Youtrack now with emotions

Hi, I'm Lena from JetBrains! In the current situation, it seems especially important for you and the YouTrack team to keep our promises regarding what is planned for release for 2020. Therefore, I am pleased to present YouTrack 2020.1, in which such joy and other emotions can now be expressed using emoji reactions. They can now respond to comments on tasks, and the notification center will keep you informed about the reactions that you receive.

For everyone who wants to contribute to the translation of the product into other languages, the translation mode is now available directly from the context of the YouTrack interface. For administrators, YouTrack 2020.1 introduced new task field settings to support complex cases of access to individual fields without writing workflows. For developers, we have improved integration with version control systems.

More about innovations - further in the post.

I hope that the new features will delight you as well, as we rejoiced at each stand-up, discussing the swimmein "Reactions" on the board.

Response to comments for all

Reactions are an easy way to quickly respond to a comment on YouTrack. Users love emojis because they can replace a word or even a whole sentence - with reactions you can not write unnecessary comments when discussing a task.
In order not to accidentally miss an important reaction, the notification center has a list of recent reactions to your comments, from there you can immediately open the desired task.

YouTrack is still a task manager, not a messenger, so we decided to start with a small set of emojis. We will develop the library in accordance with the opinions of users, so be sure to share your impressions with us.

Interface translation mode from context for foreign users

YouTrack is translated into English, Spanish, German, Russian, French and Japanese. In addition, you can switch to one of the languages ​​translated by our users. It is Hungarian, Hebrew, Italian, Simplified Chinese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese and Czech.

We try to simplify the process of localizing the interface for those who want to contribute. In the translation mode from context, YouTrack highlights all interface elements that have not yet been translated, and you can offer your options directly in the application. After JetBrains approves your translation, it will be visible to everyone who uses YouTrack in this language.

The translation process is visible in real time. You can even translate the dynamic part of the application. Once enabled, this translation feature becomes available to all users of your YouTrack server. If you do not want to distract your teammates with this opportunity, just use the free tariff plan and create a separate YouTrack server specifically for translation.

Thin settings of access to fields in tasks for administrators

New settings for accessing fields in tasks allow you to select individual user groups or teams that can view or update field values.

Previously, you could use private fields to restrict access. But it was a decision from the category of “all or nothing”: if you had access to view and update one closed field in the project, nothing prevented you from viewing and updating the values ​​of any other closed fields in the same project.

In YouTrack 2020.1, an administrator can open access to view and update each field individually. Moreover, now project administrators can create one dedicated group of users who can see certain fields, and another - those who can update them. Instead of writing complex workflows, simply use the new field settings for unusual cases of distributing roles between teams.

Improved VCS and TeamCity Integration for Developers

Enhanced YouTrack integration with TeamCity, Upsource and version control systems such as GitHub.

General VCS integration settings for multiple projects

Thanks to integration, you can attach VCS changes to the task, in the comments to which the identifier of this task is mentioned. Now you can first configure the integration for one project, and then distribute the selected parameters to other projects, simply by selecting them in the settings. Thus, other projects will also display changes attached to tasks. To share the configuration, simply select the projects you need.

Processing related tasks

The integration between YouTrack and TeamCity now allows you to more accurately choose which tasks correspond to a specific build. As part of the integration with TeamCity, the tasks that are mentioned in the VCS changes included in the build are considered as “related” to this build. When the build is being processed, the related tasks in the “Completed” status are updated with the corresponding build number. Now you can specify a condition that will determine which related tasks should be updated.

Swagger Support

Another development-related improvement: the built-in Swagger Open API 3.0 file appeared in YouTrack 2020.1. With it, you can use the REST API to integrate your application with YouTrack. On this GitHub page, you can find compatible code generation tools for your runtime.

Permission “Apply the command without notifications”

The new permission allows you to apply bulk changes to tasks without sending notifications to those who are watching them. By default, permission is enabled for project administrators and system administrators who can grant it to other users.

Read more about the new version on the site .

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