Public is evil

Those who study foreign languages ​​are very fond of subscribing to various public groups devoted to these languages. And, judging by my VK news feed, they are willing to repost various materials from them.

You must understand that these publics never had the goal of teaching someone something. The only reason for their existence is to wind as many subscribers as possible and then sell ads or courses as expensive as possible. There are no other goals there.

In public posts on the topic "common expressions related to ..." are very popular. With relationships, for example. And a beautiful little picture. People enthusiastically repost this on their wall: β€œThen I'll see!” And they look, and try to remember! If you evaluate these posts with a professional look, everything looks a little different.

I have repeatedly shown such posts from VK to native English speakers and asked for comments. The American runs his eyes through the list: β€œThis is ours, we say so, yes. This is the first time I see. It's British, I would have sounded funny if I said that. This is ours, but outdated, now no one says that. This is also the first time I see. That's what they say in the south of the USA, in New York they will laugh at it. Its OK. Also approx. This is British again, no one will say that. ” Having reached the end of the list, I translate: "It says here that these are common expressions related to relationships." American: Bullshit. Do you really want to litter your memory with expressions that the carriers simply do not know or consider obsolete?

Often, for example, in such posts I came across the expression raining cats and dogs, it is found in textbooks, they like to discuss it in courses. To his horror, he recently discovered it in a public for teachers (!) Of English under the heading "Weather Phrases Everyone Should Know." This expression is really known to all native speakers of English. But. To use it is the same as approaching a Russian person and with a serious look, in a moralizing tone, say: β€œListen ... So you can’t easily get a fish out of a pond!” Do not wash off later.

Even in order to learn the really relevant, used words and expressions, you will have to make very serious efforts. And all these publics clog up people's heads with outdated or regional expressions, which in English and American cities may simply not be known.

Many times in such public places I saw cute pictures stitched from visual dictionaries, on which the officially accepted names of the details of some technical device were given - a hunting rifle, a motorcycle or an airplane. Pictures collected a lot of likes. Surely there were people who tried to learn these technical names ... A person who has mastered at least one foreign language well understands that these names are completely impossible to remember unless you come across them at work. Open the visual dictionary: you will see that there are tens of thousands of such technical terms. Trying to memorize them in order to learn the language is a highly meaningless activity.

Any foreign language, and English in particular, is a gigantic amount of information. The choice of sources of this information should be approached very carefully, depending on the purpose. Public VK, to put it mildly, is not the best source.

Taken from the public VK. In addition to doctors, not one living carrier of these terms knows.

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