Application open for Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop 2020


The scientific-practical conference Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop 2020 opens the application for reports.

Scheme and Functional Programming Workshop is an annual event, a scientific and practical conference, which brings together experts about programming languages ​​that aesthetically or technologically meet the basic principles laid down in the Scheme Algorithmic Language: minimalism that preserves universality and meticulous design that provides flexible design.

Speakers are expected to publish articles on advanced scientific results, as well as reports on practical achievements in both engineering and educational fields, as well as detailed proposals for considering ideas from the super-early stage or rethinking old approaches. Works related to any language in the Scheme family are welcomed and encouraged: from pure subsets of RnRS to “variations on the theme of the Scheme,” such as Racket, other dialects of Lisp, including Closure, Emacs Lisp, Common Lisp, and other functional languages supporting closures and / or macros (or having such support in language extension tools, such as libraries). Examples of such can be Dylan, ECMAScript, Hop, Lua, Scala, Rust and many others.The overall elegance of the work and the relevance declared to you will be a more important evaluation criterion than the individual elements of the syntax in which the examples are implemented.

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  • Formal semantics: theory, analysis and transformation, partial evaluation
  • The human factor: past, present and future, evolution and sociology of Scheme language, standard and dialects
  • Education: approaches, practical reports, educational programs
  • Applications: Industrial Scheme Applications
  • Art: Elegant and Beautiful Scheme Tricks and Applications


  1. Application Deadline: May 15, 2020
  2. Application Review Notice June 12, 2020
  3. Final works for print: June 30, 2020

Deadline date means that anywhere in the world (23:59 UTC-12)

Feed format

Final paper versions must use the acmart format and the acmlarge sub-format. They must be in PDF, and allow printing on paper in US Letter format. Microsoft Word / LaTeX templates can be downloaded here .

This format is consistent with the generally accepted ACM conference format (including ICFP, which takes place in the same place at the same time). It is recommended to use the “review” option for line numbering, which makes reviewing easier.

The conference welcomes all possible types of reports, including full-fledged scientific articles, practical reports and lightning talks. Articles and reports are limited to 14 pages, but smaller sizes are welcome. Blitz reports are limited to 192 words. Each article or report has a 25-minute slot, including questions. Two five-minute slots are allotted to the blitz report, one for the report and one for the questions.

Size restrictions do not apply to links and applications. There are no restrictions on the size of applications, but the material should be read without them, and when considering applications, they may not be taken into account.

The publication of the source code associated with the stated material under an open license, so that reviewers can verify the allegations made, is welcome.

The proceedings of the conference (Proceedings) will be published in the format of the Technical Report of the University of Michigan and also uploaded to

Publication of the work at this scientific and practical conference does not imply exclusivity, and leaves the opportunity for publication later to be more complete or a detailed version of the work at another scientific conference or in a scientific journal.



  • Michael D. Adams (Program Co-Chair), University of Michigan
  • Baptiste Saleil (Program Co-Chair), IBM Canada
  • Jason Hemann (Publicity Chair), Northeastern University

  • Michael D. Adams (Program Co-Chair), University of Michigan
  • Baptiste Saleil (Program Co-Chair), IBM Canada
  • Maxime Chevalier-Boisvert, Université de Montréal
  • Ryan Culpepper, Czech Technical University
  • Kimball Germane, University of Utah
  • Yukiyoshi Kameyama, University of Tsukuba
  • Andy Keep, Cisco Systems, Inc
  • Julien Pagès, Université de Montréal
  • Alexey Radul

  • Will Byrd, University of Alabama at Birmingham
  • Will Clinger, The Larceny Project
  • Marc Feeley, Université de Montréal
  • Dan Friedman, Indiana University
  • Olin Shivers, Northeastern University

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