We open access to the practical course on working with the DLP system

Purely practical post. We will not repeat the well-known about the current situation, the opportunity to try new formats of work, about to allocate time for study - you yourself know. Go straight to the point. We uncovered our course for information security analysts on working with the DLP system. We start from Monday, April 6, and up to the 20th β€” every weekday at 11:00 Moscow time. Duration: an hour and a half. For those interested, a detailed schedule and a link to register under the cut.

The course will be useful to practicing information security specialists, both experienced and beginners (including students) - everyone who is interested in the topic of data protection. Classes will be held in webinar format. In ordinary civilian life, it’s a paid offline course. Now we open it for free (by the way, experienced ones, you may be interested in our other free initiatives that we have organized since the beginning of the coronavirus epidemic).


Our head of the information security department, Alexey Drozd (akalabyrinth) He is the author of training programs on administering and practicing the use of information security technologies, took part in the preparation of materials for the Tempus international project, Educating the next generation experts in Cyber ​​Security. The developer of the CMC, the materials of which are used in 65 universities of the CIS for training in the specialties of "Information Security", "Computer Security", "Economic Security", etc.

Its main advantage is that it is able to talk about important fun, do not get bored! Link to registration here . Below is the full program. We are ready to answer all additional questions in the comments.

The program of the course "Practice of using DLP-systems"

April 6, 11.00
Control of remote work

  • Analytics Console.
  • Reports and web reports. What is each of the groups for?
  • Rules of effectiveness.
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  • ProgramController .

7 , 11.00

  • DLP-.
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  • ABBYY .

8 , 11.00

  • , , .
  • DLP-.

9 , 11.00

  • NetworkController, EndpointController, SearchServer, DataCenter.
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  • . . SearchServer.
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10 , 11.00
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  • «» .
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  • ID UIN.
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13 , 11.00
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14 , 11.00

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15 , 11.00

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16 , 11.00
: ,

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  • , DLP.

17 , 11.00

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20 , 11.00

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