What to do to not go after new eyes after quarantine

So, you have done well and did not go to fry kebabs on the Black Sea coast together with a crowd of other strange personalities. "Weekend" was taken correctly, there is a supply of food for yourself, children and a cat. If possible, work will now have to be done from home.

Children are also not easy. At least until April 12, they will have to sit on vacation or study remotely, depending on how the school organized the work process. The recommendations from the Ministry of Education will certainly come in handy for teachers, but they don’t tell you how to properly organize a workplace at home so that forced imprisonment does not affect health. Therefore, we decided to prepare a guide on the main points that are often forgotten:

  • School is not a home. How to take into account all the standards for light, window panes and everything else.
  • How to organize a workplace so that later you don’t have to go for new eyes.
  • Allergies, dust mites and other problems. How to clean.

On Habré there has always been a high percentage of people who work remotely, but this can be useful to them.

Adults and children

Immediately I want to identify an important problem. You may be accustomed to the way of life of an abnormal owl and eating pizza, but this will not work with children. Their growing body requires a more responsible attitude, and the usual mode of a remote developer may not be suitable for them. Therefore, I suggest going through SanPiNam, which regulate a bunch of parameters, including all kinds of ratios of the window area to floor area, and try to describe the optimal environment for teaching children. For adults, these standards also work great.

We will omit the requirements for the number of urinals and drinking fountains and focus on the key ones.

Adjust the light

Light is very critical. If you or the child work during the day, try to make sure that nothing is blocking the sunlight. In modern requirements for school, even plants are forbidden to put on the window, so that in the depths of the class there is enough lighting for everyone.

Key requirements for daylight

You cannot change the direction of the windows to the cardinal points, but if your windows face south, make sure that direct sunlight does not fall on the workplace. The light should be bright, diffused, but not dazzling. For eastern and western windows, the recommendation will be relevant in the morning and evening, respectively. The monitor is better oriented perpendicular to the window. So the window will not glare on the screen if it is behind. Likewise, you avoid excessive contrast due to the bright background behind the monitor if you are sitting facing the window.

Consider your child’s leading hand and desktop orientation. For lefties, light should fall on the right. One of the few things that is easier to provide at home. At school, they have to suffer from the shadow of a writing hand.

Artificial Lighting Requirements

If the window is twilight or completely dark, then you have to use additional lighting.

Choose lamps with a minimum ripple ratio. If it is not indicated on the box, use the Lamptest resource.AlexeyNadezhinI want to say special thanks for his work. Flickering lamps lead to overwork of the accommodation mechanism and in the long term lead to asthenopia. Symptoms will be like with myopia, but are associated with a violation of the ciliary muscle.

Avoid excessive contrast. It would be an extremely bad idea to work behind a monitor in a dark room without general lighting. In the field of view there should not be significant differences in brightness - this also leads to overwork. Therefore, dim the monitor, turn on the general lighting and / or additionally illuminate the wall behind the monitor. This will facilitate the work of the built-in autofocus and reduce fatigue. Keep in mind that a child who writes something in a dark room in a notebook under a bright table lamp also suffers.

Take breaks regularly. Best of 15–20 minutes every hour. Ideally, if you pour yourself a cup of delicious coffee and look from the balcony into the distance at the empty streets of the metropolis. It will also slightly relieve your visual apparatus. The main problem with concentrated work at a computer, book or notebook is that we focus excessively on the subject and “forget” to blink. On average, instead of 12-15 times per minute, we begin to blink only four to five times. There are theories that this is due to ancient hunting instincts. When you track down prey, it is very important not to miss it. Therefore, in a state of maximum concentration, we freeze and suppress the blinking reflex.


The key problem of our typical housing is air exchange and the amount of air in the room. The concentration of carbon dioxide in a room with closed windows increases very quickly. Under load, the brain produces energy with a power of around 25 watts [Principles of Neural Science, by Eric R. Kandel and James H. Schwartz, 2nd edition, Elsevier, 1985]. That is, even if we are sitting motionless, but are intensively working on a problem, the brain grinds glucose into ATP in almost real time. On average, he needs about 120 grams of this carbohydrate per day.. The aerobic oxidation of one glucose molecule results in 36 ATP molecules, as fuel for cells, six water molecules and six carbon dioxide molecules. Therefore, in the process of working or studying in a conditionally sealed room, we will quickly exceed the critical concentrations of carbon dioxide. An adult generates it with an intensity of 22–36 liters per hour.

The normal carbon dioxide concentration in the street, if the conditional incinerator is not under your windows, is 400 ppm. Indoors, most people will feel relatively well up to 800 ppm. At 1000 ppm, problems with concentration of attention begin, and we begin to frankly "stupid". 1400 ppm are already considered unacceptable in accordance with sanitary standards. Interestingly, in the USSR for a long time they did not attach importance to carbon dioxide. So, the article of 1964 by O. V. Eliseeva “On the substantiation of MPCs for carbon dioxide in air”, published in the journal Hygiene and Sanitation, generally stated that problems begin only at concentrations above 5000 ppm. Many ongoing studies show that at high concentrations of carbon dioxide it is very difficult to focus on mental work ,especially to children .

You can buy ready-made desktop carbon monitors for monitoring. There are very pretty ones. Well, or you can assemble it yourself in the Habr tradition. From experience, this is an extremely useful thing when organizing a workplace.

What do you need to do with this? Obviously aerate. It is spring now and in many regions outside the window is a fairly comfortable temperature. Therefore, ventilation should be continuous. Single "blowing" the room every few hours will not help much. The concentration of carbon dioxide in the rooms with our low ceilings in the apartment very quickly returns to critical levels. For proper ventilation, you need to replace 30 cubic meters of air per hour for one person.

A very common mistake is to use split systems for this. I don’t know why people do this, but many times I saw children with a glazed look in a room with very comfortable at first glance and cool air. Typical domestic air conditioning systems operate in recirculation mode, and carbon dioxide does not disappear.

When organizing proper ventilation, you will have to balance between several mutually conflicting parameters - temperature, air velocity, air exchange rate and humidity.

According to SanPiN, the temperature in the classroom should be in the range of 18-24 ° C. In principle, this is not a problem. Nevertheless, if it’s still cold, you will have to additionally heat the air after the street. In the transition season, if the batteries are turned off, it is most efficient to do this with the help of heat pumps - the same air conditioners. Therefore, we combine an open transom and an included split to bring the temperature to a comfortable one. Just make sure that you or your child are not working on a draft. The regulation implies a speed of air movement of not more than 0.1 m / s. Also, with a large difference in temperature outside and inside, it will be difficult to get into the recommended range of 40-60%. When heated, air increases its ability to retain moisture, which leads to a drop in relative humidity.

Dry eye syndrome

Rare blinking due to long work behind the monitor or overheated heated air can provoke dry eye syndrome. In fact, we are talking about a violation of the production of tear film due to external factors. We previously wrote about his diagnosis .

We have been dealing with this problem for quite some time back in the late 90s, when we worked on biopolymers in the institute's laboratory. Development doctors have formulated how it should work from the point of view of the body, and polymer chemists synthesized the desired composition. As a result, we have obtained a rather effective line of products, including today's Blefarogel 1 , which normalizes the activity of meibomian glands due to high molecular weight hyaluronic acid and plant extracts.

They are very small and their excretory ducts are located in the region of the eyelash growth line. We do not use them to cry. To do this, we have large lacrimal glands that can “cry” a large amount of secretion in a short time. Their task is the emergency flushing of foreign particles that have fallen into the eye. In meibomian glands, the secret is more likely hydrophobic and consists of fatty components, since they are modified sebaceous glands. But it is they who form the protective film, which does not allow the eye to dry out and evens out the microscopic irregularities of the cornea. It is their waxy secret that you can often find early in the morning in the inner corners of the eyes. You can read more about the tear film here .

When you apply the gel, do not forget that it does not need to be poured into the eyes! It is intended for application to the eyelids and the main effect is precisely the normalization of the glands and their secretion. A bonus to the gentle cleansing of the ducts of the glands and the normalization of their work will be an improvement in the elasticity of the skin of the eyelids and the removal of edema.

If the work is completely boring - put out the chats, turn on quiet music and make a compress with Blefarolosion for about 15 minutes. It also relieves swelling and feelings of “heaviness” of the eyelids.

What else to consider

Valery Shchekoldin, industrial gymnastics in the USSR

Do not forget that the main problem with sitting locked up is physical inactivity. We are already weighed down with trackers to at least somehow control our activity with sedentary work. In the case of a forced removal, this will be especially acute. Therefore, be sure to set aside time for sports breaks in your schedule. Best if it is an aerobic load. You are looking for YouTube videos with reggaeton or something that you like, make a serious face and actively dance for at least half an hour.

If you are sitting at home with children, be sure to ensure that they do not lie all day on the sofa with the phone. Moving is vital.

Pay attention to cleaning. Not in terms of laying out the scattered socks on the shelves, but in the usual cleaning of dust. If you do not have a robot vacuum cleaner with the function of washing floors, then damp cleaning of the rooms at least once a day is simply necessary.

Firstly, it will increase the humidity in the room to a comfortable level.

Secondly, you will reduce the risk of allergies to dust mite flakes. It will begin to produce more actively than before, due to the fact that you are sitting at home. The fact is that the main component of household dust is particles of the epidermis of your skin. It is she who eats and will be glad to expand the food supply.

If you want additional antibacterial treatment, then just buy regular sodium hypochlorite, which is sold as "White", and dilute it in an amount of 50-100 ml per liter of water. This will be more than enough. Just remember to use gloves and carefully ventilate the room after cleaning.

Well, in general, do not be sad. The situation around is a little scary, but everything will be fine. Have a good "vacation." A lot of free time is expected. It makes sense to spend it on Coursera and self-study. And I can invite you to our telegram channel (@geltek_cosmetics). We tell interesting things about the chronicles of our cozy laboratory.

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