Digital Dictation 2020 will be held online from March 28 to April 11

Users will be able to find out their digital literacy level online. This year, the organizers added a special block about artificial intelligence and other innovative technologies, as well as a separate test for children 7–13 years old.

The All-Russian Digital Dictation 2020, organized by ROCIT, ONF and Microsoft, will be held from March 28 to April 11 in an online format with the support of the RU and RF Domain Coordination Center. The action will be the most ambitious test of knowledge of information technology in Russia. On the website  DigitalDictant.rf,  each user will be able to test their computer skills and other digital devices, adherence to network safety rules and communication culture. Also, knowledge of innovative technologies, including artificial intelligence, will be tested for the first time.

“The results of last year showed how high the population’s interest in Digital Dictation is, and also that it’s important for users not only to measure their level, but also to constantly develop their digital competencies. Therefore, according to the results of the Digital Dictation, all participants will receive personal recommendations with which they can determine their growth points and fill in the gaps in knowledge. This year we hope to increase our audience and enable even more people to test themselves, ”commented  Sergey Grebennikov , director of ROCIT.

Digital Dictation is divided into 4 semantic blocks. The first block is devoted to the basics of computer literacy, the second - to work with the Internet, social networks and online applications, the third - to cybersecurity, the fourth - to innovative technologies. After testing, participants will be able not only to test their skills in these areas, but also to identify issues that require more in-depth study, as well as increase knowledge with the help of training materials presented on the site. This year, the organizers developed a test not only for adolescents (14-17 years old) and adults (18+), but also for children (7-13 years old), which was prepared with the support of the STI Circle movement, Kaspersky Lab and online education Platforms

"As  shown Microsoft DCI annual survey, in 2019 79% of Russians were exposed to online risks, which is 5% more than in 2018.  Digital Dictation  aims to improve this situation, as his goal is not only to test knowledge of modern technologies, but also to spread the practice of safe communication in the Internet environment, ”said  Elsa Ganeeva , manager for working with government organizations at Microsoft in Russia. - It is important for us that as many Russians as possible understand how to correctly use technology and not be exposed to risks. Last year, nearly 40,000 people took part in the dictation. We will make every effort to make this figure larger this year. ”

“In 2019, the 25th anniversary of the .RU and Runet domain was celebrated, then the Coordination Center supported the first Digital Dictation, many of which were devoted to the history of the Russian Internet. The experience was successful. This year we have a new anniversary - the 10th anniversary is celebrated by another Russian national domain. Therefore, the new Digital Dictation will have questions about Cyrillic domain names. In addition, we post a survey on the project’s website regarding the universal adoption of multilingual domains and email addresses. This is not the first year that KC has been dealing with this topic, and we really count on the support of our users and their active participation in the survey. This will accelerate the implementation of email addresses in the domain. RF, which many administrators of Cyrillic domain names look forward to, ”said the Director of the Coordination Center for Domains.RU / . Andrey Vorobyov .

The project is being implemented using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation for the development of civil society provided by the Presidential Grants Fund. The partners of the action were: Kaspersky Lab, Russian Post JSC, RAEC, TikTok, Moscow City Department of Information Technologies, University of the National Technology Initiative 20.35, Competence Center for the Digital Economy Human Resources, Boiling Points Network and Domain Coordination Center. RU / .. The information partners are: Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Komsomolskaya Pravda,,, the Digital Literacy portal, the Russian State Library for Youth, the educational project “Gutenberg’s Smoking Room”, “Netologiya”, Ru-Center, an educational company MAXIMUM Education, NTI Circle movement, an interactive educational online platform

You can follow the latest news of the Digital Dictation on the action website, as well as on the social networks .

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