Professional freelance

Greetings, my dear reader, in this article I have compiled a small set of notes for myself, as well as for those who decided to begin to really work and actively grow in their direction. Of course, this is far from everything and the material is far from being in the order of importance, but on the whole, none of this should be missed, all this is very important. I have no doubt that many conclusions and statements will cause indignation among many who do not share opinions on any of these notes, and this is true.

Accepting criticism is always difficult, rejection is often the first reaction.
Do I admit that people have a different view of any of the following? Yes, of course, defending one’s beliefs is a natural reaction, even alcoholics and drug addicts often don’t understand what they are being told about and why they shouldn’t be addicted anymore. Is it possible to develop and grow further by omitting any of the points? Even if a cockroach loses one or a pair of paws, it only remains for him to row faster with the rest and make allowance for the missing ones. The same will be for any other if he loses something of the basic necessities in his business.


It is difficult to add something to what you know from modern books, but I will repeat the main thing. Self-discipline, firstly, a thing is quite simple and not complicated, and secondly, it greatly affects productivity. How does discipline affect productivity? At the physiological level, the body is easier to cope with what it is used to, for example, at lunch at the same time, it helps the stomach. This applies to everything, including work. Starting work in the morning at the same time is a very good thing. At the mental level, the brain is also easier to tune in to work at the same time.

Discipline forms habits; they in turn provide good productivity and quality of work. Lack of discipline is a pretty strong brake on growth in all spheres of human activity, although it is not critical. Good discipline, strengthens the applied forces in any business many times. The effect does not occur instantly, but requires effort that pays off. Unfortunately, the author does not have sufficient discipline to write a more detailed plan for the development of this, but strongly recommends that you search for material on the network, preferably not from the modern one.

Unfortunately, the mentality of a Russian person is not very disposed to this skill and, as it often happens, an impulse of the soul can carry a person very far from his plans and formalities. At the same time, discipline is not an idol, but an instrument and sometimes it needs to be put aside in order to take something else. It is possible and necessary to sacrifice it for the sake of some higher goals and objectives. A banal example is to help someone instead of going to dinner, or not to sleep half a night again, by the fact that you need to help someone out. Here you will lose discipline, get out of the regime, but do what you generally live in for society.

I want and want

A lot will be achieved by one who loves his job and his job, it is not difficult for him to study for 10-12 hours a day new and interesting. But one who is able to force himself to study something, because he needs it to achieve his goal, will undoubtedly achieve more. Enthusiasm is an unreliable thing; you won’t get far on it. Even at the most beloved job, there is a time when you work hard and do not want to at all, there is no trace of enthusiasm and only one who forces himself to finish the job to the end will be able to show the result. And, having achieved a good result, there is great confidence in their abilities and capabilities, a person can force himself to take high peaks.

Enthusiasm helps, but only to those who can work effectively without it. As an example, you can take the study of a foreign language, how easy it is to start, but how difficult it is to complete it, it is almost impossible to do it with enthusiasm alone. The same thing in sports, it’s not difficult to start going to the gym, but how many people stop doing it in a month or two, then after a year they can sign up again in a rush. That is why all sites with English courses and fitness centers give the biggest annual discounts, because most will be tempted by discounts, pay a year, and will not go. Do not disregard this and soberly assess your strengths. Keep in mind that enthusiasm will fade and you will have to finish the job in any case.


Everyone knows that there are good and bad habits. A habit is a fruitful tree or a thorn bush. The first one needs to be planted, increased and a little follow up on it, so that it would not die. Invested labor pays off many times with plentiful fruits. The second grows by itself, but it causes a lot of problems and inconveniences and, if you are not happy about eradication from the very beginning, it will take a lot of work to remove these thickets later. Work honestly, help colleagues, courtesy, quality work - these are all habits. I am convinced that a person either knows how to do well and always does, or does anyhow as always. Pitiful attempts to work qualitatively end with enthusiasm. But a person naively believes that “I can if I want,” but in fact, in a work environment, without enthusiasm, a person cannot work qualitatively, by virtue of habit.

In order to do the job efficiently, you need to force yourself to do it for a while, then a habit will appear and it will take a lot less effort and everything will be automatic, and the freed forces will go to achieve new goals. Only in this case, there is a qualitative growth, only then you can move the bar and reach a new level in your work. Again, when "moving the bar" many times a habit appears in this matter, and this is given more and more easily. The only way.

Probably, many have heard that the difference in productivity between developers can be more than 10 times. By the way, the growth of the athletes is less and less with time, and even at the hour marathons at the finish line, the difference between the leaders is in seconds. Everything is a bit wrong with the brain, progress in solving various problems can be very long and very good, thanks to the activation of many adjacent brain regions and the development of horizons. You just need to try and do it right. Without good habits or having bad ones, this is not possible. Many have heard that it’s easier to teach a person to program again than to retrain a bad programmer. Yes, and in sports everyone knows that in the first place there is always equipment and quality, then comes strength / speed / quantity. Step by step, not in a jerk, you will be able to master a lot,although at first it will seem that things are going slower than usual or take more effort. It is worth it, otherwise there is no growth.


Modern processors have 1-2 billion transistors. Imagine that after every launch of some useless application (pre-installed, and even paid), approximately 0.1% of transistors burn during the launch. The question is, how often is it better to run this application? What would you do with this app? Alcohol is very detrimental to your brain in the first place, the nervous and circulatory systems and then damages all organs along with blood. Alcohol, nicotine, and even more so any other drugs are a very powerful tool to undermine creative activity and are powerful depressants. Moreover, even after a small dose, a person’s creative activity is paralyzed for months, not to mention the irretrievably lost brain potential.

Alcohol is a powerful depressant. To sell the same application, you need advertising, but without it, things are not going well with them. Before the restrictions on alcohol advertising in the media, the share of advertisers’s income from alcohol was 50% - they declared this themselves at a meeting with Putin, asking for concessions for advertising vodka at the World Cup in football ... Attention is the question: if people drink, what do you not do with them and what bans don’t enter, why do alcohol dealers spend billions on explicit and hidden advertising, as well as tearfully asking for permission from the state?

How often and how much can I drink? The right answer is to live soberly. One who claims the benefits of small doses or the “cultural drink” is either a fool or an enemy. Instead of other arguments, you can look for “Weapons against the nation (appeal of 1700 doctors)”, where the best world doctors clearly indicated their position.

Is it possible to achieve something in the arms with alcohol? Of course, you can, but you saw the exploits of the national team players, presidents, officials, musicians, actors, talk show stars and what they “achieved” ... How many titled world athletes have died in our country just recently due to stupidity in alcoholic showdowns. How many good people died simply because they passed by a drunken company.

There is a word “thanks”, but there is a word “contrary”. Alcohol, nicotine and other drugs greatly undermine the potential of any person, suppress the will and desire to develop in general. Do not even hope for some progress in work and life with this addictive habit, you will be able to work dutifully at about the same level, enriching your employer and having the illusion of growth.

Pleasure center

Olds James and Peter Milner managed to accidentally open a white rat pleasure center in the hypothalamus. Scientists have achieved that animals with electrodes implanted into the brain for hours press the lever that closes the current in the electrodes, producing up to 8000 strokes per hour. These rats pressed the lever and ignored: food, water, danger, female ... Later similar experiments were performed on monkeys and gave similar results. You can search for more information about this experiment. Conclusion: do not even trust your feelings, whether it be pleasure, irritation / anger, or anything else, perhaps this is manipulation.

Fortunately, now (so far) there is no way for marketers, bankers and global corporations to implant you something and manipulate areas of your brain to make you do or not do something. But they squeeze the most out of what can be done through your senses. Songs, films, videos, computer games, junk food, various shows, clowns on TV and the Internet, news, useless articles, various goods and more - all this is the same button that you press to stimulate your pleasure center to the detriment of useful activities that are beneficial to your family and society at large.

There are no lists of what is possible and what is not or what is useful and what is harmful. You yourself have to decide with your own head at each moment of time whether to press the button again or still do something useful. In addition, the stimulation of those same areas causes their development and weakening of all other areas up to degradation. And, of course, we must protect our own head from manipulation and outside interference, otherwise we will lose our first ability, and it is very difficult to return it. If you find yourself dependent on the above, then do not be alarmed, but always try to be higher than the “imposed” Wishlist and win, no matter how many times you fall. I would also add that a society affected by this all, like a cancerous organism, dies in the literal sense.

The population of developed countries is actively declining, and third world countries, in poverty and hunger, but growing. Manipulators are well aware that there will be those who understand their cheap tricks and talk about it. What did they come up with? Firstly, they hide behind the freedom of creativity and scream like pigs from the slightest censorship. They impose on everyone the thought of “my hut from the edge” or “this is everyone’s business” or like “everyone lives as he wants.” But caring for loved ones is the hallmark of a normal person from a sick person. You are responsible not only for yourself, but also for all the people around you.


The most difficult skill for a freelance programmer, but at the same time a key one. Without it, it is very difficult to enter the world market. The most important thing to say here is do not believe in any courses, magic books or techniques. It is impossible to learn a foreign language to a working level in a short time. They say that children quickly learn foreign language. for six months in kindergarten and begin to speak sane. But let me put you in a room with English people and make them communicate with everyone for 8-10 hours 5 days a week, then there will be about 1000 hours of practice in six months. Yes, here, I think, and the pensioner will already begin to speak normally. By the way, this is more than 3 years of study at 6 hours a week. Our brain is a "neural" that you just need to teach all the English options, just drive a lot of things through your ears and eyes.

Is it difficult to understand English? Just listen to audio books at least 10-20, preferably more than once (+ in the background instead of music).

Problems with dictionary / spelling? Register on LinguaLeo and memorize there three to four thousand words (listen / translate / write) and you will understand most of the logic in the formation of words (20-30 words are easily mastered in 30-40 minutes a day).

Need phrasal verbs? There are a lot of applications where you can learn 20-30 in the same 30 minutes.
Want to learn how to speak? Look for someone to practice with. If there is no money, just go for Skype interviews, 1-2 a week and you will be a master in six months.

Unless you need to learn grammar from textbooks (Murphy to help). And most importantly, you just need to practice it for 1-3 hours every day.

To understand IT in English, see courses, podcasts, videos in English. No special courses and paid programs are needed ¬- just open the video (approx. Double sorting) and delve into all the words and speech forms, then again and again, watch the video in a new framework, with technologies. Read / listen to books in English on interviews,
productivity, discipline, project management, GTD, specialized literature, historical. It is very ineffective to look thin. films, firstly, there is little speech and it’s simplified (how to learn Russian from the TV series of Gazprom TNT), and secondly, as a result of the first, you are a little dumb (it looks like finding food in the trash, it is there, but there are options for it's better). The same goes for books of modern fiction.

I also advise you to shun the topic of "self-development" or "personal growth" and the like, this is not a place to discuss this, but let it be just a warning. Moving to an English-speaking country will not help you, expensive courses, too, unless you have reached extreme forms of laziness and are willing to pay for being driven with a stick.

Enthusiasm, as we have found out, is an unreliable thing, therefore, only your diligence and determination will help you learn the language. When the "working-technical" level is taken, you will need to keep it afloat with more-rare occupations.


Your profile should be:

  1. . , . , x1,5 . , - «» , . .
  2. . // . , . . , , , , 5- . « » «». iOS , MS Access Joomla… C++, PHP, JavaScript, TypeScript, Java, Swift , .
  3. Informative. It should contain a list of projects on current technologies with links, screenshots and a minimum description (1-2) of the proposal.
  4. It should contain a history of your work (where by whom and when you worked). No need to paint in detail only 1-2 sentences. Almost no one will read it, but it should be.

If you are looking for a specific vacancy, you should focus on these technologies in skills, projects and in general throughout the profile, it is better to remove the excess.


Portfolio should be:

  1. Relevant. All the same as in the resume. But in reality, not everyone has projects and the role in them is such that a good portfolio can be made. For example, for the backend developers or application developers, there may not be anything to show in the screenshots, but at least the project names and description should and should look cool.
  2. . 2-4 , .
  3. . , . , . . , , . - -, . – UI. , ? – . , . , , ?
  4. -, , .
  5. UI , , .


A very good platform for finding and attracting customers. First of all, here you need to make a good profile, portfolio and work history. Also key here is the number of connections relevant to your profession. Take the trouble to add a list of 20-40 people per day from Europe (if you are interested in Europe) and America (there is much more chance of finding a good remote), for keywords like CTO, CEO, HR. You can also keep in mind that about 10% of those to whom you put + in skills will reciprocate. Adding skills to the connections and leveling up can be automated, but this is beyond the scope of this article. If you actively pump a profile on this platform and do it efficiently, then you will undoubtedly receive many invitations to interviews.


A very good platform for those who work remotely for foreign customers. Rates here are on average $ 25- $ 40 / per hour. Having a good profile and a history of work, it is not difficult to find a long-playing project for a full time job and receive income two to three times higher than the market in the CIS countries. The most difficult thing is to go to the site and pump the profile from scratch. We'll have to take small orders and offer very good conditions to the customer at a little risk. But the customer should also be chosen very well, because you need to take care of your statistics very much, there is only one account, for the second it’s immediately blocked. The analysis of this site requires a special article and I highly recommend getting to know it before starting work. But I note here that this site is open for analysis. You can easily see the rates of people from Russia in the direction of PHP or Angular. For example,in the search you get the following result in Russia:

1100 people with rates of $ 10- $ 30
1,200 people with rates of $ 30- $
60,146 with rates of $ 60 +

Of course, these are by no means all people at UpWork from Russia, many work on active projects and do not get into the results.

Typically, work rates are slightly lower than those set, but as far as this is concerned, you can go by yourself and see the profiles of these guys, what skills they have, history of projects and more. I recommend doing it regularly, watching technology trends, distinguishing good profiles from not very good ones, looking for what makes guys better, skills, projects or something else. Constant search and analysis of data on this platform is required, only this way you will find your niche and you will be able to find a promising vector for growth in the profession and you can make a cool profile.

Project management

Since you are swung at professional growth and finding a better place, you have to learn a lot. Project management includes, but is not limited to:

  1. Communication with the customer. Polite, moderately strict, without playfulness, serious. You should always be in touch, should reassure the customer, patiently explain everything and warn about risks and problems. They must understand him, and the most important thing to understand is that he does not understand something. The resolution of conflicts and disputes, conversations on extraneous topics, all this you must be able to, and even in English.
  2. . . , . – , . , , . , . .
  3. . , . . , , . , .
  4. . . 3 , , : « , – ». . , – , , . . – , .
  5. , , .

This is one of the most important aspects. You must always learn, with the exception of some difficult periods in life. But in general, I think everyone understands that without mastering new technologies you will not go far. Combine training: watch videos on algorithms in English, practice them in a new programming language and framework, wrap it all in some kind of application shell and add a project to your portfolio as a pet project, formatting on all standards on GitHub. Here you shoot a whole glade of hares and it will be a very high-quality growth. Even if it is a simple application for visualizing sorting by a bubble, it’s high-quality, complete, brought to the end, which is not a shame to show.
Services like LetCode help you to feel like a programmer, train one simple task a day. Solve at least 100 problems and during the interview you will be able to do the same without problems.

Interviews and interviews

You need to prepare for them. They are all different. Somewhere it's a lot of exhausting interviews and assignments, somewhere just a short interview and "you are accepted." And not always the sentence in the first is better than the second. The more unique your skills and the higher the demand for them, the higher the likelihood of getting a good offer without ordeals. Read books on interviews, if it is in English, then in English and read / watch / listen. Learn a little about the company, make your profile and resume more suitable for the position by raising the required skills higher, and unnecessary can be removed altogether. Get ready, tidy up the theory and fundamental knowledge in your area.

Practice even if you have a good job. Projects are closed, budgets are running out and you never know when exactly you will have to look for work, always be ready.

A family

No, this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is to be a person, to have love for people. But such a person and his family are all right. If a person gives all his strength to work, and only crumbs remain for the family, and in addition to stress, illness and other joys, then this is terrible for everyone. Do not do so. People are the most valuable thing around us, for their sake all our work and our lives, the success of the project is not worth the damage to the family and other people. If there is no family, then live for the sake of your other loved ones and the good of those you do not even know. However, a lot of people used to work for me, you and everyone around selflessly and do real feats, know this.

Now, people who work for the benefit of others without anything, and often in return receiving even greater hardships and difficulties, are many, many more than ever before, remember this. The whole world rests only on such people. You never justify yourself by the fact that we live in such-or-such a time or around here are just bad people. The history is full of examples where one person, even with one act, changed everything around, the course of battles changed, the enemies fled, the countries were freed from slavery, millions were saved. We will try to grow in this, most important, direction in the first place, and everything else will already follow.


How much do you need to work? So much to work on and a little more. The network is full of stories about "burnout", I advise you to read them and gain experience on the mistakes of others and not to experience for yourself. You need to rest regularly and efficiently, you need to give rest to the body as a whole, the nervous system, brain, eyes, ears, even your stomach, and in fact there is much more. How well you rested will show your results after rest. If you are full of energy, ready to solve complex problems and full of enthusiasm, then the rest was spent with benefit. But, unfortunately, this does not always happen this way, largely thanks to the introduced stereotype and beliefs about who should “relax” and how. By the way, each new year costs Russia an additional 9000-12000 lives.

The largest share of deaths of the "New Year's holiday" - 67% - occurs on January 1 and the next two days. This is an example of how disastrous the situation with the understanding of "rest" in many people. I love my country and the people who inhabit it, and therefore I am not indifferent to the lives of those around me, this is also my problem. In addition to the tens of thousands of deaths due to the New Year holidays, there are tens of millions of people who have suffered tremendous harm due to all this New Year’s Sabbath, stress, poor health, unhappy children, fires, crime ... By the way, child injuries are increased by 25% -30% on holidays and how the language turns to say that rest is everyone’s business when children who have no choice suffer. Of course, the reason for this is not the new year itself, butthat people were hammered and hammered into their heads, that they should rest according to this scenario, and supposedly always did it. No, I will not give recommendations on who should relax and how or how should not. I have no doubt that the reader himself is able to figure it out.

The workplace should be comfortable for work, clean, tidy, convenient. It seems to everyone to understand, but often little is done for this. Do not spare time for putting things in order, do not spare money for buying a good table, a simple and comfortable chair, a good monitor, an excellent keyboard, mouse, and modern iron. For a remote worker, this is of course the most advanced laptop for mobility. Here is a new smartphone, of course, in this case the thing is useless, as well as a smart watch. It’s better to burn the game console right away, and you can just throw the TV out. In general, you need to clearly understand what really affects productivity, and what are simple Wishlist, which very often overload our attention and only tire by the end of the day. If you think that your workplace will be very expensive in this case, then remember that you are investing this money,and part of what you invested can always be returned back by selling what you purchased, whether it be a computer or a chair. And also remember that many taxi drivers have a more expensive job than yours, and the cost of maintaining it will be much higher. Do not save on the workplace, but of course you should not take expensive equipment on credit if it is not critical.

Physical development

Physical education must be done, you need to go to the pool, run, ride a bike, go to the gym. The positive impact of sports on productivity and brain function has long been proven and there is no point in discussing it. Without fanaticism, but a versatile sport is desirable, without focusing on one thing. If you leave this in negligence, then you will reap the fruits of early illnesses and early old age, and possibly disability. Although it seems to you that I’d better work for the children, and leave the sport for later, there are all chances to leave my children, instead of money, only myself as a burden for maintenance. Just think about it. Do you want your children to have healthy parents - do physical education.

Place of work

In our unique time, we have the opportunity to work remotely, which was not the case with everyone and not always. This feature of the time is unique in that we can, living almost anywhere, work on projects created almost anywhere. I love my country and my homeland. And I want my children to grow up here and not have the need to leave somewhere. And it’s very good that, living here, we can work with people located on the other side of the planet, and to get money completely different. For example, for America with a salary of an average IT specialist at $ 120k / year, most of it will go to taxes, housing, and more. There is hardly enough money to support a family of 3-4 people, with almost no chance of putting children away for housing and education.

At the same time, it is easy to find remote work in the same America with a rate of $ 30-40 per hour. On hand it will be about $ 27-36 after taxes or $ 60- $ 70k per year. ~ 320k in rubles. This is very good money even for Moscow, but working remotely, there is no need to live in Moscow and pay big money for housing, you can choose any of the beautiful corners of Russia. However, with such income you can also buy your own home in 2-3 years, without needing to take a mortgage until the end of your days. It is possible to postpone children growing up, earning them housing, education and the first time. Yes, you can just live and be engaged in parallel with what you like and teach your children, physically you will have much more free time and energy. Well, of course, put it aside in the "stub. fund "in case of emergency or anything else. The fact that spending is much less than half the income allows you to live a lot calmer.

Almost everywhere an IT specialist can go with a good pay to the office, his living expenses are very propping up, it is very difficult to save for something. Any disability for a month or two and you and your family find yourself on the street, and no one will help you with such expenses. Although if both husband and wife are both IT people in the family and there are not many children, then you can probably live happily ever after with the income of both. But here you can live no worse with just one income. If you live and work alone, then you can go and money, of course, is enough, but there are also fewer chances to start a family there, for obvious reasons. In Europe, in offices, they pay much less than in America, expenses are almost proportionally less, and it makes less sense to go there, except to stare at the very same old Europe, if you have not seen it. By the way,taxes with us if you work on a patent and are not registered in Moscow will be in the region of 1-2% of income, about the same for banking. While these opportunities are unique, I don’t know how much longer this will be, but these taxes can simply be neglected when calculating income. If someone says that no one receives such income, that it’s not easy to get a remote project from America and everything like that, here’s Upwork, there are open statistics, thousands of people from Russia, hundreds of companies that work there and don’t understand your problems. Make working English, upgrade your skills, portfolio, profile and look for work, the first projects may not be 35 per hour, but 20-25 can be found for the first time. There are a lot more people working remotely, UpWork is only a small part, our competitors are Arab and Asian countries.While these opportunities are unique, I don’t know how much longer this will be, but these taxes can simply be neglected when calculating income. If someone says that no one receives such income, that it’s not easy to get a remote project from America and everything like that, here’s Upwork, there are open statistics, thousands of people from Russia, hundreds of companies that work there and don’t understand your problems. Make working English, upgrade your skills, portfolio, profile and look for work, the first projects may not be 35 per hour, but 20-25 can be found for the first time. There are a lot more people working remotely, UpWork is only a small part, our competitors are Arab and Asian countries.While these opportunities are unique, I don’t know how much longer this will be, but these taxes can simply be neglected when calculating income. If someone says that no one receives such income, that it’s not easy to get a remote project from America and everything like that, here’s Upwork, there are open statistics, thousands of people from Russia, hundreds of companies that work there and don’t understand your problems. Make working English, upgrade your skills, portfolio, profile and look for work, the first projects may not be 35 per hour, but 20-25 can be found for the first time. There are a lot more people working remotely, UpWork is only a small part, our competitors are Arab and Asian countries.that it’s not easy to get a remote project from America and everything like that - here’s Upwork, there are open statistics, thousands of people from Russia, hundreds of companies, work there and don’t understand your problems. Make working English, upgrade your skills, portfolio, profile and look for work, the first projects may not be 35 per hour, but 20-25 can be found for the first time. There are a lot more people working remotely, UpWork is only a small part, our competitors are Arab and Asian countries.that it’s not easy to get a remote project from America and everything like that - here’s Upwork, there are open statistics, thousands of people from Russia, hundreds of companies, work there and don’t understand your problems. Make working English, upgrade your skills, portfolio, profile and look for work, the first projects may not be 35 per hour, but 20-25 can be found for the first time. There are a lot more people working remotely, UpWork is only a small part, our competitors are Arab and Asian countries.there are a lot more working remotely, UpWork is only a small part, our competitors are Arab and Asian countries.there are a lot more working remotely, UpWork is only a small part, our competitors are Arab and Asian countries.


She really is not. There is an acute shortage of IT laborers in the world, which is why companies are actively hiring people remotely, so they are willing to pay two or three salaries from an ordinary engineer or an average ward worker. This is not a work of great mind, a programmer is for the most part an engineer-handyman, this must be understood, but demand is still growing. This is understandable by how quickly a person masters basic professions. Literally a year and we already have a beginner developer of the first category. After 5 years, this is a mid-sized programmer or even a master. You just understand that a surgeon needs to spend 6-8 years of study, internship, some related specialties in order to get to the workplace by profession, this is really the work of a specialist.

The main competition is Asian countries. India, a country where 30 years ago there wasn’t electricity everywhere, but now it’s the global forge of an IT resource. This country is almost 10 times larger than Russia in terms of population, compared to Asian countries we are simply lost and do not particularly affect anything. The only thing we can do is to put a great emphasis on quality and help each other in promoting the prestige of the Russian programmer around the world. By the way, and this is not easy, already now many companies are apprehensively looking at IT companies from Russia, sanctions, investor fears and all that, but they didn’t scare us like that, so this is nonsense.

To leave somewhere, I have no doubt, is also not an option, because if it is really bad in Russia, the Russians will not be super there either, and if it comes to some very extreme problems of west and east, it will be bad everywhere. Therefore, the stronger our country is, the better they will live and be respected those who live abroad, and vice versa. In general, a white person (a group of nationalities) is now from 5% to 10% (depending on whom to rank there). So yes, in general, it’s not that the Russian people, but in general the Slavs and Europeans are very few and the prospects are very hopeless, on the rise mostly only sober Asian and Arab countries. I love everyone and white, and not white and myself not white and not fluffy, but I say that you understand what kind of world we live in and what kind of competition we have now. It is very important to have a strong community of people around you and to contribute to this.Corporations educate individualists, cosmopolitans without friends, without family, without moral values, and such are very weak and are not capable of influencing anything around, they live as they will. So the work for the good of your environment and even that growing guy is a matter of your survival, and the world, as history shows, brutally cracked down on all weak nations and almost no one stood up for them.

IT direction in Russia

I believe that the IT direction in Russia is still very poorly developed and it needs to be promoted by all means, to attract young people to this direction from school and even kindergartens, and if this is not done, there will be armies of the unemployed. Nowadays, everything is very actively automated: business, production, finance, and even medicine and education. And if the structure of labor resources does not change, a lot of people will simply be without work, and people from other countries will take these places.

Unfortunately, there are even fewer people who can manage an IT business and generally an international business, because in the west, families and dynasties that are not one hundred years old and everything is very developed there are doing this; they set the rules of the game. In our country, from the beginning of the last century, this class of people was actively exterminated and oppressed, most of them emigrated, some of them remained simply defeated. The rest of the Soviet years did not give the opportunity to such people to prove themselves. In the 90s there were only those who, by chance, could resell something abroad or seize, but even they were greatly influenced by the West. Self-taught geniuses are good, but they need time for trial and error, while families and companies with experience in international business act quickly and very accurately. Now there are caseswhen some large company from Russia succeeded in global IT and did not sell at the same time, they are also very rare, but they are. People who are able to do this now are the most needed specialists for the country, this is critical.

Perhaps there will be a shift in IT resources to some new areas of AI, IoT, Big Data, biomechanics, analytics and forecasting, who knows, but there will still be an acute shortage of IT resources for the next 10 years. Any acute crisis will only accelerate this process. Even the processes of distribution, production saving, logistics, medicine in times of crisis will require even greater automation and more modern IT systems. In any case, unlearn yourself and build a career in one will not work if you want to live in a healthy society.
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