Check Point Remote Access VPN - Free Remote Access Setup Course

Greetings friends! Welcome to our next new course! As I promised, the Getting Started course was not the last. This time we will discuss an equally important topic - Remote Access VPN (i.e. remote access). With this course, you can quickly become familiar with Check Point technologies in terms of organizing secure remote access for employees. As part of the course, we, as usual, will combine the theoretical part with the practical part in the form of laboratory work. In addition to demonstrating the configuration of Check Point, we will look at various ways to connect remote users.

Some comments

  • This course is not a complete guide to VPN technology. This is just a very brief squeeze of the most requested information. Those. you should not expect that after viewing you will become the guru of VPNs. However, to understand the principles and quickly start working with Check Point VPN this course will be more than enough.
  • I highly recommend starting this course only after completing the previous one - Check Point Getting Started. I will not explain here some basic things, such as architecture, how to configure an IP address or get a gateway to the management server. I will proceed from the assumption that you already know this and we will focus solely on the VPN.

Who is this course for?

I have identified three categories:

  1. , Check Point, VPN, . , 30 .
  2. , Check Point-, . - opensource ( OpenVPN) . , .. Check Point 2 , , ? , 2 .
  3. Those who just want to learn something new. In this case, I’ll repeat my recommendation - first study the Check Point Getting Started course. After that, you can proceed to this. Moreover, you will have a ready-made layout.

Another point. Why are we doing this course? First of all, to help the first two categories. For the last three weeks, we simply have a heap of requests for help with setting up a VPN. We help absolutely all of our customers and try to manage to help everyone else on a free basis. Such a difficult time to help. Unfortunately, time is not always enough, but people ask. I think this course will be just in time and will allow you to reach a little more people.

Course content

  1. Introduction;
  2. Check Point RA VPN - a brief overview of technologies;
  3. Laboratory stand (layout);
  4. Installation and basic configuration of the Check Point gateway;
  5. IPSec VPN
  6. SSL VPN (SSL Portal);
  7. VPN for Android / iOS;
  8. Two-factor authentication
  9. Secure Remote, L2TP;
  10. Monitoring remote users;
  11. Licensing.

First lesson

The following lessons will NOT be published on Habré. So stay tuned for updates in our channels ( Telegram , Facebook , VK , TS Solution Blog )!

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