Remote for business. We show, tell, connect


Our previous post was about BeeFREE , our remote work project that we launched in 2016 and continue to improve.

The recent transfer of many employees to a remote location has been perceived by all companies differently. Someone has already developed a remote work culture; employees are able to communicate and work normally. And for others, the situation is less joyful: work has slowed down, everything is new and difficult for employees, organizational and technical solutions for providing full access to critical work resources have not yet been chosen.

Therefore, we draw your attention to the fact that we have long and successfully run online training for entrepreneurs. In addition to training about udalenka, we talk about marketing and Beeline Promotion, CRM-system "Mobile Enterprise", IoT-technology and not only. Find out the details here .

Connect, talk about your tasks, difficulties, problems, and our speakers will give you recommendations on the air.

Everything is free, the duration of the courses is from 60 to 90 minutes.

How to organize a home-office without Corvalol

About: Find out what the benefits of telecommuting and why it suits most ordinary companies. The speakers will talk about the principles of organizing an effective remote office and the tools that will help you with this.

  • Why telecommuting will become a reality for most companies
  • What is the difference between a home office and a usual one in terms of organization of processes
  • How to organize work on a remote site without rush and panic
  • How to synchronize the work of employees

Speakers : Dmitry Prazdnikov (leading Beeline manager), Maria Popova (Head of Beeline Business Success Technologies online learning channel).

Link for registration.

Promotion - new customers with any budget

up-to-date schedule on the site

About: Platform for integrated business promotion, with which it is easy to advertise your products and find new customers. You will learn how to get accurate data about your audience, build a marketing strategy and launch effective advertising on the Internet and other channels.

  • How to run ads without marketers and specialized knowledge
  • How to build a marketing strategy for your company
  • Fancy ways to get ahead of competitors
  • Life hacks, how to increase the return on advertising with a limited budget

Speakers : Maria Popova, Oleg Nazarov (head of the department of product development for medium and small businesses).

Link for registration.

Fixed line services

current schedule on the site

About: Solutions for the organization of telephony, the Internet and mobile communications in the office and beyond. On the example of real companies, we demonstrate how to ensure uninterrupted communication with customers and employees for the benefit of the business.

  • How to receive all customer calls even with a heavy load on the line
  • How to attract even more targeted calls
  • How to stop losing money due to downtime
  • How to protect all operational data from loss and theft

Speakers : Maria Popova, Nadezhda Vasenkova, (Leading Fixed Product Marketing Manager).

Link for registration.

Internet of Things and Remote Monitoring

current schedule on the site

About: A set of solutions to track the work of remote employees, logistics and transport conditions. You will learn how to use cash registers within the framework of the law and reduce costs with the help of Unified Monitoring and Beeline OFD.

  • How to control employees "in the fields"
  • How to track vehicle location
  • How to reduce costs and streamline processes
  • How to legally use cash registers

Speakers : Maria Popova, Dmitry Marinin (Senior Product Development Manager, M2M and IoT at Beeline Business).

Link for registration.

Targeted SMS

About: Newsletters only to the “hottest audience”. You will learn to understand concepts such as targeting, conversion, and target audience. Learn how to use big data to choose the right audience for advertising communications. And in the end, you can promote your products faster and cheaper than through the usual advertising channels.

  • Why targeted SMSs work better than cold mailing
  • What are the benefits of targeted SMS compared to other ads?

Speakers : Maria Popova, Dmitry Rusov (Head of Innovative Products Management Department).

Link for registration.

Mobile Enterprise

About: A set of solutions for managing a business from anywhere in the world. Learn how to organize telephony without equipment and wires, automate workflows and track ad performance.

  • How to determine which ad is more effective
  • How to make sure that all work tasks are completed on time
  • How not to miss customer calls
  • How to attract more applications from the site

Speakers : Maria Popova, Dmitry Prazdnikov (Beeline lead manager).

Link for registration.

BeeCLOUD Virtual Data Center

current schedule on the site

About: Cloud data center, where you can remotely deploy all the necessary IT infrastructure. We explain how to make sure that all your systems work without interruptions, the data is safe, and customers can always get through and make an order.

  • How to make and store data backups correctly
  • How to reduce hardware and technical costs
  • How to ensure the smooth operation of equipment
  • How to save on equipment upgrades

Speakers : Maria Popova, Sergey Kondratyev (Head of Cloud Solutions).

Link for registration.

Get connected. In the yard in 2020, distant work in is not a whim of an employee or a whim, it is an objective reality. Especially in IT.

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