How to increase sales 2.5 times in 4 months in an online store - a case for SEO promotion

The purpose of the article is to help owners of online stores not only survive, but also grow in conditions of crisis, a fall in the ruble, dumping of federal chains and marketplaces, the closure of retail stores due to coronovirus, and a drop in demand in the niche.

Most likely you will suspect a seasonal surge in traffic and sales. In the results block, you can find detailed justification, backed by screenshots of analytics for the last 2 years and explanations why these results are the merit of high-quality seo promotion, rather than pronounced seasonality, the influence of paid traffic sources, etc. But first things first :)

About customer

Our client is a chain of sports nutrition stores with retail outlets in Krasnodar and the cities of the Krasnodar Territory. Orders for Krasnodar are delivered by our own courier service, to other cities of Russia - by mail and transport company.

Niche situation

The situation in the niche of sports nutrition is not much different from the general situation in the ecommerce market:

  • Active market consolidation with marketplaces (Yandex.Market, I take, Ozon, Goods, etc.)
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  • +292% โ€” 23 2020 2019

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  • robots.txt, sitemap.xml
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  • . Google Search Console,
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As you can see, we did not do anything unusual, did not use any "chips". The current result is daily work according to well-established instructions, the implementation of the fundamental tasks of seo-promotion, which Yandex and Google talk about, about which thousands of articles have been written and hundreds of videos have been recorded.

I am very grateful that you spent time studying this case. I hope you learned something useful and can apply the knowledge gained to promote your online store.

I will be glad to feedback.

All good, traffic growth and slaughter sales!

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