It's time for free sites

Hi% username%!

Today, many novice web developers make a big mistake, and not one. They make up something, and then buy hosting. Next, buy a domain. Register and connect an SSL certificate. When fleeing minus karma, I’ll just tell you how not to spend money on my test projects.

By the way, there is absolutely no advertising here, even if it seems so to you - this is just another tutorial, with the description of the necessary resources and as clear as possible .

I recommend for each such project to create new mail and register everywhere with it, and not your personal email.


When requesting " Free hosting " google first, naturally after advertising, offers . This is a very interesting hosting - having been using it for two years already, I noticed that the permitted number of free sites and other conditions are constantly changing there, but the main thing is that it remains the most convenient.

So, for today they offer: 

  • 1 free site
  • 1 MySQL database
  • PHP Multiple Versions
  • Domain Connection
  • 300mb space on SSD (there was a gigabyte, miser!)
  • FTP

It used to be better, but this, I think, is suitable for our test projects. Moreover, these disadvantages are compensated by a convenient control panel, which not many of its competitors can boast of.

What to do?

  1. Registering is easy!
  2. Click "Create a site", do what they ask.

That's all. We will return to 000webhost. In the meantime ...

Domain name

There is no ideal option for work projects. But we are going to engage in mini-projects and we don’t need much - just any second-level domain. Freenom is our help , it is also the first in the search results, it has no analogues - they all bought them and received from some countries a monopoly on the sale of their domains.

So we got closer to the problem - only domains of any distant African countries are available on , where they decided to promote the Internet by distributing their domains for free: " .tk ", " .ml ", ".gq", ".cf" , " .Ga ". Naturally, they are money lovers like 000webhost and provide a domain for free for only 12 months. maximum, but it can then be re-registered.

So, choose.

Procedure # 1

  1. Registering is easy!
  2. We go to the “Services” tab at the top, and then - “Register a new domain”.
  3. After all, the service itself will tell you.
  4. After successful domain registration, click “Services” again, and then “My domains”. Do not close this tab.

Back to our free hosting ...

Procedure # 2

  1. We again go to 000webhost and see our site with an ugly third-level domain name ( Fix it.
  2. Hover over a beautiful picture - appeared. the inscription '"Manage the site", click.
  3. In the left sidebar we see "Tools", follow the link.
  4. Intuitively select the "Specify a web address"
  5. Here the button - "+ Add Domain", click!
  6. A beautiful modal window appears, where we select the first item - we will "park" our domain.
  7. « », « » [ ] , Freenom.


  1. , , «Manage domain».
  2. «Management Tools», , Nameservers.
  3. «Use default nameservers (Freenom Nameservers)»  «Use custom nameservers (enter below)»
  4. «», — «», — «Change nameservers»
  5. «» « » «» « »
  6. , «»

Yes, now everything is ready, but we have not solved the last problem that needs to be solved for free - SSL certificate.


" Cancer of the Internet " is a great alternative name to such a wonderful free service. I think it suits us. In addition to the fact that CloudFlare protects us from DDOS attacks and caches our site, speeding it up, they will give us a free certificate. It is very comfortable.


  1. We are registered in CloudFlare, choosing a free plan.
  2. We add our site: you need to go again and change the name servers in Freenom - delete the old ones and install the ones that the service offers.
  3. You will immediately be offered to configure SSL, I recommend the "Flexible" item.
  4. There are a lot of interesting things in the settings.

Instead of a conclusion

So, your site is set up and no worse than if you paid money for it. But I recommend adding to


of your site, on all pages, here it is:

<style>img[alt=""] {display: none;}</style>

Thus, you hide the annoying logo 000webhost. Many engines, such as Aegean , magically remove it themselves.

With some skill, it is possible to do all these actions in ~ 45 minutes. So the “ Pair of Rows ” was born .

I do not hope that this article will immediately benefit you, but you can always bookmark it on Habré :) Thanks for reading!

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