R language for Excel users (free video course)

In connection with quarantine, many now spend the lion's share of the time at home, and this time can and should even be spent with benefit.

At the beginning of quarantine, I decided to bring to mind some of the projects that started a few months ago. One such project was the video course "R Language for Excel Users". With this course I wanted to lower the threshold for entering R, and make up for the existing shortage of training materials on this topic in Russian a little.

If all work with data in the company in which you work is still customary to be done in Excel, then I suggest you get acquainted with a more modern, and at the same time completely free data analysis tool.


If you are interested in data analysis, you may be interested in my telegram and youtube channels. Most of the content is dedicated to R.

  1. References
  2. About the course
  3. Who is this course for

  4. 4.1. 1: R RStudio
    4.2. 2: R
    4.3. 3: TSV, CSV, Excel Google
    4.4. 4: , , R
    4.5. 5: R
    4.6. 6: R
    4.7. 7: R
    4.8. 8: R
    4.9. 9: R
    4.10. 10: JSON R
    4.11. 11: qplot()
    4.12. 12: ggplot2

tidyverse, : readr, vroom, dplyr, tidyr, ggplot2. R , data.table, tidyverse , , , R tidyverse.

, .

R, Python? , R , Excel , .. - .

12 5 20 .

. YouTube .

, .

, Microsoft Excel . , Microsoft Excel .

, .. .

, 4 R, .. dplyr tidyr .

1: R RStudio

: 23 2020



, RStudio.


2: R

: 30 2020



, R. , . .


3: TSV, CSV, Excel Google

: 6 2020



, , . vroom, readxl, googlesheets4 R csv, tsv, Excel Google .


4: , , R

: 13 2020



dplyr. , .

R .


5: R

: 20 2020



tidyverse dplyr.
mutate(), .


6: R

: 27 2020



, . dplyr group_by() summarise().

summarise(), .. summarise(), summarise_if() summarise_at().


7: R

: 4 2020





Excel , SQL JOIN.

, dplyr, readxl, tidyr stringr.


  • bind_rows()
  • left_join()
  • semi_join()
  • anti_join()


8: R

: 11 2020



, , .

dplyr, group_by(), mutate(), cumsum(), lag(), lead() arrange().


9: R

: 18 2020



Excel , .

R, .

tidyr pivot_longer() pivot_wider().


10: JSON R

: 25 2020


JSON XML , , .

, , .

tidyr, tidyverse, unnest_longer(), unnest_wider() hoist().

11: qplot()

: 1 2020


ggplot2 R.

qplot(), .

12: ggplot2

: 8 2020


ggplot2 .


, , R.

R, .

12 , , , YouTube , .

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