The third week of the remote - normal flight. Reviews from IT QIWI guys about full-time work from home


A couple of weeks ago, we cheerfully transferred to udalenka. Like most of you.

The main difficulties were in the very first days, when in urgent mode it was necessary to quickly organize remote workstations for many users. Today, we have an average of 1,100 users online (read “work remotely and on a network”). Before the general transition to udalenka, this number rarely exceeded 400. We collected real reviews from our employees about working in a udalenka in order to find out the pros and cons and draw conclusions. For the purity of the experiment, feedback was collected anonymously. The opinions of system administrators, leading developers, QA and the rest are under the cut. Together with the survey.

Project managers

- It is important to organize at least some kind of workplace, the family and cooking are very distracting. Food. A lot of food. But there is more time to work, meetings and open space do not distract. We made a weekly online meeting with the team to communicate about everything.

- I agree with the top comment, cooking has become more frequent, I have to get distracted, there is more work, instead of 8 hours a day it takes 12, it is inconvenient to hold meetings. Difficult questions are not resolved, since it is not so easy to find people who are now online and respond promptly.

Leading programmers

- Not the first udalenka in my life, a lot has been said about the pros and cons. Famous life hacks work well: I get together in the morning like in an office, have breakfast, get dressed, put on my watch, just sit down at my home desk, not my office desk, and turn on my work laptop, not my personal computer. I also finish the working day, change my clothes, take off my watch, switch to another computer :) But this is the first thing in such circumstances: a sharp switch of the development process from the usual offline to online on the remote, and this is a really interesting experience. I could very well have stayed at a distance, although, of course, there may be problems that without a personal presence it is very difficult and long to solve.

-Everything is just great. 2-3 hours of life previously spent on the road are now spent on life, as it should be. There are no problems in communicating with colleagues, online tools for organizing any processes in abundance. Meetings are now short, in essence, with a minimum of “tar of currents”. Offline people gather very sluggishly, especially from another office. Yes, personal meetings are probably important for business, but as a developer, a constant presence in the office is useless. In peacetime, if you really need to, you can sometimes get together in the office, and the rest of the time you can work remotely.

The working atmosphere is amazing, because you organize it yourself. And by the way, productivity has grown markedly. It took only two days to determine your optimal work schedule. The pace of work on the tasks has not changed, and there is even a feeling that you have more time to do in a day. Irritability and extreme fatigue have disappeared somewhere, in the evening you don’t feel like squeezed lemon and have a great time with your loved one or as a hobby.

This is exactly the mode of operation that I needed. It is a pity, of course, that the occasion is sad. But there is no silver lining, as you can see. I don’t want to work as before, thanks :)

-It's kind of hard at home now, for everyone is at home. Primary school child, distance learning can not be independent. It is clear the matter, cooking and small things on the little things. In general, family people have to look for compromises in this matter.

Organization of a home workplace. The office chair is much more convenient, there is much more space on the office table, you can stretch out and not bother anyone, 2 monitors + laptop, a minimum of switching, everything is immediately visible. I’m sitting in the kitchen at home, there’s nothing for a day or two, but in order to stay permanently, we need to organize a workplace for work, there is no computer at home (there is enough tablet with a head for small household chores) and there is no place for it either.


- I really like it on a remote site, I would continue to work like that! Work issues are resolved remotely as well, and maybe better than in the office. Productivity has increased significantly. There was an opportunity to walk a dog 3-4 times a day, and this is the best rest for me to switch. Difficulties arise only with test mobile devices (well, this is the specifics of work) and clear boundaries of the working day. In any case, I don’t feel isolated).

Senior Programmer // Conscience

- Remote work is work primarily on the result. Arriving at the office, people sometimes start to think that they have already made some of their work responsibilities by the very fact of coming. But this is not at home, here it is necessary to pay attention to the final result of your work.

Scrum master

- I agree with what has already been said, the udalenka has so far responded positively. Significantly increased the involvement of teams. Meetings began to take place more productively. Due to the fact that there is no way to go to the next table when you want, everyone tries to be included in the meeting and, therefore, then does not distract colleagues with the questions that they discussed at the meeting 5 minutes ago. Since all communications are online, information has become more accessible and transparent, because there are no “smoking-room” arrangements. Due to the fact that work can now be measured only by real results, and not by the number of attendances and activities, productivity has increased, motivation to do only the most important is also higher, we discard activities that do not bring results or in which the result is not comparable with the spent resources .

The number of random distractions to chat has decreased, due to this there is an opportunity to be in the stream more and complete tasks. Of the minuses, it is still difficult to organize a workplace with a comfortable chair, table and stable Internet. Well, of course, there are more cooking :(


- In the process of working on a remote site, everything is fine, except for the fact that so far not all colleagues support a culture of dinners and small breaks between meetings, but there are already movements towards improvement, I think this is a matter of time :).

And so everyone is assembled and concentrated, communications have not become worse. I organized the workplace from the first day and don’t do anything else after it - the natural demarcation of the space of work and home, + work clothes. I try to build the schedule of the day harder, respectively, productivity is increasing. It would remain to work from home easily. The only thing I miss on the remote is a cat.

-In general, I seem to have reached the stage of adoption. It’s like ordinary work, only at home, where I can relax. And no one distracts me, there are no unnecessary sounds (except for neighbors who rearrange furniture from time to time).

Thanks to phone calls with a team that occurs 2 times a day, you always know who does what, and in general, who does what during the day. It's like DSM, but twice as much.

Of the minuses: the sleep mode has completely gone astray)) It is more difficult to maintain communication with related teams, because there is no way to come up and ask something, but in the cart they do not always answer right away, like by mail.

From the pros:Once again, I highlight the absence of distractions. The amount of free time has increased due to the fact that you do not have to go to work for an hour. In addition, in between tasks, I can do something at home, which also frees up time.

In general, I came to the conclusion that, perhaps, a mixed approach, when some of the time needs to be spent in the office, and some can be worked remotely, I would go. So at any time you can effectively communicate with related teams on the one hand, and on the other, increase efficiency due to the fact that it’s more convenient to work at home.

Obviously, this approach does not work for everyone. One of the advantages of being a bachelor is when nothing is distracting at home :)

Group manager

- The first days were spent on organizing yourself, home and employees themselves. This is where the importance of trust manifested itself! Employees work more productively, in my opinion, meetings are fast (although at first the back is very distracting behind the speaker).

Junior Programmer

- As a student it became easier for me to combine work and study, I do not have to spend time on the road. And since I still had to work sometimes remotely, there were no problems with the transition

System administrators

- There are no problems. Apparently, because there are only two of us in the apartment, and both are IT specialists. The workflow is much more efficient since no one is distracting. They manage to communicate perfectly with colleagues using a telegram or, in extreme cases, a call. Cons - sitting at home for days, it's a little frustrating =)

Bonus for read

from our researcher

As you understood from the KDPV, we use Zoom for communication. Dima decided to go further.

Still, despite the apparent platitudes, we want to remind you of the recommendations of doctors, who will be by the way on a remote site.

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It is clear that you already know all of this (and some also practice), but if you continuously hammer on these points, there is a risk that in a couple of months the udalenka will grow its hump and plant eyesight.

Since March 24, we have been working with an online fitness trainer for children. Yes, at first this approach seems a little unusual or gives away with the good old aerobics classes at home using TV, but it works.

How are you? Noted for themselves the most important pros and cons of udalenka? Is the cooking issue really so acute and time consuming? Would you stay on a remote site in the future?

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