolithic light wing made of heavy-duty metal - the nozzles for missiles are already printing on the printer now. This is a matter of time. And super-smart control is no longer a problem. Only worth the money. In the meantime, I make from the fact that there is polystyrene and bamboo. But even so it works.

And now the debriefing. In this video I tried to show how it works as clearly as possible.

First, the principle of movement on the water. The hydrodynamic profile has an asymmetric shape, and its oscillations are also asymmetric. As I was convinced, both that and another gives the same effect, one way or another influencing speed and the direction of a stream. Here you can see that the wavelengths at the back and front are different. If there was a larger body of water, we would see an interference pattern of waves, similar to the one that moves particles during acoustic levitation. To move in space, you can increase the frequency, and then it will be microwaves. This is somewhat reminiscent of the principle of EM drive, but only that makes waves within itself, which makes no sense. As far as I know, the Hutchinson effect is based on the interference of electromagnetic waves, which is similar to acoustic levitation.

Now the flight itself. I am often told that even Frisbee flies better. Naturally, even a brick flies far if it is thrown well. But here we are talking about a very light aerodynamic profile, which, if thrown harder, will immediately turn over from overpressure from below. Therefore, I’m not throwing my plate strongly, but giving it a rotation so that it flies at a speed at which the incoming flow does not turn it over. The effect created by the engine leads to the fact that the pressure under it accumulates earlier, which makes it turn over even in this case. The only option in which it flies more or less is a throw with a slope to the right. When the engine is off, this leads to an even greater slope, and when the air cushion is turned on, it allows it to maintain some balance and walk along a level glide path.But in the end, the pressure builds up anyway, and it flips. If the engine had control like a horoscope, it would fly further, but so far I do not have such technologies. At the moment, I have only one practical effect - it has become easier to catch it due to a smaller loss of height.

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