Blazor Client Side Online Store: Part 4 - Add Items to Cart

Hello, Habr! I continue to do online store on Blazor. In this part I’ll talk about how I added the ability to add goods to the basket. For details, welcome to cat.



β†’  Sources
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The code

In the ProductsModel model added a field for the number of products in the basket.

   public int ItemsInBasketCount { get; set; }

In ProductsViewModel added:
To check the display of pop-ups and check the status of user authentication.

        public AuthenticationStateProvider AuthStateProvider { get; set; }

        public IJSRuntime Js { get; set; }

To get the current number of items in the basket.

        private async Task LoadItemsInBasketCount()
            var (res, err) = await Repository.GetItemsInBasketCount();
            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(err))
                Model.HandledErrors += $";{err}";
                Model.ItemsInBasketCount = res;

Check authentication status.

        private async Task<bool> IsAuth()
            var state = await AuthStateProvider.GetAuthenticationStateAsync();
            return state?.User?.Identity?.IsAuthenticated ?? false;

Adding product to cart.

        public async Task AddToBasket(Guid productId)
            Model.IsLoaded = false;
            if (!await IsAuth())
                await Js.InvokeVoidAsync(
                     "        .       ."
                Model.IsLoaded = true;
            var (r, e) = await Repository.AddToBasket(productId);
            Model.HandledErrors = e;
            Model.IsLoaded = true;
            await LoadItemsInBasketCount();

In Products.razor Added:

To display the number of products in the basket.

          : @Model.ItemsInBasketCount

To add an item to the cart.

    <input type="button"
           value="  "
           class="btn btn-success"
           @onclick="@(async x=> await AddToBasket(product.Id))" />

Angular Version

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