We configure RDP on Hi-dpi (4k) monitors

In the wake of the massive transition to udalenka, perhaps someone will be useful.

The working monitor is FullHD (Win7x64), home 4k. On the home monitor, 1/4 of the screen turned out and did not increase at all, the font size setting up to 150% on the working monitor was blocked when connected via RDP.

Shoveled decently forums and a solution was still found. On a working computer you need to install the update from Microsoft KB2726399 and after reboot you can set a 150% increase.

In the RDP settings on the home, turn on the fullscreen.

The result is a full-screen display with normal user-friendly resolution on a home 4K monitor.

Unfortunately, on the MS website this update has been drunk, but the Internet remembers everything (or almost everything), so the update was downloaded from here .

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