Happy backup day! Don't forget about him

While a version of 2020 infected with a virus is walking around the planet, one should not forget that data, business, and commercial information are also at risk. It is not known what will happen tomorrow: hacking, information theft, theft, hoster denial of service. We are a little tired of the difficult information, we think you too. Therefore, today is a postcard about the basic rules for working with backups in the lightest form.

The threats are different and evil.
They will come from where you do not expect.
Dishes you simple rules
And do not fall into a shiver when you crash.

Backup always, backup everywhere
From data to configs.
Threats, break-ins and trouble
Then you show a fig.

Backing up data alone - 
Almost a crime.
In order not to prokapakit prod, 
Copy the environment. 

What are we talking about?

It is necessary to create backup copies of not only separate blocks of valuable information (for example, a client base or mobile application code), but entire nodes of the company's IT infrastructure. This will allow you to protect yourself from the maximum possible number of risks associated with IT systems.

Update data backups
Regularly and everywhere.
If there is none of them relevant
Be sure to be in trouble.

What are we talking about?

All backups must be kept up to date - it must be either scheduled updates or manual updates immediately after making changes to systems and data. Be sure to keep the backup date in order to know what exactly you have for a possible recovery.

data recovery  from backup
Not used to generation - 
This is a sin.

What are we talking about?

It is not enough to make a backup - it is important to check how the data will be restored, if there is data in the backup, in principle, if it is corrupted. It is an extremely unpleasant situation when you need to start an online restore from a backup, and during the process it turns out that the data is broken, some of it is missing, that is, in fact, recovery is impossible.

Scheduled backup
And do not forget to check.
The machine can also get up,
No need to blindly believe.

Do not trust backup to a colleague,
Do not trust his scripts.
Only one of the strategies is
correct : Do you have backups? Check them out yourself!

What are we talking about?

If you are responsible for backing up data and organizing the storage of backups, be sure to check for yourself everything that happens with backups. During the execution of the script on a schedule, extraordinary technical problems may arise that disrupt the recording order or ruin the copy as a whole. 

Make replicas of the database
seriously and synchronously.
This head start will give you
In case of damage. Dump

SQL - 
Don’t be afraid to override.
If anything, they will
reduce your anxiety.

What are we talking about?

Synchronous database replicas are also backups. An SQL dump will help protect against many threats and human factors. Therefore, do not avoid this type of backup, it will protect not only the database, but also operational information.

If the
entire commercial mass is loaded into the cloud  ,
then backup is needed as air, - 
There may be a drain in the clouds.

What are we talking about?

Clouds have been with us for many years, but still remain not the safest ways to store information. Therefore, if you sent data to the cloud or placed it on a virtual server, you should not hope that they will be safe and sound. Take care of the diversification of critical data carriers.

Each dump removed from the base
Do not put off tiredly.
In life, it may
turn out like this: There are dumps, but there is little data.

Dumps in the base you fill in,
Check the relevance.
There are no other ways,
Take advice for granted.

What are we talking about?

It's simple: they took a dump, checked it, uploaded it, looked at how it turns out and how relevant the data is being loaded. Keeping dumps without verification is fraught with at least data obsolescence, and at the very least with their complete loss.

Speed ​​of access to backups 
Recognized in force majeure.
So don’t be a gnarl - 
Test a priori.

What are we talking about?

While there is no talk of emergency recovery of critical data, few people care about the speed of access to backup and the speed of data recovery. But when a big trouble happens on a production base, on a prod or in a critical node of the IT infrastructure, the speed of access to the backup and the speed of recovery plays the most important role. Check it out before you get a sad and instructive experience. 

To avoid fakapov
Remember about three-two-one:
Make exactly three
backups, Throw on two carriers.
Take one copy
And keep it outside the office.

What are we talking about?

You should have three backups that must be stored in two different storage formats (virtual and physical). One of the copies must be stored outside the office in order to avoid force majeure associated with the physical loss of storage media. This is essentially the “gold standard” of backup, which will provide you with backups that can solve almost all the basic problems associated with information security.  

If the prod to the hosting A is
placed culturally,
do not drag the backup there,
this is not security.

Drag to the hosting B, Get insured
, friend,
Avoid the car of problems
And worse kidk.

What are we talking about?

It seems that after the recent stories with Ayhor and the whole saga about Masterhost, there is no need to explain these lines. But if you are lucky and you do not fall under the rink of corporate hosting problems, then pay attention to the fact that backups should be stored in the office and outside the office, and if you choose hosting, you need a backup provider that will not have your sales and yours most important bases.

In short ...

I am not a poet, but I will say in verse:
There are backups - you will not be suckers.

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