Nizhny Novgorod for an IT specialist: prospects for work and opportunities for life


Where does IT pros live well? Many cities and countries are ready to shelter representatives of the IT industry. But sometimes you don’t have to go far and go - everything you need is nearby. As a resident of Nizhny Novgorod, it seems to me that this city is great for IT professionals.

In this article, I try to reasonably show why this is so. But, of course, this opinion (like any other) is somewhat subjective, so I propose to discuss everything in the comments.

Why exactly Nizhny Novgorod?

It seems to me that this city is very underestimated as a place for work and life of an IT specialist. Moscow and Peter - yes, that's good. But, firstly, the cost of living in these cities is rather high, so that even from a very good salary there will not be much left if you take into account the costs. Secondly, not everyone likes megacities, sometimes you want something calmer. And this “something” is not a metropolis, but also not a wilderness, so the quality of life can remain at the level.

For several years now, Nizhny Novgorod has been included in the top 5 of IT cities . Jobs companies from Nizhny Novgorod account for a significant part of the total vacancy on various job search sites.

For several years in a row, the city falls into various ratings of IT centers. So far, these are not the first places, but over time, the prospects are becoming more noticeable.

Which IT companies work here?

Too many large Russian and foreign companies. There are both “old men” and new companies that have just opened offices in the city. Let's start with the first.

MERA is a large IT company, which was founded in 1989, its first city is just Nizhny Novgorod. Initially, she was engaged in technical developments in the field of automation of antenna measurements. Now MERA has offices and development centers in Russia, Europe and the USA. True, difficulties have recently appeared, so many employees have left for EPAM and other companies operating in the region.

Intel- Nizhny Novgorod hosts the main development center in Russia. Recently, by the way, the company has opened a new building for 300 employees. In Nizhny, technical support for customers is also located. According to the company itself, it is here that software products are created to solve pressing problems in areas such as data analysis and processing, AI, unmanned vehicles, microarchitecture optimization, and much more.

Harman. In general, this company is known primarily as a manufacturer of musical equipment and solutions for cars. In Nizhny Novgorod, there is a unit that develops software in the field of IoT and large corporate systems, and creates head units for cars and mobile devices. Many cars like Jaguar, Land Rover, Hyundai, Mercedes-Benz, Ford are equipped with systems created by Nizhny Novgorod specialists.

MFI Software. Initially, the main profile was the development of information security systems, traffic filtering and legal control systems, antifraud systems. Now the company is engaged in the development of SORM systems. A set of technical means and measures intended for conducting ORM in data transmission networks, telephone, mobile and wireless communications and radio communications. Recently, the company was acquired by IKS Holding, which is managed by Anton Cherepennikov, plus she changed the office to a new premises in the Black Pearl business center.

Yandex. This company in Nizhny has not one but three offices. The first was opened in 2013, graduates of the Nizhny Novgorod Technical University or N.I. Lobachevsky. The second office opened in 2013, the third - a little later. Employees of the latter are developing mobile Maps and are responsible for the user interface for Yandex.Directory.

Positive Technologies . The company opened a development center in Nizhny Novgorod back in 2015. When the office opened, the company announced that it considered Nizhny Novgorod one of the leading IT centers in the Russian Federation, where both the offices of well-known companies and local universities with excellent reputations are located.

Well, a little about the companies that celebrated a housewarming party in Nizhny Novgorod relatively recently:

EPAM. The company helps customers transform the business with modern high-tech tools. Design, software development, product management - all this is in the competence of specialists. The office of the company opened in Nizhny Novgorod 2 years ago. Now there are already two offices - Cube and Lighthouse. . A company that operates in the field of Conversational AI. Over the years, the team has grown significantly in size, and now brings together engineers, scientists, experts on neural networks and machine learning. The task set by the company is to create technologies that make it possible to completely replace human labor with artificial intelligence in areas such as sales and customer service.

Huawei. The company recently opened a new office in Russia - just in Nizhny Novgorod, it is located on Maxim Gorky Street. Judging by the list of vacancies of the company, office employees will be engaged in the development of AI applications, speech recognition technologies and machine learning.

All IT companies that work in Nizhny Novgorod, within the framework of one article, it is simply impossible to list. Only large dozens, but there are also small ones. Therefore, the list above is an example, it can be used to judge the IT ecosystem of Novgorod. By the way, the universities of Nizhny Novgorod are steadily supplying young professionals to companies.

In total, in Nizhny Novgorod and the region there are about 40 thousand IT specialists and more than 900 IT companies - from the largest ones mentioned above to very small ones. And almost everyone needs employees.

How much can you earn?

As in any city, the salary level of an IT specialist from Nizhny Novgorod depends on the specialty itself. According to “Habr Career”, the city is one of the leaders in terms of developer salaries in Russia along with Moscow, St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Novosibirsk and Ufa.


As for the growth of wages, over the past six months, the remuneration of developers from Nizhny Novgorod has practically not increased, remaining at the level of the first half of 2019.


In general, very good. At the same time, life in Nizhny Novgorod is much cheaper than in St. Petersburg or Moscow. Of course, this is a subjective opinion and one can argue with it, but I would say that life in the Lower 40 percent cheaper than life in the capital. Plus, it takes much less time to get to the office than in Moscow.

For comparison, here are the statistics provided by Habr Career.

In this table, by the way, the median salary of a developer from Nizhny Novgorod is almost 50 thousand rubles lower than in Moscow. But this is still the average temperature in the hospital. A professional working in Nizhny will receive a salary that is enough to maintain a high level and a good quality of life.

Work is good, but what about relaxation?

In fairness, I note that Nizhny Novgorod has not developed for a long time. For about 15 years, the authorities carried out redecoration of some objects, and that's all. But over the past 2-3 years, the situation has changed.

So, due to preparations for the 2018 World Cup and the 800th anniversary of the city, the improvement of Nizhny Novgorod has accelerated. The city completed the repair of the Lower Volga embankment, put in order roads and sidewalks, organized new places for recreation. If not for the championship, all this would have lasted for years or even decades.


For fans of sports events there is a modern stadium, and the corresponding infrastructure of the areas adjacent to the stadium has been updated. For example, parks, the embankment, roads and bike paths appeared. Now in Nizhny Novgorod there are many places where you can take a walk with your family.

In total, the city authorities built or substantially updated 11 large facilities, investing more than 13 billion rubles in projects.


On Gagarin Avenue, a water park with a bath complex is being built. The total area of ​​this facility after completion of construction will be about 40.7 thousand square meters. m. Inside there is also a shopping and entertainment center, a children's recreation area, food courts and everything that is supposed to be in such cases. The water park will offer visitors 21 pools, plus eight types of baths and another 28 pools. They promised to finish the construction first in 2019, then the deadlines moved to the end of 2020, but due to the current problems with the epidemic, the delivery of the project may be delayed.

This is not to mention the recreation area of ​​52 hectares, which is adjacent to the complex. True, this park is not in its best form right now, but they promise to equip it, having allocated several billion rubles for the project.

In general, Nizhny Novgorod is a modern city with cool infrastructure, a business center and recreation areas.

What about the events?

Yes, everything is great. In October last year (it seems that it was many years ago) iFest was held in Nizhny Novgorod . There were more than 2000 participants, and the IT festival itself focused on artificial intelligence and neural networks.

In addition, iCluster is an active IT-cluster in the Nizhny Novgorod Region, which was the organizer of iFest.

Every month in Nizhny Novgorod something interesting happens. You can find out about events in the IT industry, both past and those that are just about to take place, here .

In the near future (and subject to quarantine soon), the following events will take place in Nizhny Novgorod:

  • Right-to-Left support in Web applications. On April 7, if everything is going well with the epidemiological situation, a mitap from MERA will be held. But, most likely, they will transfer him.
  • At the end of April, Sberbank offers developers to take a paid internship, while promising to pay up to 32 thousand rubles a month.
  • Well, in May there will be a meeting of C ++ User Group.

As a conclusion, I will repeat the main points of the article:

  • Nizhny Novgorod is a fairly large city, at the same time it is not a metropolis like Moscow. There is a beautiful nature here, so if you want to get distracted - no problem.
  • There are many IT companies in Nizhny Novgorod, each of which needs specialists, so it’s relatively easy to find a job.
  • The salary level of Nizhny Novgorod is sufficient to ensure an excellent quality of life.
  • IT events are often held here, so you can always show yourself and see others if you wish.
  • Recently, Nizhny Novgorod has finally begun to deal with, in the city, its infrastructure is invested, development is happening right before our eyes. All this improves the quality of life of both residents and visitors.

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