8-bit networks on Elbrus, does it make sense?

Hello, Habr! We suddenly realized that our last article about Elbrus came out a year ago. Therefore, we decided to correct this annoying oversight, because we did not abandon this topic!

It is difficult to imagine recognition without neural networks, so we will talk about how we launched 8-bit grids on Elbrus and what came of it. In general, a model with 8-bit coefficients and inputs and 32-bit intermediate calculations is extremely popular. For example, Google [1] and Facebook [2] launched its own implementations that optimize access to memory, use SIMD and allow you to accelerate calculations by 25% or more without a noticeable decrease in accuracy (this of course depends on the architecture of the neural network and the calculator, but you need it was explained how cool it is?).


The idea of ​​replacing real numbers with integers to speed up calculations is in the air:

  • . , β€œβ€ , float , ;
  • . - , , … , . , (SIMD). c 128- SIMD 4 float’ 16 uint8. 4 , ;
  • , . β€” !

8- [3] . , , .

8- , 16-, . 32- . , 8- . , .

, β€” . (. . 1) :

O(x,y,k)=Ο†(βˆ‘cβˆ‘Ξ”xβˆ‘Ξ”yI(c,x+Ξ”x,y+Ξ”y)wk(c,Ξ”x,Ξ”y)+bk)     (1)

(x,y)β€” , Oβ€” , Iβ€” , wkβ€” .

. 1. C x X x Y.

β€” [4]. , , . , "" β€” .. , . , .. (1). "" , .. ( ), ..

8- 32- .

- , , .

– , . , , β€” . . , , , [5-7].

6 ( ), . : - , . , , , , , . , .

. 1 (). 32 .

1. . "/" , , .

-4-8, -1+-8
(64 )6/16/16/1
(64 )4/46/46/4
(3232 -> 64 )4/44/44/4
(64 )4/86/86/8
(64 )4/14/14/1

, - APB (array prefetch buffer). APB n- , . -, , APB , . APB :

  • ;
  • 3 4 APB , 5 ~6.

, APB :

  • , APB;
  • , 32b;
  • , .

, , . , . Goto [8] . , , , . .

, , (. . 2-3). β€” . , .. . , APB - : , 8 ( 64- ) 2 .

. 2. .

3. .


for bl_r in block_r(rhs):
  packed_r <- pack_rhs(bl_r)
  for bl_l in block_l(lhs):
    packed_l <- pack_lhs(bl_l)
    packed_res <- pack_res(bl_res)
    kernel(packed_res, packed_l, packed_r)
    bl_res <- unpack_res(packed_res)

lhs rhs β€” , block_l(.), block_r(.) β€” , lhs rhs . pack_rhs pack_lhs , pack_res β€” , unpack_res β€” . kernel .

kernel :

for j in {0, ..., cols / nr}
{dst0, dst1} <-   
  for i in {0, ..., rows / mr}
    for k in {0, ..., depth / 2}
      bl_r <-    
      bl_l <-    
      lhs <- pshufb(zero, bl_l, 0x0901080009010800LL)
      rhs0 <- punpcklbh(zero, bl_r)
      rhs1 <- punpckhbh(zero, bl_r)
      dst0 <- dst0 + pmaddh(rhs0, lhs)
      dst1 <- dst1 + pmaddh(rhs1, lhs);

pshufb β€” , ( ), punpckhbh β€” , 16- , punpcklbh β€” , 16- , pmaddh β€” , 16- .

. nr mr = 12 8.

, 8 48 . 8 3, 14 , β€” 48 +, 8 .

2 8- -4, EML. N = 10^6 .

2. EML .


, -4 . , .

8- , x86 ARM, . , , , . 8- . , , ( , x86 ARM), : 6 64- , (64 128 ) 2 6 .

, 8- 32- . 3 (-4), 4 5 (-8 -8).

? , . , β€œβ€ , . - , . , , / .

- 8- ? , , , - ( ).

Limonova E. E., Neyman-Zade M. I., Arlazarov V. L. Special aspects of matrix operation implementations for low-precision neural network model on the Elbrus platform // . . β€” 2020. β€” . 13. β€” β„– 1. β€” . 118-128. β€” DOI: 10.14529/mmp200109.

  1. https://github.com/google/gemmlowp
  2. https://engineering.fb.com/ml-applications/qnnpack/
  3. Vanhoucke, Vincent, Andrew Senior, and Mark Z. Mao. "Improving the speed of neural networks on CPUs." (2011).
  4. K. Chellapilla, S. Puri, P. Simard. High Performance Convolutional Neural Networks for Document Processing // Tenth International Workshop on Frontiers in Handwriting Recognition. – Universite de Rennes, 1 Oct 2006. – La Baule (France). – 2006.
  5. .., . ., . . β€œβ€. – .: , – 2013. – 272 c.
  6. , .. / .. , .. , .. // - . – .: - β€œβ€ . . .. . – 2015. – No4 (8). – cc. 64-68.
  7. Limonova E. E., Skoryukina N. S., Neyman-Zade M. I. Fast Hamming Distance Computation for 2D Art Recognition on VLIW-Architecture in Case of Elbrus Platform // ICMV 2018 / SPIE. 2019. . 11041. ISSN 0277-786X. ISBN 978-15-10627-48-2. 2019. . 11041. 110411N. DOI: 10.1117/12.2523101
  8. Goto, K. Anatomy of high-performance matrix multiplication / K. Goto, R.A. Geijn // ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software (TOMS) – 2008. – 34(3). – p.12.

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