InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 Release

At the end of March, a new version of the InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 data platform was released. Even the coronavirus pandemic did not prevent the release.

Of the important things in the new release are increased kernel performance, the generation of a REST application according to the OpenAPI 2.0 specification, sharding for objects, a new view of the Management Portal, MQTT support, a universal query cache, a new framework for creating product elements in Java or .NET. A complete list of changes and Upgrade Checklist in English can be found here . More details - under the cut.

InterSystems IRIS 2020.1 is a release with enhanced support. InterSystems releases two types of InterSystems IRIS releases:

  • Continuous delivery releases. They are released three to four times a year in the form of Docker images. Designed for application development and deployment in the cloud or Docker containers.
  • . , . , InterSystems IRIS.

2019.1 2020.1 Docker — 2019.2, 2019.3, 2019.4. 2020.1. 2019.2, 2019.3, 2019.4.



InterSystems API Manager, 2019.1.1, 2020.1 REST- OpenAPI 2.0. «Creating REST Services».

Caché Ensemble

Caché Ensemble InterSystems IRIS. , , .

InterSystems IRIS In-Place Conversion Guide InterSystems IRIS Adoption Guide. InterSystems «».

InterSystems IRIS Native API Python

Python , InterSystems IRIS . — «Native API for Python».

InterSystems IRIS Native API Node.js

Node.js , InterSystems IRIS . — «Native API for Node.js».


ODBC- InterSystems IRIS Node.js

Java .NET-

.NET Java- . , .NET Java, IRIS , IRIS. — «Java Gateway Reentrancy».

Native API Java .NET

IRIS Native API Java .NET $LIST .

. .


  • . 2020.1, , , . , . , .

  • , DML.

  • , , join "->".

  • , , . -. .

Java .NET

PEX (Production EXtension), . PEX Java .NET -, - -, . - - . PEX Java .NET , ObjectScript. PEX :

— «PEX: Developing Productions with Java and .NET».


Port Authority , - -. . — «Managing Port Usage».


, MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport), (Internet of Things — IoT). — «Using MQTT Adapters in Productions».

— (node level), , . API — %SYSTEM.Cluster. — (namespace level), — . — «Elements of Sharding» «Sharding APIs».



, :

  • Tencent Cloud. InterSystems Cloud Manager (ICM) InterSystems IRIS Tencent Cloud.
  • (named volumes) Docker, (bind mount).
  • ICM — , . — «Reprovisioning the Infrastructure» «Redeploying Services».
  • .
  • ICM .
  • root.
  • ICM , - Denial-of-Service .
  • RPC.
  • ICM . , .
  • ICM .
  • — ICM , , Google Cloud Platform, Web Gateway Ubuntu SUSE.
  • iris.cpf . ICM InterSystems IRIS , . , Kubernetes.

InterSystems IRIS Business Intelligence ( DeepSee) — . , , , .


Microsoft PowerBI InterSystems IRIS. PowerBI, 2019 . — «InterSystems IRIS Connector for Power BI».

Analyzer. , .

  • $ORDER (direction = -1) , .
  • .
  • Apache Spark 2.3, 2.4.
  • WebSocket. %Net.WebSocket.Client.
  • .
  • .NET Core 2.1.
  • ODBC.
  • messages.log.
  • API . %SYSTEM.Monitor.GetAlerts().
  • , (31 ) , . 31 .

Online Distributions

InterSystems IRIS —


docker run --name iris20 --init --detach --publish 51773:51773 --publish 52773:52773 store/intersystems/iris-community:2020.

7 17:00 , . (Director, Product Management) (Director of Product & Industry Marketing). ! .

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