Near-future communications technology trends

Technology continues to evolve despite any crises. Particularly active is the progress in telecommunications. Over time, business, government and ordinary people need increasingly reliable and fast communications. And the telecom industry has to meet the requirements. What will we see in the near future?

5G and WiFi 6

This is the most obvious trend. Analysts say this year, the total global 5G technology market will grow to $ 2.7 trillion. And the epidemic, most likely, will not affect this forecast in any way, since the need for fast communication channels continues to increase.

Many companies supply 5G equipment - these are Nokia, Samsung, Ericsson, Huawei, Zyxel, Qualcomm and others. Base stations for 5G have appeared for a long time, and now user devices with fifth-generation wireless chips are entering the market.

Zyxel LTE2566 Mobile Router WiFi 6 Develops

Similarly- the next generation of wireless communications. It is necessary in locations with the maximum concentration of devices with wireless communication modules. These can be large companies, public places - airports, restaurants, parks, as well as industrial facilities where the Internet of things is actively used.

Access points with appropriate wireless access are produced by Zyxel, TP-Link, D-Link, Samsung.

Zyxel 802.11ax Dual Band Unified Access Point (WiFi 6)

Satellite Internet

This year, the Starlink satellite network deployed by SpaceX is likely to work. Now in orbit there are already several hundred satellites that previously demonstrated their operability. According to the plan, SpaceX will launch about 12 thousand satellites into the low Earth orbit, and possibly more.

Unfortunately, the second company, which was planning to deploy its own network of satellites in orbit, recently declared itself bankrupt. It's about OneWeb. Bankruptcy is voluntary, management announced it on March 27 in a press release. Most likely, the problem is competition from Amazon and SpaceX, as well as Russia's refusal to issue the right frequencies to the company. Plus, factors such as coronavirus (you won’t erase words from the song) and the global economic crisis associated with the epidemic came into play.

But be that as it may, Amazon is developing another satellite network, which is doing very well despite the crisis. The company has already announced that it will begin providing satellite services after the launch of the first 578 satellites. And SpaceX is already close to launching its own satellite infrastructure, so this year we should hear about launching it in production mode.

Distribution of AI processors for communication devices

Machine learning technologies are developing at a rapid pace. Now there are new AI processors that have become possible to install on smartphones, tablets, corporate devices.

But the model of peripheral computing on the infrastructure of the telecom operator (far edge) also began to spread actively. This is an architecture in which computing processes are performed in mini-data centers close to the end user. Now peripheral calculations through telecom operators are made within 50 kilometers from the final recipient of the service .

According to the forecast, this year the revenue of the peripheral computing market through the telecom operator will reach $ 21 billion.

Promotion of service robots

Unlike industrial robots, service appeared relatively recently. The vast majority travel with wheels. Some have manipulators, others do not. They are needed for transporting goods, checking loading lines at the enterprise, working in logistics, etc.

Previously, their use was limited, because there were no technologies to control robots centrally and at a great distance. Various factors interfered, including the limited bandwidth of the communication channels.

With the advent of 5G, as we mentioned above, the problem is removed. So, the density of terminals in a 5G network can reach 1 million devices per 1 sq. m. So, in a large enterprise with an area of ​​10 thousand square meters. m to a similar network can connect 10 thousand devices. But in a 4G network - only 607 devices. We can say that the problem of maintaining a stable connection with the service mobile robots has been solved.

And this means expanding the areas where service robots are used and increasing the number of robots themselves. And household or industrial robots will also get a second wind thanks to 5G and Wi-Fi 6.

Content Delivery Networks

Yes, this is another actively growing trend, especially in quarantine. Content delivery networks, CDNs, are supplying consumers with more and more games, high-quality video, etc. According to forecasts, by 2022, 72% of total Internet traffic will pass through the CDN, while in 2017 this figure was 56%.

Online video game developers and CDN owners are slowly moving towards a new generation of streaming media.

In addition, operators of 5G networks play an important role, since in two years about 12% of mobile traffic will go to 5G networks.

CND providers, however, will have to gradually solve such important problems as expanding network bandwidth, increasing capacity, improving the quality of services, forecasting demand. In the context of the epidemic and the corresponding increase in traffic consumption, telecom operators and content providers have to find solutions to this situation, which leads to the growth and development of the telecommunications industry.

In addition to the above trends, technologies related to telemedicine, online training, and remote work will also be actively developed.

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