Is Slurm useful?

Slurmu a year and a half. Six intensives only at the basic Kubernetes course, plus Mega, DevOps, SRE and Agile - more than a thousand participants.

April 7 starts the “ Slurm Evening School: Kubernetes Basic Course ”, designed for 4 months of classes in the evenings (free theory webinars and paid practice). In May, the seventh Kubernetes Slurm will be held (online intensive, “like offline, online only”). Everything will be “off-line”: with voice chat, video communication, a “smoking room” in zoom, group work, dedicated mentors and technical support.

We declare that Slurm paves the way for Kubernetes projects and salary growth. Is it really?

We asked this question to the Slurm alumni. A year and a half is enough time to make noticeable changes in career, salary, work and tasks.

? « »: , . , , . : , Kubernetes , , , . : , .

, . , .

— , , Kubernetes, , . Quarantine. Quarantine Never Changes.


Kubernetes. 2019 , . — , .

Kubernetes ?

K8s , , . , . .

- " " — it-, Kubernetes , .

it- Kubernetes — , — « » , .

Kubernetes? ?

, K8s. , . Kubernetes — . , — , . , .

. : « », « », «», « . — », « . , - ».

Kubernetes :

1. . KVM/libvirt «» .
2. Operator SDK (+ api, job-).
3. — , , vendor lock .
4. , on prem. storage class. statefulset persistent volume . AWS .
5. — Persistent Storage, .
6. , , . , .
7. , , , , . , , , . , , , , .
8. OpenShift. .
9. k8s, .
10. Cert-manager, Ingress.

? , ?

. , . , IT — , . «»:

— , , .
— , , , , , , .

1. Kubernetes, , . , .
2. K8s fasttrack — . , . — , .
3. Kubernetes . . AWS (EKS) .
4. , , 2 = , .

5. best practice k8s. , .
6. Kubernetes . , .
7. , day-2 (.. , ), , . . , , . , , , . 146%. , - . , , . .

8. k8s. 100%.
9. , . , , , .
10. — , - , . SRE .
11. . , . , . , . .
12. , k8s. .
13. , k8s. . .
14. — , . . , . , . .

25 , : « « , , ». , , .

? , , ?

. . « ».

« ?»

1. , 80% , 2 ( , ), N , Patch Management Policy, ( 100 , ), Security BP.
2. . .
3. «», , k8s . .
4. . . ) , ( - :D).
5. .

6. , , Kubernetes , . Kubernetes , ECS + Fargate. Docker , Kubernetes, .
7. , .
8. — .
9. 7 , , . 40 . failover. , «» . . -, .
10. , . , Openshift. , , . 40%, , sre-.
11. , , .

26 4 " , ". — , .


«. , ». , — , , . — .

1. Dynamic environment, , HPA [], RBAC «». Blockchain as a Service , . -, DBaaS Heroku .
2. Tarantool ( + ) k8s.
3. )) , — //.
4. pipeline.
5. , , . , , Kubernetes, ECS.
6. (java). .
7. application Openshift, multitenant . stateful (postgre, redis, rabbit). . , . , . — , , .. . , .
8. 10 , aws onprem .
9. . .
10. , , . , .


« » — , . , - .

1. gitlab- (EE), helm, , OpenFAAS.
2. Gitlab, ceph, Prometheus, grafana, nexus.
3. Python, Service mesh, PostgreSQL, Helm, GitLab.
4. . , vagrant /ansible /vault pki /azure application insights ( ) + prometheus + zabbix ().

5. , , .
6. istio, actuator, gitlab ci.
7. ECS Kubernetes . Kubernetes ECS, . «» AWS-native , , Kubernetes.
8. Kubernetes+Helm.
9. postgresql, rabbit, redis. mongo, kafka, zookeeper, consul. , , , python, juby, nodejs, golang.
10. helm, rook-ceph, prometheus, java, spring-cloud-kubernetes.


. , , , .

1. Swarm.
2. Ceph, CI/CD.
3. Terraform, golang.
4. OpenShift, Project Pacific (, ).
5. Tarantool, Vault, Kafka.
6. Hashicorp vault + consul.
7. Gitlab ci, python, aws.
8. Istio.
9. , BigData. (Hadoop, Spark ). , , ( .. Kubernetes) . , .
10. Kafka, helm.
11. service mesh, canary/a\b deployments, helm , Openshift 4. SD-storage, gluster ceph.
12. , python golang. gitops.
13. Prometheus, clickhouse.
14. HashiCorp. Terraform/Packer/Vault.
15. Helm, Kubespray, Ceph.
16. RedHat, HP cloud.
17. k8s. .

, , ? - ?


, « » . . , , . - «------». - — .

1. .
2. . : , , ///.
3. .
4. , .
5. , . . ;)
6. .
7. . , . kubespray, . - , , , - , , , . , « ».
8. . )
9. Helm, cert-manager, .
10. , .
11. , . — , . , — , , - , . , , , . , , . , , . , - . , — , . , . — , . , ( , , , ).
12. «» , , , . )
13. . . 2 , . , .
14. . .

, ?

, .

, , « » , , — - , , , …

, . , , « » 7 20:00. , , . . !

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