STM32CubeMonitor is worth a try


STM32CubeMonitor is a utility for convenient display of data from the STM32 family of controllers. Moreover, no additional equipment is required, only a board with a controller and a programmer (I tried both the Chinese whistle and the original st-link \ v2). The word "Cube" in the name does not mean binding to CubeMx \ HAL , you only need firmware in the "* .elf" format, which is good news. This utility allows you to extremely quickly and easily output data from the controller in real time in the form of a graph, as well as carry out post-processing (there are sets of basic mathematical and trigonometric functions).

Graph example

Beginning of work

It is worth making sure that the programmer is connected, the controller is powered up, and the firmware is uploaded, it is also recommended to update the software of the programmer to the latest version.

This utility can be downloaded here . Install, run and see the program window.

Program window

To understand, I propose to clear the workspace and add \ configure components in order.

  • The first thing you need (acq in \ acq out) is the components directly responsible for inputting / outputting information from the controller. 2 LMC on (acq in) we configure Probe (choose your programmer) and Name (to my taste, I have myProbe_In), in the same way we configure (acq out) .
  • variables. :

    Group Name (my_Variables) Executable: Name, Folder , File . Variable List Update

  • processing, Group Name variables. Outputs , . Post-processing, .
  • : button (start\stop) (clear). Label ( ) Topic (start, stop clear ), Topic .
  • chart, Group, . Ctrl+Space , .
  • , , DEPLOY, , , DASHBOARD.

    start .

So easily and simply you can get a visual representation of the data from the controller. I want to draw attention to the fact that there are many more components in the program, I considered the necessary minimum. This publication does not pretend to be a tutorial, I just want to draw the attention of people close to the topic to a new tool.

Thank you for the attention!

Official utility description

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